Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

「曇天」目当てでしたが、このアルバム最高です: 私立恵比寿中学「MUSiC」 I Just Wanted to Listen to “Don Ten”, but this album is really good: Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku “MUSiC”


 I was originally interested in a song called “Don Ten”, which was written by Yoshizawa Kayoko. I knew she wrote it for this idol group and I just wanted to listen to it so I bought the album called “MUSiC” by Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku.   

私立恵比寿中学 「曇天」MV


 I listened to “Don Ten” first of all. I was somehow thrilled by the words at the beginning.

 夕闇の中 ソファで抱き合う

 電気を消せば  窓枠が  曇天世界を切りとる

 Embracing each other in the dusk

    As the lights are turned off, the window frame cuts off an overcast sky


 For a second, I wondered if the singer would be Yoshizawa Kayoko. It was a good song, really. The meaningful words are so good and the sound, which somehow reminds me of, so to speak, “wall of sound”, is quite addictive. This song is one of the best songs that is written by Yoshizawa, including songs that she sings herself.  

私立恵比寿中学 5th Album 「MUSiC」収録曲ダイジェスト

 何気なくほかの曲も聴いてみたところ、まず一曲目の出だしから打ちのめされました。「Family Complex」というこの曲は、展開が何かしら劇的で、はじめと終わりでは同じ曲とは思えないほどです。作詞作曲が岡崎体育さんということで納得しました。


 I casually listened to other tracks in the album without any expectation to end up being impressed deeply from the beginning of the first track. The first song called “Family Complex” develops so dramatically that the impressions of the beginning and of the ending are totally different. I somehow got the reason why I felt like that when I know that this song was written by Okazaki Taiiku

 The songs contained in this album are as follows. 

  1. Family Complex  作詞・作曲:岡崎体育 編曲:野村陽一郎
  2. イート・ザ・大目玉 作詞:いしわたり淳治 作曲・編曲:溝口和紀
  3. 明日もきっと70点 feat.東雲めぐ 作詞:さつき が てんこもり 作曲・編曲:さつき が てんこもり、四市田雲豹
  1. 踊るロクデナシ 作詞・作曲・編曲:Mega Shinnosuke
  2. 曇天 作詞・作曲:吉澤嘉代子 編曲:野村陽一郎
  3. でかどんでん 作詞・作曲・編曲:U-re:x
  4. BUZZER BEATER 「ウインターカップ2018」大会公式テーマソング 作詞:渡辺潤平 作曲:久保田真悟(Jazzin’park)、栗原暁(Jazzin’park)編曲:久保田真悟(Jazzin’park)
  1. 日進月歩 作詞・作曲・編曲:河村佳希
  2. 星の数え方 作詞・作曲:invisible manners 編曲:関口シンゴ
  3. COLOR feat.ももいろクローバーZ  作詞・作曲・編曲:田村歩美(たむらぱん
  4.  シンガロン・シンガソン 作詞・作曲:大森元貴 編曲:大森元貴&下洋介
  5. 元気しかない! 作詞:宮藤官九郎 作曲:KATARU 編曲:ニューロティカ


 The more I listen to these songs, the more I’m into them. Each of them has great momentum and is really good without exception. They really make me feel good. I love all of them. The 12th track called “Genki Shika Nai” is extremely funny but I stubbornly tried not to laugh at first, even so, I couldn’t help but giggle at some parts of it. I have a feeling that songs by idol groups are worth listening to, if some talented people joined to produce such enjoyable albums like this. Now I even want to give a try to some groups that has “saka” in their names. 







好きだったCMソング:松田聖子さん「裸足の季節」 My Favorite CM Songs: “Hadashi no Kisetsu” by Seiko Matsuda


 For some reason or other, the year 1980 is something special for me. The 70s seemed to be somewhat restless and gloomy for me, a little boy at that time. However, when it turned the 80s the atmosphere suddenly changed into cheerful mood, partly because of this song, I guess.

松田聖子 裸足の季節 (1980年)


 This song was used as a CM song for a facial cleansing foam from April 1980 and soon became popular. The words and the melody of this song were really refreshing and they had the power to take listeners to summer season immediately. Come to think of it, the attractiveness of Seiko Matsuda, who is the singer of the song, was amazing at that time. It was something that words couldn’t express. I secretly idolized her so I put some magazine clippings in a pencil board. I adored her so much that I somehow told my friends a lie, saying “〇〇〇〇ko (another Idol’s name) is better for me rather than Matsuda Seiko”, and I can’t explain why I did so at that time.

松田聖子   青い珊瑚礁   【no高画質】     


 In July, the same year, she sang “Aoi Sangosyo”, a CM song for an ice cream and in October, “Kaze wa Akiiro” a CM song for the face cleansing foam again, so it seemed like that this year was almost full of her image.  

松田聖子 Seiko Matsuda☆風は秋色


 The members of Amazon Prime can listen to these three songs I mentioned above for free. This season reminds me of “Hadashi no Kisetsu”, so I couldn’t contain myself and I listened to it for the first time in a long time. It was surely good just as I thought. Plus, what I thought was, “Was she so good at singing like this?”, because I was really amazed by her great skill in singing. 

1980 資生堂 エクボ 洗顔フォーム&ミルキィクリーム















いかつい鎧の下の極上ポップ:椎名林檎さんのアルバムに思うこと Fabulous Pop Music Under the Proof Armor: Something occurs to me about Ringo Sheena's Albums


  I just didn’t listen to her songs. The reason why it took some time to know how good her songs are, even though obviously they are, is just because of the prejudice. It must be quite easy for her to make her works look appealing but she actually doesn’t, and I somehow recognize some craftsmanship there.


 The other day, NHK’s TV program called SONGS featured Ringo and the title was “San Doku Diary of the age free from vacillation”. What Ringo spoke there was, “I’ve never thought that I try to make people want to buy my works with appealing packages or something like that……, I don’t want my works to be the kind of things that make people feel cool to have them” . 






  その姿勢は、アルバムタイトルにも表れています。「無罪モラトリアム」、「勝訴ストリップ」、サードアルバムに至っては、「加爾基 精液 栗ノ花」ですから、女性ファンなどは、ここでくじけそうになった人もいるのではないでしょうか。口に出して言いたくないようなタイトルですから、宣伝にも支障があったに違いありません。

 I can see her same attitude in album titles, too. “Muzai Moratorium”, the title of her first album, “Shoso Strip”, of the second, and “Karuki Semen Kurinohana”, of the third so some female fan must have felt embarrassing to buy especially the third one. The title of the third album is something you don’t want to say in front of people so it must have caused some troubles in advertisement.   









加爾基 精液 栗ノ花

加爾基 精液 栗ノ花



 I think there are many songs that makes you feel something forbidden or horrible if you just hear them only once. However, I bet you will find them extremely good if you listen to them properly.  

椎名林檎 - 幸福論


 Shiina Ringo’s debut song is “Kohuku Ron”, I listened to the album version of this song first and I found it quite noisy, then I listened to the original single version to end up being surprised because it was so catchy. I thought that she might be the kind of song writer who creates catchy songs better than anyone. Now I’m sure that she is.


アルバム・レビュー:椎名林檎「三毒史」 Album Review: “San Doku Shi”by Ringo Sheena


 This album is so pop as “Hi Izuru Tokoro”, the previous Album. The first track surprisingly starts with sutra and it may make you worried about how it goes. However, this album sounds so pop in spite of the impression of the title and the jacket that look somewhat hard and masculine.

椎名林檎 - 鶏と蛇と豚


 The tracks contained in this album are as follows.

  1.鶏と蛇と豚 椎名林檎

  2.獣ゆく細道 椎名林檎宮本浩次

  3.マ・シェリ 椎名林檎

  4.駆け落ち者 椎名林檎櫻井敦司

  5.どん底まで 椎名林檎

  6.神様、仏様 椎名林檎向井秀徳

  7.TOKYO 椎名林檎

  8.長く短い祭 椎名林檎浮雲

  9.至上の人生 椎名林檎

 10.急がば回れ 椎名林檎ヒイズミマサユ機

 11.ジユーダム 椎名林檎

 12.目抜き通り 椎名林檎トータス松本

 13.あの世の門 椎名林檎


 Some collaborations with various musicians that has been released in succession recently are arranged alternately in this album. Although each song is quite unique, this album somehow has pleasing unity because of the order of the songs and the well-considered connection between the songs. so I even feel that 43 minutes, the total time of this album, go quickly very much.  

椎名林檎とトータス松本 - 目抜き通り 


 7 songs out of 13 were already released so I was worried that this album would lack freshness, but it was just a groundless fear. Some of them were re-recorded for this album. The song especially surprised me was “Donzoko Made”, the 5th track. I didn’t like this song so much when I listened to it for the first time as a coupling with “Shijyo no Jinsei, which was released as a single, but I really love the album version. The album version is played a bit more up-tempo, plus her way of singing sounds more natural, so the impression has totally changed. I was also surprised when I find Tortoise Matsumoto singing from the beginning of “Menuki Dori”, the 12th track.    



 I love all the songs in this album, and I somehow do particularly two songs, “Ma Cherie” and “Jiyu-dom”, which are actually played by Tokyo Jihen’s members. The cuteness of the song called “Jiyu-dom” is something special for me and makes me thrilled because it reminds me of my favorite song “Bokoku Jyocho” by Tokyo Jihen.

 This is definitely a great album, I bet. 







吉澤嘉代子さん、のんさんも参加!楽しさいっぱいのミニアルバム:弓木トイ「みんなおもちゃになりたいのさ」 A Mini Album Full of Playful Spirits That Yoshizawa Kayoko and Non Joined: “Minna Omocha ni Naritainosa” by Yumiki Toy



 Its somewhat adorable and fanciful mini album. A music project called “Yumiki Toy” presided by Yumiki Erino, who is the guitarist from KIRINJI, a band, released its first mini album on April 24th. This album, which is titled “Minna Omocha ni Naritainosa” contains only 6 tracks but it will make you feel excited like a toy box.


The tracks contained in the album are as follows.

 1. ハッピーバースデーをもう一度
 2. キャベツのようなもの
 3. 2人だけのデート
 4. CCSC
 5. カァカァカァ
 6. シュローダーのセレナーデ 


 Yumiki wrote, composed, and arranged all the songs. Various musicians joined this album making it more enjoyable.

弓木トイ 1st AL『みんなおもちゃになりたいのさ』Trailer


 Yoshizawa Kayoko joined the first track called “Happy Birthday wo Mo Ichido” as a guest vocalist. This song starts with whispers of Yumiki and Yoshizawa. That somehow reminds me of the whispers of John Lennon and Ono Yoko at the beginning of the song “Happy Christmas” making me thrilled. This song is a pop music that is so catchy and adorable.


 Non joined the 4th track titled “CCSC” as a guest vocalist, too, and you will find her saying  some words at the middle of the song. Despite rather adorable lyrics about St. Valentine day, The bouncing sound of the guitar is so cool.



 The best song for me is the 2nd track called “Cabbage no Yo Na Mono”. It’s so soulful and funky that I’m really into it. Plus, some part of this song reminds me of KIRINJI  or Pizzicato Five so I really get thrilled. 

 I’m looking forward to seeing how this project is going to be.

弓木トイ - インストアイベント@タワーレコード新宿店 2019/04/25









長崎に来たらぜひ:「康楽(かんろ)」のちゃんぽん  Something I Want You To Give a Try in Nagasaki : Chinese restaurant “Kanro”’s Champon


 When it comes to the specialty in Nagasaki, what comes into your mind may be champon. I don’t know what to say if I were asked which restaurant that serves champon is the best. That's because I can’t come up with any restaurant where you are not satisfied with their champon. The safest option for tourists is to visit Shinchi (the chinatown) and find a restaurant which has a good atmosphere.



 There are many restaurants that can serve champon here and there in Nagasaki city besides Shinch. I often hear some people say that the best restaurant for champon is the one called “Kanro” on Shianbashi Yokocho Street.



 The appearance of their chanpon and the ingredients used in it are rather normal. The best part of their chanpon is the soup, I guess. The taste of the soup is quite outstanding compared to others. Plus, the noodles, which are rather thick and soft, can hold the soup well making the taste even better. You can tell how good it is especially when you chew clams in it because the taste of shellfish goes perfectly well with the soup. The soup is so tasty and not so greasy that you can’t help but emptying the bowl. I bet you won’t regret it.     


 I hope you give it a try when you come to Nagasaki.






好きだったCMソング:EPO「Park Ave. 1981」 My Favorite CM Songs: “Park Ave. 1981” by EPO



 The season has come around when you could use something cold to drink. I have an impression that some CM songs for beverages tend to stay in with me at this time of the year. The CM songs for KIRIN LEMON are especially impressive for me.    


 Commemorating that it’s been 90 years since the drink appeared on the market, now they have several versions of TV commercial songs with different musicians.   


キリンレモン×04 Limited Sazabys 「She」篇 #キリンレモンのうた #キリンレモントリビュート

キリンレモン × みやかわくん 「風を切れたら」篇 #キリンレモンのうた #キリンレモントリビュート

 現在のものもとっても爽やかで好みですが、自分にとって最も心に残っているのは、ずいぶん前のものです。1981年のCMソング、EPOさんによる「Park. Ave.1981」です。

 These current songs are really refreshing, of course, but the one most impressive for me is very old one. It is “Park Ave. 1981” by EPO, the CM song for KIRIN LEMON in 1981.

EPO PARK Ave. 1981


 This song, which reminds me of the sparkling sunshine and the cool breeze blowing through the urban city, is the 2nd single for EPO. Even now, I get happily excited when I hear this song in my car. 

PARK Ave. 1981

PARK Ave. 1981


