Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

SMAPファンの皆さんへ③:エビ中で笑顔になりませんか? A Suggestion to the Fans of SMAP③: Why Don’t You be happy with Ebichu’s Songs

 SMAPの初期の曲を聴くと自然と笑顔になります。出だしから吹き出しそうになる「正義の味方はあてにならない」や、不器用な関西弁の「Hey Hey おおきに毎度あり」など、コミカルな曲もあるし、「ベストフレンド」のように自分の気持ちを素直に伝えられない若者らしさに笑顔になってしまう曲もあります。そうした曲と、クールな曲とのギャップがまたすごくて、その振れ幅の大きさが、そのまま魅力の大きさに反映されています。

 It somehow makes me smile when I listen to SMAP’s earlier songs. There are quite comical songs like ‘Seigi no Mikata wa Ate ni Naranai’ which makes me burst out laughing from the beginning, ‘Hey Hey Okini Maido Ari’ singing in the awkward Kansai dialect, plus some songs like ‘Best Friend’ makes me smile because I feel empathy with the boy in its lyrics, who can’t express his feelings honestly. The bigger the gaps between the songs like that and some other songs very cool are, the more this group becomes fascinating.


みんなのうた ベストフレンド


 On this point, I can say Ebichu has the same quality as SMAP does. Ebichu has a lot of songs that make you smile. There are so many songs which makes you not only giggle but also burst into laughter in the end. In addition to the songs like that, they sometimes sing songs so cool exhilarating me.  

私立恵比寿中学 「明日もきっと70点 feat.東雲めぐ」MV



 Both SMAP and Ebichu have overcome many adversities and that’s why they make us laugh ore moved deeply. They are trustworthy so we can empathize with them. It’s strange, the more I cheer them, the more I feel encouraged.


 I found each member of SMAP is now active in many spheres like movie, play, YouTube and so on. I’m looking forward to a movie called ‘Midnight Swan’ starring Kusanagi Tsuyoshi, which will be released on the 25th this month. I long for the five members to sing on stage together some time in the future. 















SMAPファンの皆さんへ②:エビ中の曲を聴いてみませんか? A Suggestion to the Fans of SMAP②: Why Don’t You Give Ebichu’s Songs a Try

 SMAPの楽曲のよさを改めて意識したのは、2006年のアルバム「Pop Up! SMAP」でした。それまでも、「がんばりましょう」や「しようよ」、「SHAKE」、「セロリ」など、大好きな曲はたくさんありました。でも、アルバム1枚ちゃんと聴いたのは、「Pop Up! SMAP」が初めてでした。全曲気に入って、アルバムの完成度の高さを実感しました。驚いたのは、作詞、作曲、編曲に関わっておられる方たちの多様な顔ぶれでした。自分が当時よく聴いていたSOFFetMONKEY MAJIKの他、HOME MADE 家族Aqua Timezなど、当時のシーンの最前線の音がそこにありました。このアルバムの中でも特に好きだった「STAY」が、2016年のベストアルバムで、ファン投票一位で選ばれた時には喜びました。

 It was not until I listened to the album called ‘Pop Up! SMAP’ released in 2016 that I really recognized how good the songs by SMAP are. Before that, there were songs by SMAP that I liked very much, too, for example, ‘Ganbarimasho’, ‘Shiyoyo’, ‘SHAKE’, ‘Celery’ and so on. However, it was ‘Pop Up! SMAP’ that I listened to an album by SMAP properly for the first time. I came to like all the tracks and realized that the album reached a high degree of perfection. What I was surprised by was the wide variety of artists are concerned in this album in some ways such as a songwriter, composer, and arranger. In addition to some artists that I listened to at that time like SoFFet and MONKEY MAJIK, I also found some other artists that are up-and-coming musicians such as HOME MADE KAZOKU, Aqua Timez and so on, on the music scene then. I was glad when a song called ‘STAY’, which I loved best among the tracks in the album, won the first place in the fan voting for their greatest hits album in 2016. 

Pop Up!SMAP (通常盤)

Pop Up!SMAP (通常盤)

  • アーティスト:SMAP
  • 発売日: 2006/07/26
  • メディア: CD


【SMAP】アルバムメドレー2006 (Pop Up!SMAP)

 楽曲のよさというのは、エビ中も同じです。こんなによい楽曲に恵まれているアイドルも珍しいと思います。自分が初めて聴いたエビ中のアルバムは「MUSiC」でした。岡崎体育さん作曲の1曲目、Family Complexからもう打ちのめされました。大好きな吉澤嘉代子さん、Mrs. GREEN APPLE大森元貴さんの名前も見えます。極めつけは、宮藤官九郎さん作詞の「元気しかない!」で、めちゃくちゃ笑えるいい曲です。クドカンといえば、SMAPファンにとっては「BANG! BANG! バカンス!」が浮かぶに違いありません。「元気しかない!」も負けないぐらいいい曲です。

 Ebichu is also blessed with good songs. In my opinion, there is no idol group that is blessed with such good songs except Ebichu. It was the album called ‘MUSiC’ that I listened to an album by Ebichu for the first time. I was soon overwhelmed by the first track, ‘Family Complex’ written by Okazaki Taiiku. I saw the names of some other artists, too, such as Yoshizawa Kayoko, my favorite singer, Omori Motoki, a member of Mrs Green Apple, and so on. The song I was impressed by most was ‘Genki shika Nai’ whose lyrics were written by Kudou Kankuro, plus this song is so hilarious and also catchy. Speaking of Kudokan, his name reminds the fans of SMAP of a song called ‘Bang! Bang! Vacances!’ for sure. ‘Genki shika Nai’ is as good as that.   

MUSiC(初回生産限定盤A)(Blu-ray Disc付)


SMAP Mr.Sコンサート BANG BANGバカンス

私立恵比寿中学 「元気しかない!」MV



 At the end of the last year, on December 18, Ebichu released an album called ‘playlist’ and you can see the names of some artists such as Vickeblanka, Ishizaki Huey, Kawatani Enon and so on who play leading roles in the current music scene. This album is also full of good songs. Right after that, I was surprised that another artist released an album which gave the same impression as the Ebichu’s did. The album was ‘20200101’ by Katori Shingo, a member of SMAP.  This album is also a collaboration of many artists like BiSH, Suda Keina, WONK and so on, who are up-and-coming musicians in the current scene, and I was into all the tracks.

 To be continued.  

20200101 (初回限定・観るBANG!)(特典なし)

20200101 (初回限定・観るBANG!)(特典なし)

  • アーティスト:香取慎吾
  • 発売日: 2020/01/01
  • メディア: CD


playlist(初回生産限定盤A)(Blu-ray Disc付)(特典なし)

playlist(初回生産限定盤A)(Blu-ray Disc付)(特典なし)











SMAPファンの皆さんへ:エビ中のMVを観てみませんか?  A Suggestion to the Fans of SMAP: Why Don’t You Give Ebichu’s MVs a Try

 自分は男ですが、SMAPが大好きです。コンサートに行ったことはないので、大ファンとまでは言い切れません。ただ、SMAPの楽曲が大好きで、ほとんどの曲は聴いています。ふだんの会話でもし、好きなドラマは、と聞かれたときの答えには、草彅さん主演の「僕の生きる道」が必ず入ります。DVD化してほしいドラマは、中居正広さん主演「味いちもんめ」です。復活してほしいテレビ番組は、迷わず「ナカイの窓」です。ABEMATVの「#ななにー 新しい別の窓」も毎月楽しみにしています。今年の上半期のベストアルバムには、香取慎吾さんの「20200101」を選びます。そして、復活してほしいグループはもちろんSMAPです。

 Although I’m a guy, I love SMAP, a Japanese male idol band. I can’t say I’m a big fan of them because I’ve never been to their concert. Even so, I love their songs and I’ve listened to nearly all of them. If someone asked me about my favorite dramas, and one of my answers would be ‘Boku no Ikiru Michi’ starring Kusanagi Tsuyoshi. There is a drama that I want it to be released in the form of DVD and it is ‘Aji Ichimonme’ starring Nakai Masahiro. There is a TV program which has already wound up but I want it to restart and the name of it is ‘Nakai no Mado’. I enjoy the online TV program called ‘Nananii Atarashii Betsu no Mado’ by AMEMATV every month. I will choose ‘20200101’ by Katori Shingo as the best album in the first half of this year. And the band that I want them to resume their activity is, of course, SMAP






 What is the particular appeal of SMAP? In short, they are the sort of band that they are worth cheering. Each member doesn’t have, in my opinion, a n aura as a big star. I somehow feel clumsiness in their characters so I feel like supporting them. I guess some people who has watched them since they appeared in a TV program called ‘Yume ga Mori Mori’ feel that way all the more. However, once they start to sing together, they are so cool. Even so, the feeling they make you have is a bit different from the sense of unity. What you can see there is the exquisite harmony of the charms that each of them turns on to the most. I believe we are overwhelmed by the dazzling brightness of their colors.

私立恵比寿中学 『ジャンプ』MV



 The appeal of SMAP is the same as that of Ebichu. I know it is controversial to compare a young idol group to a national star. However, you may find Ebichu have the same quality as SMAP had when they appeared in Yume ga Mori Mori. This much I can say with confidence. Ebichu’s performance brings the same feeling of satisfaction as SMAP does. I know, of course, the size of the concert venue and the stage production are incomparable. Even so the enthusiasm for singing and dancing of each member of Ebichu is second to none. The point is that the feeling of satisfaction I feel as a result of supporting them enthusiastically is the same as the one I feel toward SMAP.

 They have other similarities. I’ll talk about that next time.

紅の詩 私立恵比寿中学 ちゅうおん2018

私立恵比寿中学 「MUSiCフェス ~私立恵比寿中学開校10周年記念 in 赤レンガ倉庫~」LIVE映像



B級ぽいけどよい映画:「なんちゃって家族」(2013 アメリカ) A movie that looks B-grade but is actually good: ‘We’re the Millers’(2013 America)


 I guess it must be quite difficult to translate the title of some foreign films into Japanese. If you try to translate them literally, sometimes you can’t find proper Japanese words or sometimes it might be something mediocre. The one who is in charge of it and people concerned may have a hard time doing it so that the Japanese title stirs up people’s interest.

1/25公開 映画『なんちゃって家族』予告編  

 そんな苦労の跡がにじむようなタイトルの映画を観ました。2013年のアメリカ映画、「なんちゃって家族」です。言葉としては、十分に可笑しみはありますが、映画のタイトルとしては、なんとなくB級感が薫ります。原題は「We’re the Millers」で、直訳すると「我らミラー一家」でしょうか。やっぱりそのままでは冴えません。時間の無駄かもと思いながら、アマゾンプライムでのかなりの高評価を信じて視聴しました。

 I saw a movie that you can tell from the title they made a strenuous effort to translate it. The title of the Movie is ‘Nanchatte Kazoku (A Pseudo-Family)’, an American movie in 2013. The Japanese title sounds funny enough as an expression but it also sounds somewhat B-grade as a movie title. The original title is ‘We’re the Millers’ and it’s literal translation could be ‘Warera Miller Ikka’. That is not so impressive. I had a feeling that it might be a waste of time, even so I gave it a try because the movie has collected a lot of favorable reviews at Amazon Prime Video.    


 A dull-looking middle aged guy named David Clark living in Denver is a marijuana dealer. One day he happens to see a girl being attacked by delinquents on the street. He is a sort of softhearted person so he tried to help her and ended up being robbed of his stash and the day’s takings. His drug supplier Brad Gurdlinger forces him to take on a job as compensation for the loss. The job is smuggling marijuana across the border from Mexico. David comes up with an idea of pretending a family trip by an RV to go through customs. He somehow talked some people such as Rose, a stripper who lives in the same flat as David does, Kenny, a weak-willed boy, and Casey, a runaway girl who has no place to stay, into the job. Then this pseudo-family called the Millers set out on a journey full of incident.   



 The incidents that happen in their journey are really hilarious. They are just a patchwork bogus family so they are fighting constantly. Although Gurdlinger informed them that the amount of marijuana is a smidge, actually it is so huge that it barely fits into their RV. You perhaps can’t stop laughing because his helpless expression due to the incidents happening one after another are so hilarious. Sure enough, the Millers, the bogus family, somehow end up being bound by strong ties, even stronger than that of ordinary ones. And the ending is unexpectedly heartwarming. I was moved to tears in spite of myself. I wanted to give an unnecessary standing ovation.

 I can highly recommend this movie to people who like a sort of movie that is not only hilarious but also touching. 




なんちゃって家族 (字幕版)

なんちゃって家族 (字幕版)

  • 発売日: 2014/05/21
  • メディア: Prime Video


予想を超えた面白ドラマ:「MIU404」の感想② 菅田将暉さんの悪役ぶりヤバい A Drama That Is More Amusing Than I Expected: My Impression of ‘MIU404’② The Performance by Suda Masaki, Who Plays the Villain, is Totally Awesome


 In addition to the attractiveness of the two stars, what makes this drama more enjoyable is other actors and some guest stars.



 Each of the regular characters, played by such as Okada Kenshi, Hashimoto Jun, Aso Kumiko and so on, has his or her own trait and background and they make the story wider and deeper. Some other actors, Kurokawa Tomoka, Kohinata Fumiyo, and Namase Katsuhisa, who appears only several times make the plots not only complicated but also make the viewers empathize with the two stars all the more.     

 ゲスト出演で個性豊かなミュージシャンが出演しているのには、制作側の遊び心を感じます。第3話では犯罪者役として岡崎体育さんが出演され、見事な演技を披露されていました。また、第7話ではKing Gnuの井口理さんが、デリバリーサービスの配達員として、犯人の追跡に協力するというユニークな役柄を演じていました。

 There’s one thing that makes me feel the playful spilits of the people who produce this drama and it is the fact that some musicians quite eccentric, in a good sense of course, appeared as guest stars. Okazaki Taiiku showed up in the third episode as a criminal and performed it so well. And, in the seventh episode, Iguchi Satoru a member of the band called King Gnu played a unique role, a deliveryman, who ends up helping police arrest the culprit.




 There is an actor who is just a guest star but almost overwhelming the two stars. The actor’s name is Suda Masaki. He plays an important role to lead the drama to its climax. He is a villain. He is so scary. He is so terrible. He is such an evil guy that he gives me butterflies in the stomach even though I know justice will prevail. A great actor is, in my opinion, someone who can play a wide variety of roles from the nicest person to the most wicked one. He is exactly an actor like that.

 I can’t wait to watch the last episode. 




予想を超えた面白ドラマ:「MIU404」の感想① A Drama That Is More Amusing Than I Expected: My Impression of ‘MIU404’


 主演の二人、大好きな俳優なのに、初めはあんまりノレませんでした。でも、回を追うごとにどんどん印象が変わって行きました。今や今週の最終回がどうなるのか待ちどおしいと同時に、もう終わるのかと残念に思っています。TBS で毎週金曜夜10時放送、星野源さん、綾野剛さんダブル主演のドラマ「MIU 404」、めちゃくちゃ面白いです。

 I was not so interested in this drama at first even though the two stars are my favorite actors. However, my impression has changed every time I watched it. Now I can’t wait to see how the drama will end and, at the same time, I feel it ends too soon. The drama costarring Hoshino Gen and Ayano Go, which is broadcast at 10 p.m. every Friday night on TBS, is extremely amusing.  

『MIU404』9/4(金) 次回 最終回!! 15分拡大スペシャル【TBS】


 Both Shima Kazumi played by Hosino Gen and Ibuki Ai played by Ayano Go are the members of the Mobile Investigative Unit (MIU) of TMPD. MIU is a real unit that is in charge of the initial stage of the investigation so they are the first to arrive at the scene of a crime in Tokyo.


 Shima is an efficient detective who once belonged to the First Investigation Division but he somehow feels guilty about the death of his former subordinate. What is depicted in the first episode is a story about Shima teaming up with Ibuki who is assigned MIU from a police box in Okutama. All he hears about Ibuki from the people who knows him is only bad things apart from the fact that he runs very fast. Shima finds that Ibuki is an emotional guy who acts on his hunch, exactly opposite of Shima who is very rational. They sometimes conflict with each other and sometimes help each other in the initial investigation. Every time a case occurs ibuki tends to empathize with the victims or sometimes even the criminals so he easily tries to make further investigations. Shima is always impatient at him but also comes to know that the Ibuki’s hunch leads to resolving the cases. Shima finally ends up doing more reckless things than Ibuki does.            



 At first I didn’t like Ibuki’s character. That’s because the character is totally different from my image of Ayano Go. However, the great performance by Ayano Go drives away that feelings. I really like the character of the detective Ibuki.

 To be continued. 





エビ中を聴いた外国人の反応は?④: YouTuber Max and Sujy react to「紅の詩」 How do foreigners react to Ebichu's songs④: YouTuber Max and Sujy react to "Kurenai no Uta"


(6'08~ ギターソロ the guitarist plays solo)

Sujy: Fire!


Max: Their voices are so different…from each other 




Max: Wow…


Sujy: Stomachache…


Max: Stomachache? What do you mean?


Sujy: Because, seriously like, I’m watching the concert. I can see, It feels so real the way they sing like I even I want to breathe. I can feel that when they are breathing, something like that.


Max: I don’t know where to breathe. Because the last part is so tough to say. Damn, I cannot talk about the the vocaloid star. I cannot think about that, when they pour emotions.


Sujy: Oh, I love their style.



(真山りかの歌い方を見て watching Mayama Rika singing)

Max: Ohh, eh,ohhh!


Sujy: She is the sexiest one, it’s true.



(柏木ひなたの歌い方を見て watching Kashiwagi Hinata singing)

Max: To me she is the most…pretty. The first one that sings at the beginning. But they are all really pretty.



(曲が終わって after the song)

Max: Oh, I love their style. Amazing!


Sujy: Yeah, this is quite unexpecting, because

 you know, like I said, before I saw the video, I thought it’s gonna be like Japanese pop, like normal... 


Max: Because we heard J-pop, right? Yeah, and we thought it's like, maybe like K-pop. But I don’t even consider, pop, I consider more like rock, … vocaloid, something like that.   


Sujy: Even the way, they like create the stage, also quite dark, and the way they dress is, everything is dark and the ways, say, it’s kind of, you know it’s like, my image, something like that even it’s gonna be like the school thing?


Max: Because there is no sassy moment, but there's also those, very badness. 


Sujy: The vocalists are killing everyone.


Max: I think a lot of men will love that style though. it’s not just women, I think probably men are gonna watch this kind of band a lot. If they're compared to a K-pop group maybe that's gonna fantasize. It’s probably interesting, into it, so catchy one listening together also, wow thank you for the amazing suggestion with us discovering new group today.


Sujy: Yeah!


Max: Thank you for watching everyone, and now, see you very soon.


Sujy: Bye-bye!

Max: Bye-bye!


 聞き取れないところもあったし、きっと誤訳だらけだと思います。気付いたところはぜひご指摘いただけたら嬉しいです。でもリスニングの勉強になりました。マックスさんとスージーさんはエビ中にハマったようで、「HOT UP!!!」も最近取り上げています。

 There are some parts that I couldn't catch and there must be a lot of mistakes for sure. It would be great if you tell me about the mistakes you can find. However, I believe this experince did me much good. Max and Sujy seem to be into Ebichu's songs, so they took up 'HOT UP!!!' by Ebichu the other day. 

Foreigners React to EBICHU - HOT UP!!! (Ebichu Pride LIVE Concert, 2018)







  • provided courtesy of iTunes