Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

吉沢亮さん、草彅剛さんの演技凄い!:NHK大河ドラマ「青天を衝け」 How impressive their performances are!: NHK Taiga Drama called ‘Seiten wo Tsuke (Reach beyond the Blue Sky)’



 I’ve already gotten a conviction after I watched the third episode. This drama is so enjoyable. I’m so glad to get something that I can enjoy for one year.


 Frankly, I don’t really care for Taiga drama. There are several elements that discourage me from watching it, such as unnecessarily serious mood, excessive direction, dramatic overactions, and so on. I watched the first couple of episodes worrying about whether I can enjoy them or not. However, I was agreeably disappointed. I really enjoy this drama now. I’m actually enthralled by it. 


 One reason that makes this drama enjoyable is the great skill of Yoshizawa Ryo, the main actor, as an actor. To be honest, I didn’t expect such a great performance of him. I was so impressed by his lively, but also natural expression and manner when he purchased the leaves of Chinese indigo in the third episode. I could understand how the protagonist, who established the foundation of Japanese economy system, was talented. Plus, I empathized with him when I saw him being irrationally forced to give money to the feudal domain and he looked back defiantly with determined eyes. I’m really looking forward to seeing how they depict his achievements.



 I have another expectation about this drama and it is an actor who plays the last shogun called Tokugawa Yoshinobu. To my surprise, Kusanagi’s characterization of Yoshinobu is exactly the same as the image I’ve had through some historical novels. The character I can see there is someone who is so clever and deft but frustrated by his uncontrollable situation and what he looks ahead into the future, even though he is in a position of power where he can demonstrate his great abilities. I find a feeling of resignation or pessimism in the expression and the attitude of Yoshinobu played by Kusanagi.

 I’m really looking forward to seeing how those two, one is a guy who is promised to be a shogun and the other is merely a farmer, will encounter in this drama. 








毎週楽しみな番組:「新・日本男児と中居」(土曜午前0時30分放送) A TV Program I’m Looking Forward to Every Saturday: ‘Shin Nihon Danji to Nakai’ (on the air at 12 a.m. every Saturday)



 This TV program suits late-night broadcast because it treats trivial things interestingly. What exhilarates me is that most of the guests who look like experts are actually ordinary ones. 


 The following is the content on March 5th and I cited it from their official site.



A game of gourmet! Battles for sweet shop reservations  







 One person who has visited over 1,000 shops and can guess even the percentage of cacao VS the other who is a sweet maniac recognized by famous pastry chefs.

They answer a quiz questions with the shop reservation they made at stake! One who guesses right will get the reservation the other made

A high-level battle that shocks Nakai

Guessing the shop’s name just by a silhouette of a piece of cake, by the section of a piece of cake, or by the sponge.

shop’s name with a glance at the section of a piece of cake.

A frosted sponge cake that Nakai, who doesn’t care for it usually, highly praises appears, too.


 This episode was really enjoyable even for a country bumpkin like me who doesn’t care for sweets. The two guests are sweets maniac who visits sweets shops in Tokyo every day. Anyway, it’s somehow exhilarating to see someone study something thoroughly. I even felt that the two guests had some kind of dignity when I saw them exactly guessed the shop’s name with just the silhouette or the section of a piece of cake.


 I wonder if I’m the only person who has a feeling that this TV program has the same gene as that of ‘Nakai no Mado’, the style is different though. One of the reasons I feel so is both are produced by the same broadcasting company called Nihon TV and I also feel the same sense of excitement toward both of them. One thing I can say for sure is that Nakai, The MC, makes the program enjoyable. He is always frank and never uses flattery but I somehow feel that he pays respect to guests and has the same view point as the viewers. It’s awesome that his remarks in this program sounds like that of ordinary people.   



桜の季節に聴きたい曲:クリープハイプ「栞」 A Song to Listen to in the Cherry Blossom Season: ‘Shiori (A Bookmark)’ by CreepHyp


 The tenderness touches my heart. The lyrics by Ozaki Sekaikan are elusive but somehow so sweet. 

クリープハイプ -「栞」(OFFICIAL VIDEO)

途中でやめた本の中に 挟んだままだった

空気を読むことに忙しくて 今まで忘れてたよ

句読点がない君の嘘は とても可愛かった


 I left it between the book I quit halfway through

 I’ve been busy to read between the lines so I forgot it

 Your lies without punctuation marks were innocent

 Your kindness back to front was partly true

簡単なあらすじなんかに まとまってたまるか

途中から読んでも 意味不明な2人の話

 I won’t let our story summarized so simple

 You can’t understand our story if you just read the second half of it 

桜散る桜散る ひらひら舞う文字が綺麗


嘘だよ ごめんね


 The cherry blossoms are falling and falling, the letters fluttering about are so beautiful

 The words, “There’s still time for us to go back and start all over again”, dance in the wind

 Sorry, I’m telling a lie

 Good luck, in the city you’ll go to

桜散る桜散る お別れの時間がきて

「ちょっといたい もっといたい ずっといたいのにな」



 The cherry blossoms are falling and falling, and it’s about time to say good-bye

 “It hurts a bit, wanna be with you longer, as long as I can”

 It’s just right to cast your eyes downward

 That’s because they bloom on the ground



 Their guitar sounds are as attractive as the lyrics for me. The refrains played by the guitarist called Ogawa Yukichika are always good and I have a feeling that it is one of the outstanding characteristics of them. This song is from their 5th album called ‘Nakitaku Naruhodo Ureshii Hibini’ released in September 2018. This album is full of catchy numbers and reached a high degree of perfection, plus it is something special for fans of Ebichu. That’s because the first track called ‘Hotaru no Hikari’ is the song Ozaki offered to Ebichu.


 The other day, on March 7, Ozaki Sekaikan appeared in the TV program called ‘Jounetsu Tairiku’. I was impressed by his personality again. His talent for writing, which is high enough to the extent that his work became a nominee for Akutagawa Prize, is shown well in the lyrics of their songs, too. I’d like to read the book in the near future. 












エビ中の隠れた名曲?!:私立恵比寿中学「パクチー」 This is A Little-known Masterpiece by Ebichu, right?!: ‘Pakuchii (Cilantro)’


 I had never heard this song until this online concert. In this song, they surely attracted me with the dance performance

私立恵比寿中学「パクチー」(オンラインライブ「Dive/Connect @ Zepp Online」より)



 Pakuchii pakuchii pakuchii pakuchii pakuchii

 Pakuchii pakuchii pakuchii

シャンツアイ コエンドロ コリアンダー

カメムシ ナキムシ ヨワムシ ケムシ



 Shantsuai coendoro coriander

 Kamemushi nakimushi yowamushi kemushi

 I’m not fussy so I can eat it, I do, I do

 I’ll do my best, yes I can, I always make a big effort

食べたね そーだね とーとーやったね




 I ate it, yes I did it, I’ve finally done it

 I may be good at cooking now

 This is something hard to eat

 I’ll take a flight to Thailand

パパパクチー ちょっちきびしー うっかり

ぱっくり 飲み込んじゃったら

パパパクチーちょっち意味深 アダルティ




 Papapakuchii a peculiar favor but I mistakenly

 Gobbled and swallowed down

 Papapakuchii a bit meaningful adult taste

 Papapakuchii a bit hard to swallow but I’ve

 swallowed it at one draft

 Papapakuchii a peculiar flavor of love


 こんな無意味な歌詞だけど、こんなに楽しませてくれるのがエビ中です。この曲は2013年のシングルCD「梅」の初回限定生産Aに収録されている模様。勉強不足を恥じつつ、知らなかった良曲に出会えるライブならではの喜びを噛み締めました。それにしてもエビ中のこの持ちネタの多さはどうでしょう。今回のzepp onlineは、2900円というチケット代で、ライブのみならず、長時間のトークまで楽しめた素晴らしい企画でした。アーカイブは明日まで残っています。

 The lyrics are so nonsense but also makes me happy very much and it is typical of the songs by Ebichu. This song is from the limited edition type A of their 2013 single CD called ‘Ume’. I was a little bit ashamed of my ignorance but also glad to know a good song I had never known, and I believe it is one of the good aspects of a concert. Come to think of it, how many good songs Ebichu have! The ticket for this online concert called zepp online costs only 2,900 yen, which is reasonable enough to enjoy not only concert but also a substantial talk show. The streaming video is available until tomorrow.

 エビ中の春ツアー、「私立恵比寿中学 Best at the moment series 『6 Voices』」が仙台を皮切りに始まりました。迷いましたが、福岡公演のチケットを買ってしまいました。久しぶりの現場にワクワクしています。

 Ebichu’s spring tour called ‘Shiritsu Ebisuchugaku Best at the moment series “6 voices”’ has been launched and the first place was Sendai. I wondered whether I should buy ticket or not for a while, then I bought the ticket for the concert in Fukuoka. It’s been a long time since I last went to their concert so I’m excited now. 



  • provided courtesy of iTunes



やっぱりカッコいい曲:私立恵比寿中学「あたしきっと無限ルーパー」 A cool song, I realized so again: `Atashi Kitto Mugen Looper‘ by Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku


 アツい配信でした。3月2日(火)の20:00より配信されたエビ中の「Dive Connect @ Zepp Online」は、約1時間のライブ映像と50分間のトークという構成でした。

 The streaming program was so hot. ‘Dive connect @ Zepp Online’, which was streamed at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, March 2nd, consisted of a one-hour concert video and a 50-minute talk show.


 In the concert, they sang 12 numbers. The theme of this concert was ‘Fascinate the viewers by their dance performance’ and the setlist was full of songs that you can fully enjoy their dance performance for sure. This streaming program is available until 9th so I won’t write the setlist here. Please allow me to mention some numbers in it.  


 There is a song that I realized again that it is so good. The song is ‘Atashi Kitto Mugen Looper’.

あたしきっと無限ルーパー エビ中 

名前も知らぬ街で 人影ひとつも無く


何度試してみても たどり着けないままで

どんなに願っても あたしきっと無限ルーパー

 In a city I don’t know even the name of it. I can’t see anyone here

 My finger lingering on the screen of my smartphone is trembling

 No matter how many times I try, I can’t get to the place

 No matter how much I wish, I’m sure I’m just an endless looper

駅中 駅地下 駅ホーム




 In the building of the station, in the station mall underground, on the platform of the station

 You may say I’m just playing in easy mode

 ‘I have a feeling that I came here just a little while ago’

 It is just another déjà vu

 戦々恐々 四面楚歌 マジでバミューダ




 With fear and trembling, deserted on all sides, I’m really like in the Bermuda Triangle

 I’m in a fix, I find myself in predicament

 I can’t get an answer right

 ‘the current location is unknown’

名前も知らぬ街で 人影ひとつも無く

分かれ道の度に 君の声を求めてる

何度試してみても たどり着けないけれど

どんなに挫けても あたしきっと無限ルーパー

 In a city I don’t know even the name of it. I can’t see anyone here

 At every fork in the road, I desire to hear your voice

 No matter how many times I try, I can’t get to the place

 No matter how many times I fail, I’m sure I’m an endless looper 



 It sounds so cool. I’m enthralled by the feeling of velocity. The lyrics seem to be meaningful at first sight, but come to think of it, what is described there is a girl who is lost in a station to be confused or defiant, and I can’t help smiling when I notice that. It is just right to perform in a concert because the dance performance for it is so fascinating.

 5th アルバム「MUSiC」でファンになった自分は、そこからさかのぼってこの曲に出会いました。1st アルバム「中人」に収録されているこの曲は、一度聴いただけで好きにさせる力があります。今のエビ中が歌ってもなんの違和感もありません。むしろこの曲のカッコよさに、エビ中自体が追い付いてきている印象さえ、今回受けました。次回もこの配信で心に残った曲について感想を書きます。

 I became a fan of them when I listened to their 5th album called ‘MUSiC’ so I traced back their earlier songs to find this song. This song which is from their 1st album called ‘Chunin’ is so attractive that I like it at once. It doesn’t seem funny for the current Ebichu singing such an old song. I even have a feeling through this concert that Ebichu finally catch up with the cool atmosphere of this song. I will write about other songs that impressed me in the streaming concert next time. 









子どもの頃床屋で読んだ漫画:永井豪「へんちんポコイダー」 A Manga Book I Used to Read at a Barber in My Childhood: ‘Henchin Pokoider’


 How exhilarating the title of the book is. I guess this could be the best Japanese title for stupid boys to read out loud. I’m unnecessarily afraid that this might be the last word I remember on my deathbed. This manga has somehow stuck in my mind since I read it when I was in elementary school. I sometimes ask some people around me about the manga after I was grown up, but, to my surprise, I’ve never met anyone who read it. I searched Amazon for it recently and I found it being sold there. It was unexpectedly expensive. I hesitated for a while and finally clicked the ‘Place your order’ button.   


 The main character is a dropout kid called Hen Chinta, who is bad at both study and sports. Even his family members treat him like a fool but he really has a kind heart. He has a classmate who is a girl called Yuka and she somehow feels a slight affection for him. She even makes sandwiches for him because his mother sometimes doesn’t allow him to have breakfast as punishment. There is a group of bad boys who always try to interfere with the romance between the two. They are called ‘Destoro Dan’ and every one of them wear a mask. They are rascals in the same class as the two and Yuka is finally fed up with his cowardice because he can’t pay back for what they did to him. They are arrogant enough to do what they want to in school and they are finally about to bully Yuka, when a hero shows up. He is exactly the hero called Henchin Pokoider.  


 The best part of this manga is the scene of transformation. However, it is too embarrassing to describe how he does. This manga book was released in 1976 and I find the characteristics of the time in the design of Destoro Dan’s masks and some members. The mask was a copy of the one used by a masked wrestler called Destroyer, who was very popular in the 70s. The two members, Bat nechan and Senmitsu hakase, are based on the characters who appeared in a popular TV program called ‘Uwasa no Channel’ at that time. Among the people who appeared in the TV programe were Destroyer, Senda Mitsuo, and Wada Akiko who were nicknamed as ‘God nechan’.


 Nagai Go, the manga artist, is well known by many masterpieces such as ‘Devil Man’, ‘Mazinger Z’, and ‘Cutie Honey’, and he also created the kind of manga like this which stir up boys’ heart. I’m not sure but I have the impression that barbers had such kinds of manga at that time. 







世代を超えて響く曲:kiki vivi lily × SUKISHA 「Blue in Green」 A Song Sounds Good beyond Generations: ‘Blue in Green’ by kiki vivi lily feat. SUKISHA


This feeling of floating is quite addictive. This song was released two years ago but I listened to it recently and ended up getting into it.  It's an exquisite club music. 

kiki vivi lily × SUKISHA - Blue in Green [Official Video]



  Felt like we were frozen until I exhaled

  Lights out until our time is over




  Your whisper that was over written by the lightning

  Will you let me hear it again while we wait for the rain to stop


 Blue in green


 意味も不確かなLife いっそFreakyな愛を歌おう

 Blue in green

 愛を巡らす 唇を重ねる



  Blue in green

   our secret sign, just between you and I

  The meaning of life is uncertain

  so might as well as sing about our freaky love

  Blue in green

  Surround my love, my lips on yours

  Will take a while for the storm to calm down

  So please keep holding me tight


 kiki vivi lilyさんのささやくような歌い出しに惹き込まれたあと、ハンドクラップのリズムに乗せられます。そのあとに入る打ち込みに、どうしようもなく体が動いてしまいます。カオスと言いたくなるサイケな中間部に心がざわつきますが、その解決が心地いいです。

 After being fascinated by kiki vivi lily's whispering voice first, I get into the rhythm of hand clap. Then I can't help but moving to the programming coming in after that. My heart is stirred up by the psychedelic, almost chaotic sounds at the interlude but its resolution makes me feel good.

 気が付くとiriさんやeillさん、そしてこのkiki vivi lilyさんと小文字のアルファベット表記のアーティストに妙に惹かれています。この曲でコラボされているSUKISHAさんの曲も最近はプレイリストに入れています。日本のR&Bが何やらアツいと感じるのは気のせいでしょうか。

 For some reason, I’ve been attracted by some artists whose names are spelled with small letters. I added some songs by SUKISHA, who is featured in this song, to my playlist recently. I wonder it is just my imagination that Japanese R&B scene seems to be booming.  

Blue in Green

Blue in Green

  • 発売日: 2019/12/18
  • メディア: MP3 ダウンロード



