Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

I found a drama quite good: よいドラマでは? 高畑充希さん主演「忘却のサチコ」



 I’m really curious about a drama titled “Boukyaku no Sachiko” broadcast by TV Tokyo since October, but they don’t in Nagasaki so I feel really frustrated now. On Amazon Prime, you can watch the special episode of the drama which was on the air at the New year holidays this year, and I watched and found it quite good. I’ve originally loved “Kodoku no Gourmet” or “Wakako  Zake”, so I’m really glad to know that there comes a new drama of the same sort.  


 This special episode starts with a scene of Sachiko’s, who is played by Takahata Mitsuki, wedding reception. Sachiko should be the bride but the groom sneaks out on her in the middle of the ceremony. Since then, Sachiko, who is an editor of a literary magazine, can’t forget him even for a moment. After a couple of days, she is amazed by the tastiness of a miso flavored boiled mackerel set meal which she has at a restaurant. She eventually finds herself being able to forget him during the time she eats something tasty…….




 The second meal she was absorbed in eating in the special episode was “Turkey-Rice”, a specialty in Nagasaki. I love this meal which can be said to be a kiddies’s lunch for an adult and that’s why I use it as the name and the profile picture in this blog.

 I’m looking forward to watching the serial version which is currently broadcast sometime in the future.   



Albums I’m into now: 今ハマっているアルバム 吉澤嘉代子さん「女優姉妹」


 It is just my own impression that the major fans of Yoshizawa Kayoko are probably female. When I think of “Nokotteru” which now can be said to be her representative of all her works, I feel, to be honest, that there are many songs better than it, maybe that’s because I’m a man so I can’t see it from the viewpoint of women. Her 4th album “Jyoyu Shimai” which was released on November 7th was made especially for women, I guess.

吉澤嘉代子「女優」MUSIC VIDEO



Maybe due to this impression, it took for a while for me to come to like this album, but now I’m sure this album is really good. The elusiveness of her songs that I’ve ever felt about her songs is settled in a better way here. Each song is something that doesn’t belong to any genre so it has a free atmosphere, but it clearly has a pleasing unity. So I don’t want to choose take one song out and listen to it with other artist’s songs. The song I love best of all them is “Getsuyobi Senso”. It is so catchy that I listen to it again and again.

 This is an album that everyone, no matter who is he or she, can enjoy.

吉澤嘉代子「月曜日戦争」MUSIC VIDEO

吉澤嘉代子「女優」MUSIC VIDEO 

女優姉妹 (初回限定盤)

女優姉妹 (初回限定盤)




Works that never fade: 色あせない面白さ 「ヒゲのOL 薮内笹子」しりあがり寿著



 しりあがり寿さんによるサラリーマン三部作の一つに,髭を生やしたOLを主役にした作品があります。「ヒゲのOL 薮内笹子」です。女にしてふさふさとした口髭をたくわえているというだけで,もう心がざわつきますが,その理由でさらにワクワクします。笹子は,真実の愛を見つけるまで,髭をそらないと心に決めているのでした。

 There is a work featuring a female office worker wearing a mustache and this work is one of the salaryman trilogy by Shiriagari Kotobuki. The title of it is “Hige no OL Yabuuchi Sasako”. The mere fact that she wears an abundant mustache despite a woman stirs my heart, plus the reason why she does so makes me excited. She decided she won’t shave her mustache until she finds her true love.




 Yabuuchi Sasako is a female office worker in Tokyo and she spends every day struggling to discover what true love is. Sasako, who tends to love or hate someone excessively and have the ability to act, sometimes runs wild because she pursues the true love too seriously. She appears on a mixed party, which someone invited her to even up the numbers to, in a court costume like a queen, and she commits serial bombings of statues of naked men and women which are placed in front of train stations, on top of that, she goes on a trip for a hot spring with her boss who has a wife and a kid having a crush on him.

 Shiriagari Kotobuki who changes his style depending on works drew this work, which was full of perverted love, with a playful, eccentric style.


 In fact, there is another work titled “Juliana’s old guy” in the second half of this comic book. A guy of early old age has a crush on a young lady called Juliana’s Kintaro lady, this story is about the love of them and the troubles caused by them. The characteristic humor of Shiriagari Kotobuki was somehow subdued as much as possible in this story and it was full of the atmosphere of the roaring bubble era and a wistful pang. 

ヒゲのOL薮内笹子 (Bamboo comics)

ヒゲのOL薮内笹子 (Bamboo comics)





The actors appeared on the TV program: 新垣結衣さん,松田龍平さんが「ナカイの窓」に





 The late-night  TV program “Nakai no Mado” which was renewed in the spring of this year has often invited guests to its studio to have round-table-talks these last few times as it did before.

 The themes they’ve had since October were as follows.


10月3日(水) 「断捨離の窓 第2弾」 世の中にある無駄な物・いらない物を断捨離していく!

On Wednesday, October 3 “A window for Danshari” Getting rid of the clutter in the world society


10月10日(水) 「番付の窓」 様々なテーマを元に、番組オリジナルのベスト3を決定!

On Wednesday, October 10 “A window for some rankings” deciding top three on various themes


10月17日(水) 「ナカイの窓×鉄道」 鉄道車両を作っている総合車両製作所で、鉄道関係のお仕事をしている方、鉄道好きタレントの方達と円卓トーク

On Wednesday, October 17 “A window for railroads” having a round-table-talk with someone who works at Sogo Sharyo Seisakusho where they produce train cars, and another talk with some entertainers who love railroads

10月24日(水) 「ウレルカモの窓」 今後大ブレークするかもしれない未来のスターを発掘するオーディション

On Wednesday, October 24 “A window for ‘They might have a big break some time’” having an audition for future stars

11月14日(水) 「大食いBIG3&クセあり女子アナ2本立てSP」

On Wednesday, November 14 “A double-featured SP, ‘The top three big eaters & Eccentric female announcers’”

11月21日(水) 「ナカイの窓×ドラマ」 新垣結衣松田龍平がドラマの裏側を語る!

On Wednesday, November 21 “A window for a drama” inviting and letting Aragaki Yui & Matsuda Ryuhei talk about some unknown episodes of their drama.

11月28日(水) 「2018年 ニュースの窓」 2018年に起きたニュースをよく知る関係者がスタジオに登場!

On Wednesday, November 28 “A window for some news in 2018” inviting someone who knows well the news




 The program I was excited most was “A window for a drama” On Wednesday, November 21, in which Aragaki Yui, Matsuda Ryuhei and the staffs of the drama “Kemono ni Narenai Watashitachi” appeared. Aragaki Yui tried to answer the questions to her sincerely. Matsuda Ryuhei looked attractive when he replied brusquely and vaguely because it was just like him. As a matter of fact, the actors’ talk was not enough for me, but I was moved to tears a little when I saw a video of Ashida Mana’s performance in another drama at the topic “The best actor for me”. In the meantime, right after the video, Yashiro Yu, a mimic comedian, unexpectedly appeared and profusely did an imitation of Ashida Mana which was full of after-all-this-time atmosphere, it made me giggle. After that, to my delight, there was an on-site talk in the studio setting of the drama.

 Now they make the best use of the guest MCs, which is the characteristic of this program, like Jinnai Tomonori, Yamazato Ryota and so on. I just feel sorry because I can’t see “Kokorogist” diagnose the guests arbitrarily, but I’m really glad because the TV program became so amusing again that I can’t wait the next time now.  



That song sounds just like him: 達郎さんらしさが出てる曲 クールス・ロカビリークラブ「センチメンタル・ニューヨーク.」

 前回,クールス・ロカビリークラブのアルバム「NEW YORK CITY, N.Y.」についてふれました。実は,このアルバムの前年,1977年10月に,やはり山下達郎さんプロデュースのシングルが発売されています。A面は「センチメンタル・ニューヨーク」,B面は「風が変わる前に」です。

 I mentioned the album “NEW YORK CITY, N.Y.” by Cools Rockabilly Club last time. There was, actually, a single which was released in October, 1977, the year before the album was released. The song on the A side was “Sentimental New York”, and on the B side, that was “Kaze ga Kawaru Mae ni”.   

クールス・ ロカビリー・クラブ / センチメンタル・ニューヨーク

  この2曲はアルバム「NEW YORK CITY, N.Y.」に収録されていると思い込んでいましたが,そうではありませんでした。当時,同じカセット・テープに入れて聴いていたのだと思います。今回,「センチメンタル・ニューヨーク」をあらためて聴き直してみると,笑ってしまうくらい山下達郎さんらしさがあふれていてワクワクしました。出だしの分厚いコーラス,それに続いてのアコースティック・ギターの静かな調べと一瞬の静寂,いざボーカルが入ると一気に軽快なシティ・ポップへと展開していきます。洗練されたコーラスワークやホーンの使い方はまさしく達郎さんならではのもので,めちゃくちゃカッコいいです。

 I had been wrongly assuming that these two songs were contained in “NEW YORK CITY, N.Y.” but actually they weren’t. I guess I put them in the same cassette tape to enjoy at that time. This time, I listened to “Sentimental New York” again properly, and I was excited because it was really arranged like Yamashita Tatsuro so much that it even made me smile. It starts with the chorus that sounds comfortably deep, after that, the soft sound of the acoustic guitar came and the silence in a moment, then the vocal came to take you to the world of AOR. The sophisticated way of using chorus part and the brass section was really typical of Yamashita Tatsuro so it sounds extremely cool. 



 In “Kaze ga Kawaru Mae ni”, on the B side, James Fujiki’s skill of writing songs shines. I was surprised when I know Yamakawa Keisuke wrote the words. He is a big name who wrote so many pop music with the atmosphere of the Showa era, and also many anime songs like “Ginga Tetsudo 999”, plus, even some children’s songs like “Kitakaze Kozo no Kantaro” and so on.

I’ve never seen Cools taken up in magazines or TV music show properly. They were originally motorcycle freaks, and were also ardent fans to the band “CAROL” which was led by Yazawa Eikichi, so they have been regarded as a heretic. I’m a little bit sorry for them, because they play genuine, good music actually.

クールスRC 風が変わるまえに


センチメンタル・ニューヨーク b/w 風がかわる前に 7インチ  [Analog] 店舗・生産限定盤 2015年盤


Did he produce that album for this band?: 山下達郎さんプロデュース クールス・ロカビリークラブ「NEW YORK CITY, N.Y.」


 Yamashita Tatsuro has produced many artists and a few of them are quite unexpected. The one I bring up here is a band called Cools Rockabilly Club.


 彼らのアルバムの中でなんか雰囲気違うな,と思っていたアルバムがありました。「NEW YORK CITY, N.Y.」(1978)というアルバムでした。子ども心に洗練された音を感じました。このアルバムは,実際にニューヨークで録音されたそうです。

 My brother, sister and one of my cousins are kinds of delinquents when I was growing up. However, I was somehow not so, just a coward and chicken, but I was just amused with the disturbances that happened around me. Even so I was really influenced by them about my taste in music. I could hum most of the songs by CAROL or Yazawa Eikichi when I was an elementary school boy. The band I loved best of all them was Cools. I liked them when Tachi Hiroshi was the leader of it but I’d rather like their tunes after he left and they changed the name to Cools Rockabilly Club. I used to play their songs on an old radio cassette even when I took a bath.

 There was an album that had a different atmosphere among theirs. That was “NEW YORK CITY, N.Y” (1978). It sounded sophisticated even for a boy. This album was recorded in New York actually.

COOLS LOVE CHANCE ニューヨーク・シティー N.Y.

 このアルバムが山下達郎さんのプロデュースであることを知ったのは,もうクールスを聴かなくなって何年も経ってからでした。それまでどおり,作詞も作曲も,ジェームス藤木さんを中心としたメンバーで行っていますが,山下達郎さんはサウンド・クリエイティブ・プロデューサーとしてクレジットされています。実際には,メンバーより先にニューヨークに渡った山下達郎さんが,スタジオからミュージシャンの手配まで全て一人で行った模様。達郎さんのデビューアルバム「CIRCUS TOWN」(1976)はニューヨークとロスでレコーディングされているので,そのときの人脈が生かされたのだと思います。

 It was not until after so many years had passed since I didn’t listen to their music any more that I knew this album was produced by Yamashita Tatsuro. In this album, the songs and words were written by members, mainly by James Fujiki, as before, and Yamashita Tatsuro was credited as a sound creative producer. Actually he went to New York ahead of the members and arranged everything for them like the studio to use, the musicians to work with, and so on. His debut album “CIRCUS TOWN”(1976)was recorded in New York and Los Angeles so he could perhaps make use of his connections, I guess.



 This combination might seem a little bit strange but Yamashita Tatsuro has a deep knowledge of doo-wop or soft rock, and Cools played mainly oldies so there could have been something they could share. I also often see articles that say Tatsuro thought highly of James Fujiki’s talent. I’m sure James Fujiki’s songs are really catchy so I think his works should be evaluated more highly.

 I wanted to listen to this album for the first time in many years so I bought it on Amazon. I listened to it from the different standpoints, but I found it really good as I had felt before.






CIRCUS TOWN (サーカス・タウン)

CIRCUS TOWN (サーカス・タウン)




Songs sound good at night: 夜に聴くとワクワクする曲 シュガー・ベイブ「DOWN TOWN」

 前回,「ア・ナイト・イン・ニューヨーク」についてふれました。聴いて都会の夜を思い浮かべるという点では,シュガー・ベイブの「DOWN TOWN」も近いものがあると思います。山下達郎さん率いるシュガー・ベイブは,デビュー当時全く売れなかったというのは,今となっては信じがたいことです。1975年リリースのこの曲は,40年以上の時を経た今でも,瑞々しく響いてくるから不思議です。 

 Last time I mentioned “A Night in New York”. I think “Down Town” by Sugar Babe has a similar atmosphere on the point that it makes you imagine the night view of a big city. Now it’s unbelievable that Sugar Babe, the band led by Yamashita Tatsuro, wasn’t popular at all when they debuted. It is amazing for me that this song which was released in 1975 still sounds fresh even after over 40 years have passed.

Sugar Babe シュガーベイブ 「DOWN TOWN」


  I remember the ending theme of a comedy program called “Oretachi Hyokinzoku” which was broadcast in the 80’s was a cover version of this song sang by EPO, a female singer. it really went well with the Saturday night atmosphere so I really loved it but it was after a while that I knew this song was written and sang by Yamashita Tatsuro originally. I was amazed by their album “SONGS” when I listened to it for the first time. I felt his greatness because he already wrote such songs even in the mid-70s. He was really ahead of the time, I guess.

DOWN TOWN / EPO Studio Live


 SUGAR BABE joined some works of many artists such as HAPPY END, Otaki Eiichi, Yoshida Minako, and I’m somehow filled with deep emotion when I come to think of the fact that they even sang backups for Arai Yumi in some works, for example, “Hitomi wo Tojite”. 





