Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

「男はつらいよ お帰り寅さん」を観て②:平成の寅さんの魅力 My impression of the movie “Otoko wa Tsurai yo Okaeri Tora-san”②: The Attractiveness of Tora-san in the Heisei Era

 平成元年(1989年)から「男はつらいよ」に大きな変化が見られます。この年12月公開の第42作「男はつらいよ ぼくの伯父さん」から、この映画のルーティンが破られるのです。それまで、帰ってきてはもめ事を起こし、失恋しては出ていくというルーティンを通じて、いわば「男のつらさ」を体現していたのは寅さん本人でした。しかし、この作品で主に描かれるのは、将来に悩み、恋に悩む甥っ子、満男(吉岡秀隆)の姿です。


 In 1989, there was a big change in the movie series “Otoko wa Tsurai yo”. The routine of the plot in this movie was broken in the 42nd installment “Otoko wa Tsuraiyo, Boku no Ojisan”, released in December 1989. It had been Tora who embodied the men’s sorrow through the routine until then. However, in that installment, the one, who gets warried about his future and is also lovesick, is Mitsuo, Tora’s nephew.  



 While Hidetaka Yoshioka has played Mitsuo in this movie series since 1981, he also played another role of a boy called Jun Kuroita in a TV drama “Kita no Kuni kara” and through this role he became very popular because he gave a distinctive performance as a young guy typically in distress. He showed successfully the same image in “Otoko wa Tsurai yo”, too, drawing the interest of young people at that time. In addition to that,  casting Kumiko Goto, who was nationally recognized as the most beautiful girl in Japan at that time, as the heroine named Izumi Oikawa, who Mitsuo has a crush on, resulted in acquiring new audiences for sure.



 After that installment, Tora-san’s role shifted to of Mitsuo’s uncle who supports Mitsuo, both directly and indirectly. I have an impression that the men’s sorrow which Mitsuo experiences is more serious than what Tora-san did in the Showa era. One of the outstanding characteristics of the installments released during the Heisei era is a tense atmosphere with delicate feelings of depth. Now that Tora-san is gone, the 50th installment released in this Reiwa era is,  of course, an extension of that atmosphere. I’d like to do a review of the 50th installment trying to avoid spoiling someone’s fun as much as possible.  

男はつらいよ・ぼくの伯父さん [DVD]

男はつらいよ・ぼくの伯父さん [DVD]

  • 出版社/メーカー: 松竹
  • 発売日: 2017/08/30
  • メディア: DVD



「男はつらいよ お帰り寅さん」を観て:シリーズが持つルーティンの魅力 My impression of the movie “Otoko wa Tsurai yo Okaeri Tora-san”: The Attractive Routine of the Series

 「男はつらいよ お帰り寅さん」を観に行きました。主人公不在でどこまでやれるのか、この映画は本来不可能なことに挑戦しています。いないのはわかっていながら、とにかく寅さんに会いたくて行きました。結論から言えば、ファンの期待に精一杯応えてくれている出来栄えで、満足感をもって映画館を出ました。

 I went to a movie called “Otoko wa Tsurai yo Okaeri Tora-san”. This movie took up a challenge of something impossible because the main character was absent. I just wanted to see Tora-san, so I went to the movie theater despite knowing that he was not there. I can say this movie is, to begin from the conclusion, is excellent because it lives up to our expectation. I left the movie theater with great satisfaction.  

映画『男はつらいよ お帰り 寅さん』予告映像


 I wonder how many people love this movie series “Otoko wa Tsurai yo”. I’m sure it depends on the generation that what percentage they account for. The original movie was released in 1969, the early fans of this movie are now in their 70’s or 80’s. I guess the number of fans of this movie had been increasing through the 1970’s taking in new generations. However, in 1980’s, the number of new fans must have hit a ceiling. That’s because teenagers at the time had no chance to get interested in this movie.  



 It may be true that a movie series or a TV drama series, which has a lot of installments, usually have a routine. Some sort of routine itself is the attractiveness of them and if people get enough of the routine, the movie or the drama has to end. The routine which can be seen in “Otoko wa Tsurai yo” is a plot that revolves around what Tora, a traveling salesman, does like coming back to a sweet dumpling shop in his hometown to end up causing troubles with his folks, and suffering a broken heart, then setting out for another sales trip. However, this routine is very flexible. With the combinations of different places Tora goes to and different weman he falls in love with, this movie series can attract audience in unlimited ways. On top of that, with the same people in his hometown, the plot develops on a firm foundation. This is the main reason why this movie has continued for such a long time.  


 With only this routine, however, this movie series might have ended in the 1980’s. That’s because it became difficult to have Tora fall in love with a woman as Tora got older. No one wants to see someone old enough has a crush on a woman, and all the more on a young girl. I’d like to talk about how this problem was solved next time.   

映画「男はつらいよ お帰り 寅さん」オリジナル・サウンドトラック

映画「男はつらいよ お帰り 寅さん」オリジナル・サウンドトラック

  • アーティスト:山本 直純
  • 出版社/メーカー: SMM itaku (music)
  • 発売日: 2019/12/25
  • メディア: CD







第4作まで作られた映画:「トイ・ストーリー4」を観て思ったこと(ネタバレなし) Movie Series with 4 Installments: What I Thought through Watching the Movie “Toy Story 4”


 I wonder what movie series with 4 installments there are, which were not conceived to be serialized from the beginning. I checked out some movies that come to my mind. (The figures in brackets are the years of release from 1 to 4)  

 エイリアン Alien


 インディ・ジョーンズ Indiana Jones


 ダイ・ハード Die Hard


 トイ・ストーリー Toy Story



 The time span between the first one and the fourth of each series above are, 18 years, 27 years, 18 years, and 24 years, so Indiana Jones is the longest. It seems like the 5th installment of Indiana Jones will be released in 2021, and it will make the time span between the 1st and the 5th 40 years long.


 The span of 24 years of Toy Story is also quite long. There could be the case that someone, who watched the first volume when he or she was a child, would watch the 4th with their children. Toy Story has a great possibility to be further serialized because it is a CG film with a toy as the main character.


 Making sequels to the films that weren’t originally conceived to be serialized means to add extra stories to the ones fully completed. In that case, what is required there is the necessity to do that. Plus the new one should be at least as enjoyable as the original movie, or more. In my opinion, most of the movies above are enjoyable till the 2nd or the 3rd installments, but the 4th seems not. Given that what I just mentioned is right, I realize how“Mission: Impossible”, which has 6 installments, is great.  



 I watched “Toy Story 4” on DVD. CG technology has advanced incredibly and the images are so beautiful. It also made me cry, even before the theme song was played. At some other parts I also sometimes cried. It is not that this film is trash at all. Even so, I couldn’t see the necessity of making it. 

トイ・ストーリー4 (字幕版)

トイ・ストーリー4 (字幕版)

  • 発売日: 2019/10/23
  • メディア: Prime Video



ビーチ・ボーイズの魅力:「ペット・サウンズ」の前とか後とかどうでもいい The Attractiveness of The Beach Boys: I Don’t Care Whether It Is before or after “Pet Sounds”


The Beach Boys - Surfer Girl

The Beach Boys - Fun Fun Fun (Live!)

 I’m now listening to some songs of The Beach Boys after watching the film “Love Actually”. When I was a boy, their songs I came to like before I knew it was what they called California Sound. My favorite songs were “Surfer Girl”, “Fun, Fun, Fun”, which was covered by Carpenters, and so on. I want to listen to their early albums in summer even now.

 「ラブ・アクチュアリー」のサントラに入っている「God Only Knows」は、カリフォルニア・サウンドのイメージからは大きくかけ離れた楽曲です。この曲は、1966年にリリースされた「ペット・サウンズ」というアルバムに収録されています。そして、このアルバムこそが、ビーチ・ボーイズというバンドの評価を二分する問題作でした。このアルバムはバンドの楽曲を担当していたブライアン・ウィルソンがスタジオにこもって作り上げたものだといわれています。

The Beach Boys - God only knows

 One of their song called “God Only Knows”, which is contained in the soundtrack of “Love Actually”, is far cry from the image of California Sound. This song is originally contained in their album called “Pet Sounds” released in 1966. This album was highly controversial. Brian Wilson, who wrote most of their songs, shut himself up in the studio to produce this album.

 ペット・サウンズの受け止め方は、人によって違うと思います。自分自身がこのアルバムを素直に聴けたのは、フリッパーズ・ギターのおかげでした。「ヘッド博士の世界塔」の1曲目、ドルフィン・ソングのイントロが「God Only Knows」をサンプリングしたものであることが話題になっていたからでした。

Flipper's Guitar - ドルフィン・ソング

 It depends on the listeners whether this album is good or not. I owe it to Flipper’s Guitar that I could accept this album readily. That’s because it was much talked about at the time that a refrain of “God Only Knows” was used in the opening bars of “Dolphin Song”, which was the first track of Flipper’s album called “Doctor Head’s World Tower”,    


 It is not that you are forced to choose either their early songs or the ones after Pet Sounds. You can enjoy both of them as the sounds by the same band. It is often said that Brian Wilson was influenced by Phil Spector, who I mentioned in this blog the other day, It’s just a coincidence, but today, Dec.26 is the birthday of Phil Spector




Shut Down Voume. 2 (Mono & Stereo Remastered)

Shut Down Voume. 2 (Mono & Stereo Remastered)

  • アーティスト:Beach Boys
  • 出版社/メーカー: Capitol
  • 発売日: 2012/09/24
  • メディア: CD




  • アーティスト:The Beach Boys
  • 出版社/メーカー: Captol
  • 発売日: 2001/04/05
  • メディア: CD


Now & Then

Now & Then

  • アーティスト:The Carpenters
  • 出版社/メーカー: A&M
  • 発売日: 1998/12/08
  • メディア: CD






ネイティブがお薦めするクリスマス映画:「ラブ・アクチュアリー」(2003)(ネタバレなし) A Christmas Movie Some Native Speakers of English Recommend: “Love Actually” Released in 2003 (No Spoilers)


 When it comes to the movies that have something to do with Christmas, a couple of movies soon comes to my mind and they are quite famous ones like “Home Alone”, “Die Hard” and so on.


 There is a movie that every foreigner who I became friend with mention without fail when we talk on this topic. The movie is a 2003 British film called “Love Actually”. It features an ensemble cast, so multiple plots about characters are skillfully interwoven in it.  

Love Actually (2003) Official Trailer - Colin Firth, Emma Thompson Movie HD   



 This movie has a star-studded cast. The actors who appear on this movie were like, if I mention only my favorite actors, Liam Neeson, Colin Firth, and there are some other actors unexpected like Elisha Cuthbert who is well-known as Jack Bauer’s daughter called Kim in the TV drama “24”, and Andrew Lincoln who is famous for playing the main character in “The Walking Dead”. 

 この映画のもう一つのよさはサントラです。シュガーベイブスケリー・クラークソン、マルーン5など、当時のシーンで人気だったアーティストから、ジョニ・ミッチェルビーチ・ボーイズ、そしてオーティス・レディングといった大御所の曲まで使用していて、多彩な構成になっています。特に印象的だったのは、ビーチ・ボーイズの「God Only Knows」でした。

The Beach Boys - God only knows

 Another good point about this movie is the soundtrack. You can find some artists who were popular at that time such as Sugababes, Kelly Clarkson, Maroon 5 and so on, and other artists who were all-time big names like Joni Mitchell, The Beach Boys, and Otis Redding in the CD. Among them, the most impressive song for me was “God Only Knows” by The Beach Boys.

 久しぶりに観たくなって観てみました。前に観たときは、気付かなかったことにいっぱい気付きました。終わりの方ではずっと泣いていました。タイトル通り、愛が至る所に、でも、いろんな形であふれている映画です。「God Only Knows」はやっぱり一番いいところで使われていました。1回観るだけではもったいない映画です。

 I felt like watching this movie again after a long time. I found a lot of things that I hadn’t noticed before. I was crying over the ending of it. Love actually is all around, as in its title, and also in various ways. The song “God Only Knows” was used at the climax. It is a movie you can watch many times.   

ラブ・アクチュアリー [AmazonDVDコレクション]

ラブ・アクチュアリー [AmazonDVDコレクション]






ウォール・オブ・サウンドなクリスマス・アルバム:フィル・スペクターの「クリスマス・ギフト・フォーユー」 A Christmas Album with Wall of Sound: “Christmas Gift for You from Phil Spector”


 In this album, you may be able to see the roots of some Christmas songs which could be categorized as pop music. This Christmas album, which was produced by Phil Spector, shows a peak of “Wall of Sound”, a recording method invented by him.

The Ronettes - Sleigh Ride (Audio)

Darlene Love - Christmas (Baby please come home)


 The Christmas songs contained in the album and the artists who joined it are as follows.

  1. White Christmas / Darlene Love [2:52]
  2. Frosty the Snowman / The Ronettes [2:16]
  3. The Bells of St. Mary's / Bob B. Soxx & the Blue Jeans [2:54]
  4. Santa Clause Is Coming to Town / The Crystals [3:24]
  5. Sleigh Ride/ The Ronettes [3:00]
  6. Marshmallow World / Darlene Love [2:23]
  7. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus / The Ronettes [2:37]
  8. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer / The Crystals [2:30]
  9. Winter Wonderland / Darlene Love [2:25]
  10. Parade of the Wooden Soldiers / The Crystals [2:55]
  11. Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) / Darlene Love [2:45]
  12. Here Comes Santa Claus / Bob B. Soxx & the Blue Jeans [2:03]
  13. Silent Night / Phil Spector and Artists [2:08]


 Although it is quite difficult to decide which song is the best, my favorites are the 5th track, “Sleigh Ride” by The Ronettes, and the 11th track, “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)” by Darlene Love. Among the standard Christmas songs this 11th track is solely written for this album.

The Ronettes - Be My Baby (Official Audio)


 In 1963, “Be My Baby” by Ronettes hit the charts. I’ve loved oldies since I was a boy, and I remember I felt something special when I found this song had a unique sound, I didn’t know the words “Wall of Sound” at that time though.



 Phil Spector wrote liner note for this album. He showed a question at the beginning, “Can twelve great Christmas songs be treated with the same excitement as is the original pop material of today”, then he convincingly wrote that he achieved it in this album. Even though this album contains thirteen tracks, the reason he wrote “twelve” there is because he just speaks in the 13th track “Silent Night” with no one singing. He says during the song, “It is so difficult at this time to say words that would express my feelings about the album to which you have just listen”, “The album has been in the planning for many, many months”, and so on.      


 There is another liner note, which was written by Jim Bessman from Billboard, and I was interested in what it says that Phil Spector already met The Beatles in 1964.


 Phil Spector is still in prison for murder but will be eligible for parole in 2025. 





今どきのクリスマスソング:Little Glee Monster「愛しさにリボンをかけて」 Christmas Songs These Days: “Itoshisa ni Ribon wo Kakete” by Little Glee Monster


 I’m sure that the Christmas atmosphere has faded compared to what it used to be. Having nothing to do with Christianity, Japanese people have just enjoyed the atmosphere, so there’s no wonder if they lose their interest in Christmas. It seems to be true that having chicken for Christmas looks odd or strange for Westerners. However, in Japan, people can’t get turkey anywhere, so it can’t be helped, and having chicken is the least we could do.       


 I also have a feeling that the number of newly released Christmas songs is decreasing. It is not that I don’t like some sorts of Christmas songs with the lyrics about lovers such as “ALL I Want for Christmas Is You”, which is violently full of amorous feeling, just a personal opinion, of course. Even so, it seems to me that finding a favorite Christmas song has become difficult since feeling of love was openly brought in Christmas songs. 



  • provided courtesy of iTunes


 This winter a very nice Christmas song was released. The song called “Itoshisa ni Ribon wo Kakete” by Little Glee Monster was released on Nov. 20. I guess many people has already heard this song because it is the Coca-Cola’s commercial song for this winter. The image of this group somehow goes well with Christmas songs. I hope they continue to release Christmas songs every year.

【コカ・コーラ】ウィンター TVCM「リボンボトル」篇 15秒 Coca-Cola TVCF 


