Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

最高のクリスマスムービー:「エルフ 〜サンタの国からやってきた〜」(2003) A Wonderful Christmas Movie: ‘Elf’ (2003)

 探していたクリスマスがここにあります。数あるクリスマス映画の中でも、特別な一つだと思います。クリスマス映画「エルフ 〜サンタの国からやってきた〜」は思い切り笑って同じくらい泣ける、すてきなファンタジーコメディです。

 You may find the Christmas that you’ve been looking for here. This is something special among Christmas films. The Christmas movie called ‘Elf’ is a fabulous comedy movie which makes you laugh and also cry a lot.

Elf (2003) Official Trailer


 The story starts with a scene in an orphanage. An adorable baby is on his crib in a room late at night on Christmas Eve while other people are fast asleep, a figure comes into the room from the fireplace, and that was surely Santa Claus. The baby crawls into Santa’s sack as Santa was taking a bite of a piece of cookie as proof of visiting there. Santa unwittingly takes the baby back to the toy factory where elves are working in the North Pole, and ends up leaving him with the manager. The human baby, who is named Buddy, grows up twice as fast as elves and becomes far bigger than them. He is still not good at making toys even at the age of 30, so Santa finally reveals the fact that Buddy is a human and his father lives in New York. Then Santa reveals another shocking fact that his father is on the naughty list. Buddy set out from the North Pole to New York with both misgivings and expectation to meet his father for the first time…….      


 The mere fact that a guy who is still on the naughty list in spite of his age makes me laugh. However, even a good person cannot accept an unknown middle-aged guy who suddenly appears in a costume of an elf calling him father with familiarity. I laughed heartily until I cried as I watched Buddy, who is a man of large build even as a human, trying this way and that in vain to make up to Walter, the name of his father. As might be expected of a guy who is on the naughty list, he gives his work priority over his family life so he is not trusted by his wife and his son. Walter recommends him to work in the toy department to try to avoid him. In the Christmas selling season, the shop clerks are in elf costume and even a bogus Santa is there, so Buddy has many misunderstandings  and causes a lot of troubles so you can’t stop laughing even more.


 To be continued. 



  • 発売日: 2015/12/01
  • メディア: Prime Video





笑顔になるクリスマスソング:ENJOY MUSIC CLUB 「クリスマスをしようよ」  A Christmas Song that Makes Me Smile: `Christmas wo Shiyoyo` by ENJOY MUSIC CLUB


 A mere listen to the introduction makes me smile. I can’t help moving by the rhythm of the bass which reminds me of the Motown sound. Then the rap starts, and I end up bursting out laughing due to its extraordinarily easygoing atmosphere.  



  • Enjoy Music Club
  • ヒップホップ/ラップ
  • ¥255
  • provided courtesy of iTunes

記念日 誕生日 とか別に
どうでもいい タイプなのに
階段 1段 飛ばしの私
かなり 最近 浮ついてる証

 I don’t care about anniversary, birthday, etc.

 I’m the sort of person to say something like that

 I run up the steps two at a time

 It’s a clear proof of me being in a festive mood

クリスマス 混んでる街
そんなの考えるだけで うんざり
普通のデートなんて 嫌なり

 Christmas is drawing near and the downtown is crowded

 The mere thought of it makes me tired

 I’m not interested in an ordinary date at all

 My favorite warlord is Ishida Mitsunari for sure



 I was fascinated by the winter neon signs without knowing it

 I’m like spellbound by them

 An ordinary couple have an ordinary date

 Maybe it’s not so bad


魂 こめて 編んでるマフラー
意外すぎでしょ 腰抜かしてね
頼むよ ねえ 私のサンタ
期待してるわ 完璧プランを
 I’m knitting a muffler for you with all my heart

 You think it’s unlike me, right? Please be surprised overly

 I beg you, my Santa Craus

 I expect you to make a perfect plan


待ち合わせは ローソンで
先に 見つけて 名前を呼んで
いい日になるよう 願ってる
 We arranged to meet at the Lawson

 You’ll find me first and call my name

 I’ll pretend not to notice it

 I hope it will be a good day


私 君を待っているわ
 Let’s have our own Christmas

 It’s snowing in town

 Let’s have our own Christmas

 I’m waiting for you


 なんて力の抜けた、それでいて強引なラップでしょう。韻を踏むためには、石田三成まで持ち出します。待ち合わせはローソンです。こんなに生活感あふれるクリスマスソングも珍しいと思います。前回取り上げたダニー・ハサウェイの「This Christmas」との隔たりを思うとまた可笑しくなってきます。

 How relaxed the mood of the lyrics is! Plus, anything goes in it. You can see even the name of a warlord called Ishida Mitsunari there.The place they arranged to meet is LAWSON, a convenience store. It may be rare for a  Christmas song to have such lyrics about ordinary life. I can’t help but smile again as I realize how different this song is from the song ‘This Christmas’ by Donny Hathaway I mentioned last time.  

 この曲は、先日取り上げたラップ・グループ、ENJOY MUSIC CLUBのファーストアルバム「FOREVER」(2015)に収録されています。このキュートな声のラッパーはプラスチック米さんという女性です。演奏はHomecomingsと知って驚きました。平賀さち枝さんとのコラボでは、アコースティックなフォークサウンドを奏でていたのを覚えています。アルバム自体とっても楽しくて、秀逸な出来栄えです。

 This song is contained in an album called ‘FOREVER’, which is the first album by ENJOY MUSIC CLUB, the rap trio I mentioned the other day. The rapper whose voice is so cute is a woman called Plastic Mai. I was surprised when I learn that the band who played the music is Homecomings. I remember they played acoustic, folk sound in collaboration with Hiraga Sachie. The album itself is so enjoyable that I can call it a superb work. 




大好きなクリスマスソング:ダニー・ハサウェイ「This Christmas」 My Favorite Christmas Songs: This Christmas by Donny Hathaway

 キャッチーな曲ばかり聴きがちです。お気楽でたぶんに幼稚な自分は、シリアスでやや内省的に響くダニー・ハサウェイの楽曲にはそんなに惹かれません。でも、この曲は別です。1970年リリースのシングル、「This Christmas」は、数あるクリスマスソングの中でも大好き、とやかましく言いたい1曲です。

 I tend to listen to songs that are so catchy. I’m an easygoing, childish kind of person, so I don’t like Donny Hathaway’s songs, most of which are quite serious and introspective, so much. However this song is something special.  The song called ‘This Christmas’, released in 1970, is a Christmas song that I can’t help emphasizing that this is my favorite Christmas song among others. 

Donny Hathaway - This Christmas (Official Audio)

Hang all the mistletoe

I’m gonna get to know you better

This Christmas

And as we trim the tree

How much fun it’s gonna be together

This Christmas


 君のこと もっとわかるよ






Fireside is blazing bright

We’re caroling through the night

And this Christmas will be

A very special Christmas for me



 やっぱりそう このクリスマスは



Presents and cards are here

My world is filled with cheer, and you

This Christmas

And as I look around

Your eyes outshine the town, they do

This Christmas


 僕の世界に 歓びが そして君があふれている



 君の瞳は 街の灯りよりも輝いているんだ



Fireside blazing bright

We’re caroling through the night

And this Christmas will be

A very special Christmas for me



 やっぱりそう このクリスマスは




 I had an impression that the introduction, which starts with a subdued but colorful sound by horn section, is not like Christmas song at first listen. Even so, believe me, you will be wrapped in that merry atmosphere, which is something special you only feel for a couple of weeks before Christmas, right after he starts singing. Unlike the standard Christmas songs, the lyrics of this song is obviously about love between him and his girlfriend.


 This song became popular in 1972 after two years had passed since its release. It was not contained in any albums originally, but eventually added as a bonus track to his second album called ‘Donny Hathaway’ (originally released in 1971) when the album was released as CD in 1993. It was the time when the Free Soul Movement grew so it became popular again. I’m also became interested in Donny Hathaway through some Free Soul compilation albums which contained songs by Roberta Flack, Curtis Mayfield, and other musicians related to him.   





This Christmas

This Christmas

  • 発売日: 2011/08/08
  • メディア: MP3 ダウンロード








地方民もノレる東京ソング:ENJOY MUSIC CLUB「東京で考え中」 A Song about Tokyo That Exhilarates Even a Country Bumpkin Like Me: ‘Tokyo de Kangaechu’ by ENJOY MUSIC CLUB

 渋谷系フリーソウルといった80年代後半から90年代の懐かしさが薫ります。3人組のラッパーという以外何も知らない、このENJOY MUSIC CLUBですが、とってもキャッチーでフラワーな楽曲に惹かれます。特にこの「東京で考え中」は、東京ソングが苦手な自分でも、思わずノセられる素敵な曲です。

 It reminds me of some sort of music in the 80’s or 90’s like Shibuya Key, Free Soul movement or something like that. What I only know about ENJOY MUSIC CLUB is that it is a rap trio, and I’m somehow attracted by their songs which are so catchy and peaceful. This song ‘Tokyo de Kangaechu’ is so lovely that I’m enthralled by it in spite of me, even though I don’t like the songs singing about Tokyo. 





ほにゃらら フフフ




 I’m thinking things over in Tokyo

 I’m whining as usual today

 Mixing up frivolousness and seriousness

  Blah-blah-blah Hu-hu-hu

 I’ll dance with my earthly desires

 It’ll be too simple if I put it into words

 I’m thinking over things in Tokyo




条件追加で 減る選択肢

始まるらしい ふたり暮らし

どうも 他人事 モード



許容マックス ギリのギリ 未来でしょ

衛星に聞いてみた 位置情報

マップ上 青い点 今 どこ?

空に昇って 真夜中のツイッター

まだ起きてる 調子どう? みんな

大盛り無料で また後悔

「ちょうどいい」が わからない オーライ

あいも変わらず リトルトゥース

なんてことない 君のブルース

 I’m always checking SUUMO

 My property which gets plenty of sunlight

 The more terms, the less choices

 We seem to start living together

 It seems to be someone else’s business

 It seems to be a turning point in my life though

 The weather forecast for this afternoon is just right

 It will be the least thing that I can call future

 I asked the satellite about my location information

 Where am I, the blue dot on the map, right?

 I soar up into the sky to tweet in middle of the night

 Are you still up? What’s up, everybody?

 The large portion cost the same as the normal and I ended up regretting

 I don’t know how much I should have, alright

 The same old little tooth





ほにゃらら フフフ




 I’m thinking over things in Tokyo

 I’m whining as usual today

 Mixing up frivolousness and seriousness

  Blah-blah-blah Hu-hu-hu

 I’ll dance with my earthly desires

 It’ll be too simple if I put it into words

 I’m thinking over things in Tokyo


 ところどころ、懐かしい音がサンプリング風に入ります。De La Soulスチャダラパー、そしてフリッパーズ・ギターあたりが好きな人にはきっとささります。キャッチーという点ではけして引けをとりません。カッコよさとか小難しさとは無縁なラップです。とにかくハッピーでフラワーな空気に癒されます。

 You will find some old phrases in places sounding like sampling. I suppose you may get into this song if you like De La Soul, Scha Dara Parr, or Flipper’s Guitar. It is as catchy as the songs by them. This rap song has nothing to do with coolness or difficulty. You’ll be soothed by the happy, peaceful atmosphere.

 にしてもENJOY MUSIC CLUBってどんな人たちなんでしょう。サブスクでは彼らの曲をたくさん聴くことができます。遊び心あふれる曲が多くて、思わず笑顔になります。でも、この3人組がどんな人たちなのか、ネットで調べてもあんまりわかりません。とっても気になるグループです。

 By the way, what is this ENJOY MUSIC CLUB like? You can listen to their songs easily on the streaming services. Many of their songs are in a playful mood and I can’t help smiling. Even so, I cannot find much about this trio on the internet. I’m so interested in them.





  • 発売日: 2019/05/09
  • メディア: MP3 ダウンロード







優しい歌:関取花さん「あなたがいるから」 A Song That Soothes You: ‘Anata ga Irukara’


 I love the voice of Sekitori Hana. Such a relaxed, soothing voice is almost incomparable to others’ voices. The song called ‘Anata ga Irukara’ released on November 5th is the one that makes you feel how good her voice is. 



  • 関取 花
  • J-Pop
  • ¥255
  • provided courtesy of iTunes

 夕焼けが綺麗だと 見せたくなる人がいる

 夜の星をなぞりながら 思い浮かべてる名前がある

  I have someone in mind to show the beautiful sky at sunset

  I have a name in mind connecting the stars with my finger


 どんな些細な出来事も 分け合いたい人がいる

  I have someone in mind to share anything trivial


 当たり前にそばに あなたがいてくれるだけで

 ありきたりな僕の 毎日は輝いて

  If you are here with me as usual

  My everyday life could be something special


 彼女が作るメロディーも歌詞も同じ様にやさしさにあふれています。ちょっと生きるのに疲れたときに、そっと寄り添ってくれるような素敵な響きがここにあります。沁みるようなギターの調べに載せたこの歌詞は、ふだんは気付かない、身近な人の大切さをあらためて知らせてくれます。この歌は「感謝離 ずっと一緒に」という映画の主題歌でもあるようです。

 The melodies and the lyrics that she makes are also very soothing. You will find them comforting especially when you are tired of living. The lyrics which go on the heartwarming guitar phrase makes you feel how precious the people around you, who you usually don’t care.  This song is the theme song of a movie called ‘Kanshari, Zutto Issyoni’.

愛妻への思い、尾藤イサオ×中尾ミエW主演・主題歌は関取 花/映画『感謝離 ずっと一緒に』予告編


 Whenever I listen to her albums, I’m almost overwhelmed by the wide range of her songs, from one very powerful to one sarcastically humorous. She is a really skillful singer who can entertain an audience with an acoustic guitar, so I’m looking forward to going to her concert someday. 





色褪せない曲:東京事変「群青日和」 A Song That Never Fades: ‘Gunjo Biyori’ by TOKYO JIHEN


  This is one of the masterpieces in the 21st century. There must have been many people who was exhilarated when this song was sung in the TV program called FNS Music Festival the other day.

【1080P】 東京事変 - 群青日和 (FNS第2夜)







  it is raining heavily in Shinjuku

     I don’t know where you are

  It is getting colder in blue in Tokyo

  I have no strategy

  I don’t know where I am

  My brain absorbs raindrops to dry







  ‘I feel like crying and the series of that feelings bring rains in winter’

  I say so and you say

  ‘I’m alright if it is not true and it sounds rather just right that there are a lot of contradictions’

  This is a logic which is seen in the proverb ‘There’s no such thing as a free lunch’

  You convince yourself that the lie is a lie to become immediately someone who is not concerned







  Everyone is pretending

  I know you are doing so

You don’t want to be involved

  Even if you become interested in it

  You just wait until somebody does it

  Then you laugh pretending not to care for it at all



 This song called ‘Gunjyo Biyori’ Is their debut song, and I don’t know how many times I watched the original MV for it. You can see the MV convey every charm of Sheena Ringo like, the strength, coolness, seductiveness, and the cuteness that she unexpectedly shows at the end of it the embarrassed smile. Some members are different from now, the guitarist was not Ukigumo but HIRANA, and the Keyboardist was not Izawa Ichiyo but H Zetto M. This song was composed by H Zetto M.

東京事変 - 群青日和

東京事変 - 「群青日和」 from Bon Voyage



 This song was the second number in the set list for their concert called ‘News Flash’ which was streamed on September 5th. I guess the arrangement was the sqme as it was then, but this time they played it quite a bit more up-tempo and I couldn’t help smiling when I saw Hata, the drummer, falling down from the stool at the end of the song. Ukigumo, the guitarist, is not the only one who played the guitar, but Ringo and Izawa, the keyboardist, was also did this time again. In this program, they played their latest song called ‘Inochi no Tobari’ composed by Izawa, too. I was exhiralated when I saw them play the two songs, their debut song and their latest one in the same program.

 TOKYO JIHEN is going to appear on Music Station on December 25th, so I’m looking forward to it. 



  • 発売日: 2016/08/22
  • メディア: MP3 ダウンロード






思った以上に面白い映画:「1917命をかけた伝令」 A Movie that Is More Enjoyable Than I Thought It Would Be: ‘1917’


 I was not interested by the title of the movie so much. I wondered whether I could enjoy a story about a messenger, even if he risks his own life to carry the message. I began to watch this movie on Amazon Prime Video (it cost 100 yen) without much expectation, even so I found myself getting into it after about 10 minutes had passed.

サム・メンデス監督作!映画『1917 命をかけた伝令』予告


 This movie starts with the subtitle, “On the 6th of April 1917”, and then you see two soldiers taking a nap on a grassy field, which looks peaceful at first sight, on the screen. One is a guy called Tom, and the other is Will. They are at a British encampment on the western front. They are summoned to headquarters in the trench and are given an assignment by the general. Their assignment is to carry a message calling off the scheduled attack to a battalion which is almost setting off without noticing the trap set by the German army which is making a strategic withdrawal. The field telephone lines are perfectly cut so they have no choice but to send a messenger. The precious lives of 1600 soldiers who belong to the battalion depend on the two messengers. Suppressing their sense of uneasiness, they soon set off…….


 For us Japanese, World War Ⅰ doesn’t feel real. However, the war was severe and cruel even more than World War Ⅱ for European people. You will realize what the cruelty was like through watching this movie. The story is not tedious at all, so you’ll realize how horrible trench warfare is in less than ten minutes. The audience sees everything through the eyes of Tom and Will. Although the distance they have to go is only 14.5 km to the front line, you’ll learn painfully how long and dangerous it is. You may feel you are lucky not to have been born in Europe in that era from the bottom of your heart.     


 After watching this movie, I deeply appreciated my peaceful daily life. I believe it is worth watching this movie just because I felt that way. 

1917 命をかけた伝令 (字幕版)

1917 命をかけた伝令 (字幕版)

  • 発売日: 2020/05/20
  • メディア: Prime Video





