I just didn’t listen to her songs. The reason why it took some time to know how good her songs are, even though obviously they are, is just because of the prejudice. It must be quite easy for her to make her works look appealing but she actually doesn’t, and I somehow recognize some craftsmanship there.
The other day, NHK’s TV program called SONGS featured Ringo and the title was “San Doku Diary of the age free from vacillation”. What Ringo spoke there was, “I’ve never thought that I try to make people want to buy my works with appealing packages or something like that……, I don’t want my works to be the kind of things that make people feel cool to have them” .
その姿勢は、アルバムタイトルにも表れています。「無罪モラトリアム」、「勝訴ストリップ」、サードアルバムに至っては、「加爾基 精液 栗ノ花」ですから、女性ファンなどは、ここでくじけそうになった人もいるのではないでしょうか。口に出して言いたくないようなタイトルですから、宣伝にも支障があったに違いありません。
I can see her same attitude in album titles, too. “Muzai Moratorium”, the title of her first album, “Shoso Strip”, of the second, and “Karuki Semen Kurinohana”, of the third so some female fan must have felt embarrassing to buy especially the third one. The title of the third album is something you don’t want to say in front of people so it must have caused some troubles in advertisement.
I think there are many songs that makes you feel something forbidden or horrible if you just hear them only once. However, I bet you will find them extremely good if you listen to them properly.
椎名林檎 - 幸福論
Shiina Ringo’s debut song is “Kohuku Ron”, I listened to the album version of this song first and I found it quite noisy, then I listened to the original single version to end up being surprised because it was so catchy. I thought that she might be the kind of song writer who creates catchy songs better than anyone. Now I’m sure that she is.