連ドラ予約してしまっています。と言ってもドラマではなく、ドキュメンタリーですが。毎週水曜、夜10:50にNHKのEテレで放送されている「ネコメンタリー 猫も、杓子も。」です。
I’ve set the TV program to be automatically recorded every week on my recorder. It’s not a serial drama but a documentary. The TV program is ‘Nekomentary, Neko mo Shakushi mo’ broadcast at 10:50 p.m. every Wednesday on E tele by NHK.
ネコメンタリー 猫も、杓子も。PR動画
The people who appear on this program are famous authors and their cats. In every episode, you can see the daily life of an author and his or her cats with the narration and the video. The scripts of the narrations are written by the authors, so it can be called essays newly written for this program. The narrator is different every time, and all of them are famous actors.
Although I didn’t know it, this program has been broadcast for several years, and now they show reruns. The following are the episodes already broadcast so far. The numbers in brackets are the dates when they were originally broadcast.
出演:角田光代、トト 朗読:戸田恵梨香
‘Kakuta Mitsuyo and Toto’ (2017.3.30)
The author and the cats: Kakuta Mitsuyo and Toto The narrator: Toda Erika
出演:吉田修一、金ちゃん、銀ちゃん 朗読:大沢たかお
‘Yoshida Shuichi and Kinchan Ginchan ’ (2017.10.2)
The author and the cats: Yoshida Shuichi and Kinchan Ginchan The narrator: Osawa Takao
「特別編 養老センセイとまる鎌倉に暮らす」(2018.3.3)
出演:養老孟司、まる 朗読:松坂桃李
‘A Special Feature on Yoro Sensei and Maru live in Kamakura’ (2018.3.3)
The author and the cats: Yoro Takeshi and Maru The narrator: Matsuzaka Tori
出演:保坂和志、シロちゃん 朗読:東出昌大
‘Hosaka Kazushi and Shirochan’ (2018.8.6)
The author and the cats: Hosaka Kazushi and Shirochan The narrator: Higashide Masahiro
出演:柚月裕子、メル、ピノ 朗読:松岡茉優
‘Yuzuki Yuko and Meru and Pino’ (2018.8.13)
The author and the cats: Yuzuki Yuko and Meru and Pino The narrator: Matsuoka Mayu
出演:尾崎将也、グー、ばなな、ダリ、ロビン、鏑、さくら 朗読:阿部寛
‘Ozaki Masaya and Goo and Banana and Dari and Robin and Kabura and Sakura’ (2020.4.1)
The author and the cats: Ozaki Masaya and Goo and Banana and Dari and Robin and Kabura and Sakura The narrator: Abe Hiroshi
I haven’t watched the episode about Yoshida Shuichi, who is from Nagasaki, so I’m looking forward to watching it.
I’m afraid but, this is my cat, Ocha.