美味しくて、ボリュームたっぷりな和食だけでもお薦めに値します。その上、素晴らしい眺望まで楽しめるお店です。和食茶房 風の彩は、長崎市に隣接する諫早市の多良見(たらみ)町にあるお店です。
The Japanese dishes they serve are delicious and substantial enough to make me feel like recommending you go there. Plus you can also enjoy great views. A Japanese food restaurant called Kaze no Iro is located in Tarami town, Isahaya city, a neighbor city of Nagasaki.
お店の近くにJR の小さな駅はありますが、車で行くことをおすすめします。長崎市の中心部からは、有料道路を使えば一時間以内で行ける場所です。大村湾沿いに走る国道207 号線から、丘の上へと続く小道を登ると、素敵な山小屋風のお店にたどり着きます。
Although there is a small station of Japan Railway, it would be better to go there by car. It is less than an hour’s drive using a toll road from the center of Nagasaki city to the place. You go along Route 207 and then turn off to a small path which goes up a hill you will find a lovely log cabin there.
限定50 食の和御膳は、風(かぜ)、彩(いろどり)、天婦羅の3つから選べます。初めて行かれる方には彩御膳がおすすめです。メインはお刺身ですが、天婦羅も付いています。
They serve set meals limited to fifty a day and you have three choices such as Kaze, Irodori, and Tempura. I want you to try Irodori if you visit there for the first time. The main dish is raw fish, but a few sort of tempura is also served together.
I visited this restaurant for the third time the other day, and I had Irodori then. I had booked our table, so we were shown to a table by the window. We had no time to enjoy the calm view of Omura Bay before they served a tray on which there were main dish and lots of side dishes.
First I had a piece of raw fish called hirasu, my favorite one. It was so delicious that I grunted in satisfaction without knowing it. It was the first time for me to know that seared swordfish is tenderer than bonito and really delicious.
I haven’t finished side dishes like boiled vegetables, cherry-flavored tofu, and so on when another dishes came. They were tempura, steamed egg custard, and boiled fish with thick sauce, and everything was so tasty. Coffee and dessert came at the end.
I was full and I turned my eyes to the view from the window again. I love the calm atmosphere of Omura Bay and the scattering of round, lovely islands. I thought it would be all the more beautiful in the cherry blossom season.
This restaurant is so good that I want to take my friend there, when he comes back to Nagasaki this summer.