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音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

遊び心いっぱいの名作ドラマ:離婚しようよ(Netflix)の感想 A TV Drama That Is Full of Fun-loving Vibes: My Impression of Let's Get Divorced

 いいドラマでは、役者の魅力が引き出されていると思います。ときには、出演者全員がいとおしくてしょうがないことさえあるものです。TBS 制作のNetflix配信ドラマ、「離婚しようよ」は、まさにそれでした。

 When you find a TV drama quite good, that often means the actors who appear in it are really attractive to its viewers. In some cases you feel affection for every single character in it. A Netflix drama called Let's Get Divorced, which is produced by TBS, is exactly that sort of one.



 The following is the summary cited from its official website.


"There is a married couple, the wife is an actor and the husband is a politician, who has already become strangers but cannot get divorced now because there are some big names who suffer damages from their divorce. So the couple decides to cooperate to get divorced successfully."


 The scenario of this drama, which was co-written by Kankuro Kudo and Shizuka Oishi, is exhilaratingly full of fun-loving vibes in many ways like settings, characterization, pet phrases and even some casual lines. It's true that just hearing the name ”Kankuro Kudo” makes me smile, even so I have a feeling that his scenario sometimes tends to be too playful. However, it's just right in this drama and I guess that happened due to the collaboration.



 One of the main characters is a must-be-best-wife actress called Yui Kurosawa played by Riisa Naka, and the other is her husband called Taishi Shoji played by Tori Matsuzaka characterized as a useless, spoiled Diet member. You will see multiple plots well-woven with a lot of eccentric characters around them such as their bedfellows, parents, showbiz people, politicians and so on. This drama may look eccentric at first sight, but actually is a definitely enjoyable one based on the sense of values which you can empathize with.

 To be continued.



