Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

大好きなクリスマスソング:「The Bell That Couldn’t Jingle」 by Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass   My Favorite Christmas Songs: ‘The Bell That Couldn’t Jingle’ by Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass


 This is the most addictive Christmas song for me. At this time of year, I tend to hum this song without realizing it even while working and end up being embarrassed.


Then Santa said: “Jack Frost will bring my Christmas gift to you

And on Christmas Eve you’ll jingle, just like you were brand new!”



A Christmas bell was crying, then Santa heard it say:

“I just can’t seem to jingle and I can’t go on the sleigh”

Then Santa soon discovered the reason that it cried –

The bell that couldn’t jingle, it had nothing there inside!





Then Santa said: “Jack Frost will bring my Christmas gift to you

And on Christmas Eve you’ll jingle, just like you were brand new!”



Then Jack Frost froze a teardrop, so each time that it swayed

The bell that couldn’t jingle, it went jingling all the way!


The bell that couldn’t jingle, it went jingling all the way!




 讃美歌的な出だしにドキッとします。そこからのイントロ、そしてボーカルも抑え目ですが、なぜかクリスマスのあたたかい雰囲気があふれます。間奏のトランペットが奏でる「ジングルベル」の可愛さときたらどうでしょう。曲終わりに繰り返されるフレーズ、“It went jingling all the way!”がクセになってしょうがありません。

 The first few bars may a bit surprise you because it sounds like a hymn. Then you will hear the instruments and the singing voice that are rather subdued, but they are also full of warm Christmas atmosphere somehow. The melody of ‘Jingle Bell’ played by the trumpet between the verse sounds so cute. The repeated phrase at the end of the song which says: “It went jingling all the way!” is really addictive.

 鳴らないベルについての、この素敵な歌詞はラリー・クーシックによるものです。映画「ゴッドファーザー」の「愛のテーマ(Speak Softly Love)」の作詞で知られています。作曲はバート・バカラック、そして歌とトランペットはハーブ・アルパートです。A&Mレーベルの曲が好きな方にはたまらない組み合わせに違いありません。数あるクリスマスソングの中でも特別な1曲に思えます。

 These fantastic lyrics which tell us about the bell that couldn’t jingle were written by Larry Kusik. He is well known for writing the lyrics of ‘Speak Softly Love’, a sound track of the film ‘The Godfather’. The music was written by Bart Bacharach, and the vocalist and also the trumpeter is Herb Alpert. This combination looks definitely attractive for someone who loves songs from A&M Records. This Christmas song is something special for me among others.

The Bell That Couldn't Jingle

The Bell That Couldn't Jingle

  • Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass
  • ホリデー
  • ¥153
  • provided courtesy of iTunes









