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音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

アルバム・レビュー:椎名林檎「三毒史」 Album Review: “San Doku Shi”by Ringo Sheena


 This album is so pop as “Hi Izuru Tokoro”, the previous Album. The first track surprisingly starts with sutra and it may make you worried about how it goes. However, this album sounds so pop in spite of the impression of the title and the jacket that look somewhat hard and masculine.

椎名林檎 - 鶏と蛇と豚


 The tracks contained in this album are as follows.

  1.鶏と蛇と豚 椎名林檎

  2.獣ゆく細道 椎名林檎宮本浩次

  3.マ・シェリ 椎名林檎

  4.駆け落ち者 椎名林檎櫻井敦司

  5.どん底まで 椎名林檎

  6.神様、仏様 椎名林檎向井秀徳

  7.TOKYO 椎名林檎

  8.長く短い祭 椎名林檎浮雲

  9.至上の人生 椎名林檎

 10.急がば回れ 椎名林檎ヒイズミマサユ機

 11.ジユーダム 椎名林檎

 12.目抜き通り 椎名林檎トータス松本

 13.あの世の門 椎名林檎


 Some collaborations with various musicians that has been released in succession recently are arranged alternately in this album. Although each song is quite unique, this album somehow has pleasing unity because of the order of the songs and the well-considered connection between the songs. so I even feel that 43 minutes, the total time of this album, go quickly very much.  

椎名林檎とトータス松本 - 目抜き通り 


 7 songs out of 13 were already released so I was worried that this album would lack freshness, but it was just a groundless fear. Some of them were re-recorded for this album. The song especially surprised me was “Donzoko Made”, the 5th track. I didn’t like this song so much when I listened to it for the first time as a coupling with “Shijyo no Jinsei, which was released as a single, but I really love the album version. The album version is played a bit more up-tempo, plus her way of singing sounds more natural, so the impression has totally changed. I was also surprised when I find Tortoise Matsumoto singing from the beginning of “Menuki Dori”, the 12th track.    



 I love all the songs in this album, and I somehow do particularly two songs, “Ma Cherie” and “Jiyu-dom”, which are actually played by Tokyo Jihen’s members. The cuteness of the song called “Jiyu-dom” is something special for me and makes me thrilled because it reminds me of my favorite song “Bokoku Jyocho” by Tokyo Jihen.

 This is definitely a great album, I bet. 





