Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

予想のつかない面白さ:Abema TV「7.2(ななにー)新しい別の窓」 The TV Program Somewhat Unpredictable: “7.2 Atarashii Betsu no Mado” Distributed by Abema TV

 毎月初めの日曜日、夕方5時を楽しみにしている人は多いと思います。稲垣吾郎さん、草彅剛さん、香取慎吾さんの3人がメインパーソナリティーを務めるAbema TVの生配信番組、「7.2新しい別の窓」は、いろんなスリルにあふれています。

 There must be many people who are looking forward to 5 p.m. on every first Sunday of the month. The online streaming TV program called “7.2 Atararashii Betsu no Mado” featuring Inagaki Goro, Kusanagi Tsuyoshi and Katori Shingo, distributed by Abema TV, somehow makes you thrilled.



 There was a special distribution at the end of the April. This time it featured many kind of project on the theme of winding up the Heisei era and the three personalities tried some things or looked back what happened inviting various guests for 432 minutes.    


 At the beginning of the program, Kusanagi and Katori were sitting down watching intently a TV screen and what they watched was the ceremony for the Heisei emperor’s abdication. They continued just like that for over 15 minutes, I guess this wouldn’t happen on the usual TV programs. After that they had an opening live which I was amazed by.



 This live concert started with the song called “Heisei Owarutteyo”. A boy appeared dancing with the three on the screen. He played the keyboard in the second song called “SINGING”. Both songs were credited to someone named SASUKE. They introduced the boy as SASUKE to the audience in the MC and I was surprised when I knew he was only 15 years old. I’m looking forward to seeing what he will be like.



 However, I somehow felt irritated by the next part, which was also a live concert titled “Nananii Heisei Meikyoku Live”. When it comes to hit songs in the Heisei era, it is impossible to omit SMAP’s songs from the list. Even so, they did. The three people singing here are actually the very people who are the former members of the group, but they are not allowed to sing their own song. I wonder if there has ever been such a sad program.


 Even so, I realized again how great SMAP was when I watched their performance this time. Somehow no one cares about whether they are good at singing or not, and I can’t come up with any other singers like that. However, I’m sure they wouldn’t have been able to get to the top in show business like that if they were good at singing. They were such good-looking guys and good at dancing, but they somehow don’t look like the winners so we feel like encourage them. That’s why they were so attractive, I guess.  


 Nakai, who was the leader of SMAP, said something meaningful at the last installment of the TV program called “Nakai no Mado” and I had faint expectations for them to get together and show up sometime in the future.

That could possibly be the case, now I have a feeling like that while I’m watching this TV program. 




好きだったCMソング:Def-Tech 「My Way」  My Favorite CM Songs: “My Way” by Def-Tech

 大好きだった人も多いと思います。2005年の前半、タイヤのCMで流れていたDef-Techの「My Way」が、ヒットチャートを席巻しました。自分もすぐにハマって、CDを緊急購入しました。

 I guess many people loved this song., "My Way” by Def-Tech, which was a TV commercial song for car tires, swept the hit charts in the first half of 2005. I was also into it so soon that I bought the CD in a big hurry.

04 My Way - Def Tech [歌詞あり]

 8曲入りだったこのCDを、全曲気に入って、2,3週間ヘビロテしていました。こんだけ聴いてればイケる、と勢い余ってカラオケで「My Way」入れたら英語の部分はおろか、日本語の歌詞もよく追えずに赤っ恥でした。

 The CD contained 8 tracks and I loved all of them so I kept listening to the CD for a couple of weeks. I thought I listened to them enough to be able to sing along with karaoke so I gave “My way” a try, but I ended up with egg on my face because I couldn’t follow the words on the screen not only the English part but also even the Japanese part so well.

02 High on Life - Def Tech [歌詞あり]

 このアルバムで「My Way」より好きだった曲があります。2曲目の「High on Life」です。ハワイアンなギターのリフで静かに始まるこの曲は、ゆるやかな前半から次第に盛り上がりを見せ、最後は美しいビーチで夕陽に染まる海と空を見晴るかしているような、そんな壮大な気持ちになって終われます。この曲の一節に、

“Jawaii has it all”


 There was a song I liked even more than “My Way” in this album. That song was “High on Life”, the second track. Starting with slow, Hawaiian refrain with the guitar, it gathers momentum gradually in the first half and then it makes you end up imagining yourself on a beach looking over across the ocean and the sky being tinged with the evening glow, then feeling somewhat magnificent toward the end of the song. There are words in this song as follows.

“Jawaii has it all”

 Jawaii is a word they have created and it is a combination of their home countries, Japan, where Micro is from, and Hawaii, where Shen is from. The characteristic sound of Def-tech was created when these two were mixed with reggae.   

 彼らの歌は、メッセージ性の強いものが多く、このアルバムの5曲目、BENNIE KYUKIがコーラスで参加している「Quality of Life」は、フェミニズムがテーマです。2011年に車のCMで使われた「Golden Age」という曲も、歌詞が沁みてくるいい曲です。ここで挙げた曲はすべて、アマゾン・プライムでストリーミング無料となっています。久しぶりに聴きました。やっぱり気持ちよくて、カラオケ気分になっています。

 Some of their songs have clear messages, for example, the fifth track “Quality of Life”, which YUKI from BENNIE K joined as a chorus, has the theme of feminism. “Golden Age” which was used in a car commercial in 2001 is also good and tells us something important. If you have a membership of Amazon prime, you can use the streaming service for free to listen to all the songs I mentioned here. I did for the first time in many years. They were so good that I somehow felt like singing them along with Karaoke.

Def Tech - Golden Age


Def Tech

Def Tech






コラボレーションが生み出す面白さ:大森靖子「絶対彼女feat.道重さゆみ」 The Unpredictable Appeal of a Collaboration: “Zettai Kanojyo feat. Michishige Sayumi” by Omori Seiko


 I wrote with emphasis about how good the collaboration called “Anote, Konote” by sumika and Yoshizawa Kayoko is before. Sometimes unexpected collaborations can produce unpredictable great results, and “Kemono Yuku Hosomichi” by Shiina Ringo and Miyamoto Hiroji was another example of that. 



 I found that the song called “Zettai Kanojyo feat. Michishige Sayumi” by Omori Seiko, released on March 13, is also the great result of a collaboration. The mere fact that it is the collaboration of Omori Seiko, who is one of the wildest female singers, and Michishige Sayumi, a pop star who is a former member of Morning Musume, makes me smile a lot. Plus the words are somewhat funny so I’m exhilarated.  

大森靖子『絶対彼女 feat. 道重さゆみ』(MV)

 このシングルのカップリング曲には更に驚きました。「“LOW hAPPYENDROLL-少女のままで死ぬ-feat. 平賀さち枝”」です。自分にとって声の可愛さNo.1の平賀さち枝さんをここにもってきてくれたことが本当に嬉しくて大喜びしました。

 I was surprised even more when I knew about the song accompanying the title song on the CD. The song was called “LOW hAPPYENDROLL- Shojyo no Mama de Shinu- feat. Hiraga Sachie”. I was overjoyed because I had thought Hiraga Sachie had the prettiest voice among female singers and she was there.   


 それにしても大森靖子さんのこのエネルギーはなんでしょう。初期のミニアルバム「PINK」を聴いたときの衝撃は忘れません。子供の頃屈辱だった樋屋奇応丸(ひや きおうがん)を一瓶飲ませたいほどの疳(かん)の強さでした。メジャーファーストアルバムの「洗脳」で大ファンになりましたが、「子供じゃないもん17」「私は面白い絶対面白いたぶん」などにあふれる強烈なめんどくささにしびれていました。

 By the way, I’ve been always amazed by Omori Seiko’s energy. I never forget the impact I had when I listened to her early mini album called “PINK” for the first time. That sounded so crazy that I wanted to make her take a bottle of the pills called “Hiya Kiogan”, the medicine somewhat humiliating I used to have in my childhood, I became a big fan of her since I listened to her first major album called “Sen-no” and I was fascinated by her weirdness and clumsiness which were to be seen in some songs like “Kodomo jya Naimon 17” or “Watashi wa Omoshiroi Zettai Omoshiroi Tabun” and so on.



 Omori Seiko have long since spoken openly she has been a big fan of Michishige Sayumi, and Shibata Aribobo, the bassist of Yaba T, is also known as an enthusiastic fan of Sayumi. Now I somehow feel like becoming a fan of a pop idol expanding my interests. 

絶対彼女 feat. 道重さゆみ(2CD+DVD)

絶対彼女 feat. 道重さゆみ(2CD+DVD)




長崎市近郊の道の駅:西海市「みかんドーム」 A Rest Stop in the Suburbs of Nagasaki: “Mikan Dome” in Saikai City



 A rest stop which you can drop in at while driving is something delightful like an added prize. There is a rest stop called “Mikan Dome” in Saikai city, on the north side of Nagasaki city, and it’s a good place to stop at on your way home from “Isanoura Park”, the park I mentioned last time.




  You can buy many sorts of souvenir inside the building which has the dome-shaped tented roof, plus you can get experience of soba-making or bread-making, if you make a reservation for it beforehand. They sold soft ice creams using tangerines for which Saikai city is noted, and I ordered a soft ice cream being half made of tangerine, half made of vanilla. It had a proper, refreshing flavor of tangerine. They also sold hamburgers called “Mikan Dome Burger” which looked delicious but I decided to keep the pleasure for the next chance.  



 I had lunch at a restaurant called “Kasayama” in Saikai city. I had a set menu called Jizakana (local fish) set which was really great in both quality and quantity and I was more than satisfied with raw fish and tempura. I definitely recommend you this place, too.





長崎市近郊の行楽地:「伊佐の浦公園」 綺麗なダム湖と40mの吊り橋がある公園 A Pleasure Resort in the Suburbs of Nagasaki: “Isanoura Park” Which Has a Beautiful Dammed Lake and a Suspension Bridge 40 Meters Long




 There is a lovely park in Saikai city, which is next to Nagasaki city. The name of the park is “Isa no Ura Kouen” surrounding a dammed lake called Isanoura dam. You can enjoy pedal boats or bass fishing, and you can also cycle around the cycling road that is 5.2km long and surrounds the lake.I drove there on the first day of this Golden Week.



 There is a suspension bridge 40 meters long over the ravine in the park. After crossing the bridge, you will find a stone steps leading down to the mountain stream and you can enjoy the clear stream.



 This park, which opened in 1998, has a camp site, cottages and bungalows where you can have a barbecue. This park is a good place to drive to in any season. This time, I took the national road 206 that goes along Omura bay. This road runs along the seashore and the views you can look over across the bay are so calm and lovely that you will pull your car off the side of the road in spite of yourself.




A leaflet on the park




大好きだったあの世界は今?: 岩館真理子の世界⑪「雲の名前」 Where Is the World I Loved Before?: “Kumo no Namae” by Iwadate Mariko


 Although it’s a mystery story, it’s also full of cheerful atmosphere and a sense of transparency. Iwadate Mariko had published all her works from Shueisya till when this comic book was published. This story appeared in a comic magazine called Young Rose which was published from Kadokawa publishing company.



 There are many flights of stairs that go up to the top of the hillock. The main character called Niki comes to the ordinary home which is located on the hilltop as a housemaid during the summer. The people who lives there are Haruhiko, a cartoonist who is running out of ideas, and his family. Their house overlook a vast sky and a town beside the sea, and they live there nonchalantly but the reason Niki comes there is to reveal their secret. Her real mother called Shinoko must have come here as the second wife of Haruhiko who had divorced but she ended up going missing. Niki who tries to know what happened to Shinoko reveals the unexpectedly complicated relationships of the family…….


  This story which is depicted rather cheerfully is actually a kind of psycho thriller, and I can probably call it a “Iyamisu”, a word which is recently often used to describe a kind of mystery story with an unpleasant aftertaste. The main character Niki is a typical girl Iwadate Mariko used to depict, a girl with feeble-looking, clear skin, and full lips. This comic book contains two other short stories, “Natu ga Kureba Omoidasu” and “Kirei”, and a record of her travels in Paris. I love its binding because the atmosphere is impressively fresh.     


 I’d like Iwadate to publish another mystery story which features a beautiful girl with some melancholy.


雲の名前 (Young ros〓 comics deluxe)

雲の名前 (Young ros〓 comics deluxe)



ジェニファー・ローレンス主役のサイコ・スリラー:「ボディ・ハント」(2012年公開) A Psychological Thriller Film That Stars Jennifer Lawrence: “House at the End of the Street”(released in 2012)


 It is a kind of movies that doesn’t allow you to talk about. I watched the psycho thriller movie called “House at the End of the Street”(released in 2012)




 Let me talk about the settings of this movie that I may.

 A newly-divorced medical doctor Sarah Cassidy (Elisabeth Shue), and her 17-year-old daughter Elissa (Jennifer Lawrence) move to a small, upscale town. Although they like their new place, they are disturbed as they know that there was a massacre on a house next to theirs before. According to what the neighbors tell them, the daughter of the family called Carrie Anne killed her parents, and then fled into the forest to be missing. Ryan, Her brother, now seems to live in the house alone…….   



 I found the movie somewhat B-grade but I was satisfied with the thrilling plot that I couldn’t take my eyes off. This movie was released in 2012, the same year as “Hunger Games”. Hanger Game was released in March, and this movie was in September so, luckily, Jennifer Lawrence was already well-known widely by then and this movie was a box-office hit. “House at the End of the Street” was actually shot in 2010, one year ahead of “Hanger Game”, so Jennifer Lawrence just turned 20 at that time. Is it my imagination that she looks a bit plumper than herself in Hunger Games? Anyway, I can recommend this movie to someone who likes Jennifer Lawrence.      




