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音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

季節外れとか言わせない曲:「春は溶けて」 Radio Bootsy     Even though out of season, this song still sounds good: ‘Haru wa Tokete’ by Radio Bootsy

 この曲を好きじゃないという人がもしいたら、よほどの変人か、またはウソつきだと思ってしまいます。川谷絵音さんによる作詞・作曲のこの曲ですが、まるでタガが外れてしまったようにキャッチーです。歌っているのは、Radio Bootsyと名付けられたユニットで、川谷絵音さんご本人に加え、ホリエアツシストレイテナー)、yama、長屋晴子(緑黄色社会)、北村匠海(DISH)、三原健司フレデリック)の6人で構成されています。

 If there is someone who doesn’t like this song, even I may think the person could be a weirdo or a liar. This song, whose lyrics and music were written by Kawatani Enon, is extremely catchy somehow. The group of singers who sing this song is called Radio Bootsy and it consists of 6 members, Kawatani Enon, Horie Atsushi from Straightener, yama, Nagaya Haruko from Ryokuoshokushakai, Kitamura Takumi from DISH, and Mihara Kenji from Frederic.


いつぞやの椿 花から花へと



今はただ 今はまだ

 The camellia which still lives in my heart  From one flower to another

 It is an ideal, promising season

 Others are excited, whereas I am just interested

 All I can do is wait, the time is not yet ripe

切って貼った春は 都合よく芽吹いた


何度だって会って 分かれては重ねて

 The spring cut and pasted came into bloom in time

 It is renewable

 No matter how many times we can meet and break up repeatedly


まばらに色付いて 世界抉ったんだ

幸せだと思える一瞬は いつでもどこかに

 Spring started melting

 to color here and there piercing the world

 The moment I feel happy exists anywhere anytime



 The lyrics and the melodies are so addictive. I’m sure you’ll be into it. The arrangement is also well done. I came to love every sound of it from the first one to the last.


 This song was produced by FM802 and Hanshin Expressway in their project. I live in Nagasaki so I didn’t know about FM802 which broadcast exclusively in the Kinki area. This FM station does this project every spring. The song called Shiori sang by Creep Hype was also produced in that project.  


 Kawatani Enon is from Nagasaki and he offered a couple of songs to Ebichu so he is someone special for me as an artist. I realized again how great he is as a creator.   




