Hana Sekitori attracted people’s attention with a song ‘Betsu ni’, distributed in 2016, and she became known as ‘The Queen of complex songs’ for some time.
関取花 べつに
One of the charms of Hana Sekitori is slightly sarcastic humor for sure. In this song ‘Anoko wa Iina’, which is contained in her 3rd album, she shows that aspect and I can’t help smiling whenever I listen to it.
関取 花 "あの娘はいいな"@Gypsy Avalon フジロック18
あの子はいいな あの子はいいな
高い部屋 高い服 高い飯食って
満たされてんだ 満たされてんだ
She is lucky. She is lucky
Expensive room, expensive clothe, expensive food
She is satisfied She is satisfied
Why does she have such a huge amount of money
見てりゃわかるさ 身の丈以上だ
なんか臭うな 内緒にするから
You can see the reason soon enough. Just out of proportion with her means
She doesn’t deserve them. That’s so lame
Something smells fishy. I can keep a secret
Why don’t we go out for a drink?
I don’t know whether we can call it complex or not, but I can laugh heartily because there’s no contempt in it despite the exhilarating sarcasm. This song is very short, only 2 minutes 13 seconds long, even so, it is quite impressive.
There are many female singers who can perform with just a guitar in recent years. Kayoko Yoshizawa, Sachie Hiraga, Aimyon, KanekoAyano and so on, each of them has a particular charm. They are the type of singers who I want to hear sing live. I want to go to Hana Sekitori’s concert as soon as possible after this corona disaster is over.