Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

エビ中の隠れた名曲?!:私立恵比寿中学「パクチー」 This is A Little-known Masterpiece by Ebichu, right?!: ‘Pakuchii (Cilantro)’


 I had never heard this song until this online concert. In this song, they surely attracted me with the dance performance

私立恵比寿中学「パクチー」(オンラインライブ「Dive/Connect @ Zepp Online」より)



 Pakuchii pakuchii pakuchii pakuchii pakuchii

 Pakuchii pakuchii pakuchii

シャンツアイ コエンドロ コリアンダー

カメムシ ナキムシ ヨワムシ ケムシ



 Shantsuai coendoro coriander

 Kamemushi nakimushi yowamushi kemushi

 I’m not fussy so I can eat it, I do, I do

 I’ll do my best, yes I can, I always make a big effort

食べたね そーだね とーとーやったね




 I ate it, yes I did it, I’ve finally done it

 I may be good at cooking now

 This is something hard to eat

 I’ll take a flight to Thailand

パパパクチー ちょっちきびしー うっかり

ぱっくり 飲み込んじゃったら

パパパクチーちょっち意味深 アダルティ




 Papapakuchii a peculiar favor but I mistakenly

 Gobbled and swallowed down

 Papapakuchii a bit meaningful adult taste

 Papapakuchii a bit hard to swallow but I’ve

 swallowed it at one draft

 Papapakuchii a peculiar flavor of love


 こんな無意味な歌詞だけど、こんなに楽しませてくれるのがエビ中です。この曲は2013年のシングルCD「梅」の初回限定生産Aに収録されている模様。勉強不足を恥じつつ、知らなかった良曲に出会えるライブならではの喜びを噛み締めました。それにしてもエビ中のこの持ちネタの多さはどうでしょう。今回のzepp onlineは、2900円というチケット代で、ライブのみならず、長時間のトークまで楽しめた素晴らしい企画でした。アーカイブは明日まで残っています。

 The lyrics are so nonsense but also makes me happy very much and it is typical of the songs by Ebichu. This song is from the limited edition type A of their 2013 single CD called ‘Ume’. I was a little bit ashamed of my ignorance but also glad to know a good song I had never known, and I believe it is one of the good aspects of a concert. Come to think of it, how many good songs Ebichu have! The ticket for this online concert called zepp online costs only 2,900 yen, which is reasonable enough to enjoy not only concert but also a substantial talk show. The streaming video is available until tomorrow.

 エビ中の春ツアー、「私立恵比寿中学 Best at the moment series 『6 Voices』」が仙台を皮切りに始まりました。迷いましたが、福岡公演のチケットを買ってしまいました。久しぶりの現場にワクワクしています。

 Ebichu’s spring tour called ‘Shiritsu Ebisuchugaku Best at the moment series “6 voices”’ has been launched and the first place was Sendai. I wondered whether I should buy ticket or not for a while, then I bought the ticket for the concert in Fukuoka. It’s been a long time since I last went to their concert so I’m excited now. 



  • provided courtesy of iTunes

