Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

牧草入りのお酒?:「ズブロッカ」 Good spirits in my favorite bar: ZUBROWKA



 In the bar France Ya, I’m happy just to take a look at the bottles on the counter or the shelves. Some of them look good and others look somewhat strange, so I want to give each of them a try. The other day, I sat at the counter and I became curious about a bottle in front of me. What was written largely on the bottle was “ZUBROWKA”. I heard it should be read as zuburokka.



 The reason why I became curious about it was a bison illustrated on the bottle, besides I saw something which looked like grass in it. “This is Polish vodka with the grass called bison grass in it” the bartender said.


 I looked it up in wiki to know that there are about 400 bison, which are designated as an endangered species, in a world heritage forest in Poland. The bison grass is the bison’s favorite. The fact that the grass is a rare one that grows wild in a world heritage forest made me feel even more like giving it a try.



 When I smelled the Zubrowka filled in the shot glass, it smelled somewhat sweet, even though vodka is not supposed to have any flavor. I took a sip and felt it tasted milder than I thought it would. In Japan, vodka is sometimes translated as “hi zake (fire spirit)” so it is too strong for me to enjoy, but I could enjoy this spirit, Zubrowka. This spirit somehow seemed to be a sacred one when I think of the future of the European bison that I’ve never seen before. 



アルバムレビュー:sumika「Chime」  Album Reviews: “Chime” by sumika


  Sumika’s 2nd album “Chime”, released on March 13, is so good as I expected it would be. 

【2019/3/13発売】sumika / 「Chime」全曲試聴teaser


 The songs that are contained in this album are as follows. 

  1. 10時の方角
  2. ファンファーレ
  3. フィクション
  4. Monday
  5. ホワイトマーチ
  6. Strawberry Fields
  7. 秘密
  8. 春夏秋冬
  9. Hummingbird's Port [Instrumental]
  10. Flower
  11. ペルソナ・プロムナード
  12. あの手、この手
  13. ゴーストライター
  14. Familia 


 I actually worried about whether it could be as good as their 1st album because the 1st one was somewhat perfect for me, but that turned out just a groundless fear. Every single song among the fourteen tracks in this album is so catchy that they could be released as a single version. The first track “Jyuji no Hogaku” has an enough momentum as the starting song, and the momentum is kept through following songs.

sumika / 10時の方角【Music Video】

sumika / Familia【Music Video】


 Such a wholesome, even violently cheerful mood is characteristic of sumika. The cheerfulness might be too bright for someone who loves rather unwholesome rock music to become fond of it heartily. In my case, it took a while to become so, too. However, the quality songs they make meticulously and the catchy melodies are so powerful that I can say they are beyond the individual taste.


 In the meantime, there are various types of songs, for example, a ballad with a bit sad mood like “Himitsu”,the seventh track, a comical, wild song like “Persona Promnade”, the eleventh,  and even a song with restless mood about an unrequited love like “Ano Te, Kono Te”, which I mentioned last time. I wonder why I feel their particular characteristic from those songs. I also wonder if there is someone who doesn’t like “Familia”, the fourteenth track. If there is, I want to talk to him or her.


 Now I realize again they really have infinite attractiveness and potential as a band. This is an album that you can’t get enough of so soon. 





衝撃のコラボレーション:sumika & 吉澤嘉代子「あの手、この手」  An Amazing Collaboration : sumika and Yoshizawa Kayoko “Ano Te Kono Te”


 I was surprised by the gap between the image I had in my mind and what the song is really like. I was amazed when I listen to the song called “Ano Te Kono Te”, which is a collaboration of sumika and Yoshizawa Kayoko, due to the unpredictable song structure and the fabulousness, which is beyond all imagination. 



  • provided courtesy of iTunes


 I was just pleased when I heard about the collaboration song in sumika’s 2nd album, because Both of them are my favorite musicians. I simply predicted that she will join them as a chorus or a vocalist performing in a duet.


 Expecting a cheerful song like sumika, I was surprised when I hear Kataoka Kenta’s voice which is harmonized by someone, then ended up getting into it because the melody is somewhat serious. It sounded like a song about lovers but somehow the melody and words were full of tension. I kept waiting Yoshizawa Kayoko’s chorus or something in vain till the end of the first verse. After feeling totally faked, the second verse suddenly started with her solo. I was taken aback and then I found the words becoming more serious, and the song come to an end rather anticlimactically with the words “It didn’t become a love”.


 Kataoka Kenta and Yoshizawa Kayoko never performs in a duet in the song. I’m wondering that that kind of collaboration has ever existed. The distance between the two singers clearly brought out the theme of this song, a fruitless love, in full relief. The more you listen to it, the more you realize the fabulousness of the song structure, and you ended up exhilarated even though this is a song of unrequited love. I’ve never known such a song like this.


 The 2nd album of sumika is worth listening to only with this track, on top of that, you will find many other good songs in it for sure. I’d like to review this album next time. 








桜の季節に聴きたい曲 木村カエラ「Cherry Blossom」:A Song I Feel Like Listening to in Cherry Blossom Season  “Cherry Blossom” by Kimura Kaera

 桜舞うこの季節に聴きたい曲ってたくさんあると思います。自分にとってすぐに浮かぶのは、木村カエラさんの「Cherry Blossom」です。

 There must be many songs that you want to listen to at this time of year, cherry blossom season. In my case, the song that comes in my mind first is “Cherry Blossom” by Kimura Kaera.

木村カエラ「Cherry Blossom」

 この曲は彼女の7枚目のアルバム「Sync」(2012)に収録されています。とってもいい曲なのでシングルカットされていると勝手に思っていましたが、あとから違うと知って驚きました。出だしから繰り返される「テュル テュルッ テュッ テュ」がくせになりますが、次のようなサビで一気に連れていかれます。

 This song is contained in her 7th album called “Sync” (2012). This song is so good that I thought it should have been released as a single, but actually, it wasn’t so I was surprised. The phrase “tyuru tyuru tyu tyu” which is repeated from the beginning becomes addictive. And I’m carried away by the catchy part as follows:   


 Falling on my hands


 チェリーブロッサム ハート花びら

 ピンクの絨毯歩き出せば 胸が高まるAll right


 Falling on my hands

 Flutteringly falling down

 Cherry blossom the petal heart-shaped

 Stepping forward on the pink rug  I’m exhilarated  All right


 カエラさんの曲で一番好きなのは2ndシングルの「happiness!!!」ですが、この季節に聴く「Cherry Blossom」は甲乙つけがたいよさがあります。

 The best song of hers is, in my opinion, “happiness!!!” which is her second single but this “Cherry Blossom” is so good that I can’t decide which is better when I hear it at this time of year.



 This is a picture of a place where you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing in the northern part of Nagasaki city. I heard that there are about two thousand cherry trees here. This place is called Kinkai Tone town.








なんで終わるの? ナカイの窓最終回:Why Should It End? The Final Installment of the TV Talk Show “Nakai no Mado”



 I loved it. I really miss it now. I don’t know why I feel so lonely just because a TV program came to an end. The TV talk show called Nakai no Mado, which had been broadcast late at night every Wednesday, has ended.


 They went to Hawaii for the final. The entertainers who appeared on it were as follows.


 この番組のロケ物は、正直、そんなに好みではありませんでした。最終回では、 山里さんのスカイ・ダイブ、ウォーターパークでのサーフライド挑戦のあと、レンタル豪邸でのバーベキュー&飲み会となり、酔っ払った姿を見て終わるのかと、ややがっかりしていました。ところが、酔ったように見える、中居さんの思わせぶりな話し方にぐいぐい引き込まれました。次のような発言が聞かれました。

 Honestly, I didn’t like some contents that shot on location in this program. In this final installment, there was a skydive by Yamazato, and then they tried surfing in Water Park, and finally they rent a mansion to have a barbecue and drinking party, so I was rather disappointed because I have to see them got drunk at the very end of this program. However, I was strongly drawn to what Nakai said meaningfully while he was drinking. What he said was as follows.


 "You can't  always live your life as you like..."


 “I really hope I can see them again….”


 “I guess they are watching this program now….”


 The song which was played at the end of the program was “Orange” by SMAP.



 I felt that the leader of the biggest idol group in the Heisei era, who didn’t end their own activities properly, seemed to try talking what he wanted to as much as possible then. I was impressed by this TV program which allowed him talking like that. Now I remember that I sometimes got interested in what I hadn’t cared about, and sometimes got exhilarated by the feeling that I knew the new sense of values which I hadn’t even imagined at all. This TV program was something great for me till the end.



 I wonder that something which has been banned was lifted. I was surprised when I saw the TV listings on the news paper the next day. I found SMAP in three programs. I watched Music Station and I was pleased when I saw the footage of them singing but there was one thing I felt really sorry after that. At the part of the ranking of audience numbers, Ryou San played by Katori Shingo, who was a member of the group, was perfectly ignored.

 An audience like me doesn’t know what is going on actually behind the show business. However, I think it is dreadful that the media doesn’t tell us things as they are so we shouldn’t allow them to do so. There must be subtle situation, I guess, but I felt really sorry this time.






アルバムレビュー 花澤香菜「ココベース」: Album Reviews  “Koko Base” by Hanazawa Kana


 This is an album somewhat better than her albums that were already released. “Koko Base”, Hanazawa Kana’s 5th album, is full of tunes that are really catchy.



 Many musicians joined her in producing this album, which contains 12 tracks, so each song is quite unique and I feel various colors over this album. There are two songs that Hanazawa Kana wrote the lyrics. All the tracks that are contained in this album are  as follows;

(1)「マイ・ソング」 作詞作曲:山内総一郎
(2)「大丈夫」 作詞作曲:槇原敬之
(3)「おとな人間」 作詞作曲:橋本絵莉子
(4)「パン」 作詞作曲:浜野謙太
(5)「Change!」 作詞:オカモトショウ 作曲:オカモトコウキ
(6)「ミトン」 作詞:大貫妙子 作曲:岡村靖幸
(7)「Tact」 作詞:花澤香菜 作曲:佐橋佳幸
(8)「春に愛されるひとに わたしはなりたい」 作詞作曲:水野良樹
(9)「おしえて」 作詞作曲:関取花
(10)「満月の音」 作詞作曲:真島昌利
(11)「ゆうのそら」 作詞:ENA☆ 作曲:ハルナ
(12)「Ready to go」 作詞:花澤香菜 作曲:佐橋佳幸 



 Each song is so good that I can’t decide which song is the best, but the songs especially I like are such as “Daijyobu”, the 2nd track, “Change!”, the 5th one and “Mangetsu no Oto”, the 10th.  “Mangetsu no Oto” is so excitingly catchy that it somehow reminds me of some songs that Otaki Eiichi offered to some idol stars in the 80s. Mashima Masatoshi, who composed and wrote “TRAIN-TRAIN” for Blue Heart, a band he was in before, fully showed his great skill as a song writer here.

 3rdアルバムの「Blue Avenue」を聴いたときの衝撃は忘れません。声優さんの歌をちゃんと聴いたのも、それが初めてでした。この「ココベース」はアルバムトータルの印象として、それよりもさらに上回っているとさえ感じています。もっともっと多くの人の耳に届いてほしいです。

 I remember the impact I felt when I heard her 3rd album “Blue Avenue”. It was the first time for me to properly listen to songs that are sung by a voice actor. This “Koko Base” is, in my opinion, even better than the 3rd album in the total impression as an album. I want more people to listen to this album. 


Blue Avenue

Blue Avenue







図書館にある素敵なカフェ 長崎市立図書館1F「池田屋」:The Stylish Café at the Library   “Ikeda Ya” on the Ground Floor of Nagasaki City Library



 Nagasaki City Library opened in 2008. Many citizens have visited and used this library since then because it is well-stocked and well-designed for the convenience of its users. It is located between Nagasaki Station and downtown, so this convenient location and the thirty-minute free parking are also its good points. I don’t have any expertise as a librarian like how to shelve books or things like that but I like this library. As an English learner, I’m glad that there are many more foreign books than I thought.  



 There is one more reason that makes you want to visit this library. It is the nice café called Ikeda Ya, which is located on the left side of the entrance. You can have lunch or dinner, of course, and you can also enjoy sweets here. You can refresh yourself here when you are tired of reading.



 In my case, I sometimes drop in this café before a business dinner to kill time. I feel calm just because of the stylish atmosphere of the interior. Ikeda Ya was originally a restaurant on a street called Sohukuji Dori and was famous because they served delicious food at that time. I hope you to visit this café when you come to Nagasaki.