Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

Songs cover version but really good: カバーだけどいい曲 The Electric Indian "My Cherie Amour(マイ・シェリー・アモール)"

 初めて買ったスティーヴィー・ワンダーのアルバムは「インナーヴィジョンズ」でした。1973年のこのアルバムはとてもクールで洗練されていて,やや内省的なアルバムに思えます。スティーヴィー・ワンダーらしさはこの70年代に確立されるのでしょうが,単純な自分は,先日このブログでふれた「For once in my life」や,「My Cherie Amour」など,60年代の素朴な音にむしろ惹かれたりします。

 It was “Innervisions” that I bought for the first time as Stevie wonder’s album. This album was produced in 1973, and was really cool and sophisticated but a bit introspective, I think. Maybe the characteristic of Stevie’s sound must have been fixed in the 70’s, but I’m so simple-minded that I’d rather his unsophisticated sound in the 60’s like “For once in my life”, which I mentioned the other day, or “My Cherie Amour” and so on.

Stevie Wonder - My Cherie Amour (1969)

 69年発売の「My Cherie Amour」もジャクソン5スモーキー・ロビンソンなど,モータウンの身内をはじめ,多くのアーチストからカバーされています。そんな中でちょっと異色なのがエレクトリック・インディアンズというバンドによる,インストゥルメンタルの作品です。このカバー曲を初めて聞いたのは,90年代の素晴らしいコンピレーション・シリーズ,「フリー・ソウル」の一枚,「Moon」ででした。あんまりインストナンバーには興味がないのですが,この曲だけはなぜか今でもかかるとワクワクします。

 “My Cherie Amour” was released in 1969, and this song has also been covered by so many artists like The Jackson 5, Smokey Robinson, who were from the same record company Motown, and so on. There is one version among them I feel it a bit eccentric and it is an instrumental by a band named Electric Indians. I heard this cover version for the first time contained in a compilation album titled “Moon”, which is one of the great compilation series in the 90s called “Free Soul”. Actually, I’m not so interested in instrumental numbers, but I feel so happy when I hear this tune even now.

Electric Indian - My Cherie Amour.wmv


My Cherie Amour

My Cherie Amour



My Cherie Amour

My Cherie Amour



The unique events in Nagasaki : 長崎独自のイベント 居留地まつり「アリアの夕べ for 大浦天主堂 “An evening of arias for Oura Cathedral”」


 この夏,大浦天主堂ユネスコ世界遺産に登録されました。現存する木造建築の教会として日本最古の大浦天主堂は,1953年には国宝にも指定されています。先日,この大浦天主堂で行われたコンサートに行きました。「アリアの夕べ for 大浦天主堂」と題されたこのコンサートは,9月15日,16日に開催された居留地まつりの一環として行われたものです。プログラムは次の通りでした。

 Oura Cathedral was placed on the World Heritage List this summer.  The building which is the oldest existing wooden church in Japan was also designated as a national treasure in 1953. I went to a concert which was held in this Oura Cathedral the other day. This concert, titled “An evening of arias for Oura Cathedral” was held as part of an event called “Foreign Settlement Festival” that took place on September 15th and 16th. The program was as follows.



 The performers who appeared in the concert were Hara Satomi who is a soprano singer, Teratani Yoko who is a pianist, and three performers who came from Oita prefecture. Their performance was excellent, of course, and you were also able to enjoy the Gothic style inside Oura Cathedral listening to the music. It was a really gorgeous time.





 There was an instrument I knew for the first time. It was pan flute. The ensemble of three instruments, a pan flute, a violin, and a harp was really impressive. “Foreign Settlement Festival” takes place every year and is taking root as an event in Nagasaki. I had a really good time in the autumn evening.



The second review of “Game of Thrones”: 2回目のレヴュー「Game of Thrones(ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ)」


 I’ve finally finished watching the season 6 of this drama. I used to say before that I didn’t like fantasy so much but now I’m always overjoyed whenever dragons fly or thrilled with zombies, magic and so on, yes, I’m excited with those things heartily.  

ブルーレイ&DVD『ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ 第六章:冬の狂風』NG集 11月2日レンタル開始


 Who will win the game of thrones overcoming all the other powerful lords? This big question is the very thing that drives the audience crazy. Now that the season 6 has finished, the possible winner is already narrowed down. The one is Cersei Lannister who is the present Queen from House Lannister, and the other is Daenerys Targaryen, “Mother of Dragons”, the last survivor of House Targaryen. However, there is other one who has the same possibility as them, his name is Jon Snow, an illegitimate son of Lord Ned Stark who is from House Stark in the North, and there seems to be some secret about Jon’s early background. On top of that, the fear of a corps of zombies called “White Walkers” who are trying to come over The Wall in The North makes the story unpredictable all the more.


 I rushed off and rented the DVD of season 7 already. I’ll enjoy my fill of it. 



Songs cover version but really good: カバーだけどいい曲 Suss von Ahn(スス・フォン・アーン) “For Once in My Life”


 For some reason, the song I love most among Stevie Wonder’s many great songs is “For once in my life”. It’s really catchy and the words are a bit wistful, and it also makes you feel the innocent, cheerful mood of Motown in its golden age. The original version is so good that you don’t feel like listening to cover version because there won’t be nothing new in it. However, I was amazed when I heard the cover version of this song by Suss von Ahn.

Suss Von Ahn - For Once In My Life



 Some aspects different from the original version, for example, it is sung by a woman, or it is of a jazz version, could be the reason why it is so good. Her version of “For once in my life” sounds so clear and cool but it also has the same warmth as the original one so it really touches. I somehow feel this song goes well with autumn.

 Suss von Ahn is a Swedish jazz singer. I was excited when I knew that there were good Swedish pieces of music in addition to Swedish pop music which was so popular in the 90’s. 




Stevie Wonder - For Once In My Life


Where is the world I loved before? : 大好きだったあの世界は今? 岩館真理子の世界⑧「うちのママが言うことには」


 While she was publishing “Reizoko ni Pineapple Pie” which I mentioned in this blog before, Iwadate Mariko started another serial titled “Uchi no Mama ga Iukotoniwa”. This work which was published in a magazine “Young You” described an engaged young couple, Kitakaze Keito and Amanatsu Eitaro, who were wavering with their marriage in sight.



 KItakaze Keito, a female office worker, grew up in rather rich family as the youngest of 5 siblings. Her lover Amanatsu Eitaro is an editor of a publisher and he lost his parent when he was young so he was brought up in a relative’s place with his sister. They’ve been going out together for several years, but they begin to feel some differences between each one’s prospects about the future of themselves after their marriage so they also feel puzzlement now. In the meantime, Eitaro goes to Keito’s parent’s house to receive permission to marry her but her family strongly oppose their marriage. The situation just adds fuel to the fire, they firmly made up their mind to get married, but......




 The fantastic atmosphere which was seen when she serialized her works in Weekly Margaret somehow vanished, and what is depicted here is young people’s hesitation or puzzlement they feel in the face of the real problem. This work is the longest one among her works, and actually, it ends up unfinished.

 I keep hoping that I can read the rest of the story some day.






A TV program inconspicuous but somewhat attractive: 地味だけど心惹かれるTV番組「鉄道ひとり旅」


 I’m not sure when it began, but there has been a TV program which I look forward to watching on Sunday morning. The title is “Shin Tetsudo Hitoritabi”. I happened to find a website of the TV program saying it had been broadcast on satellite before, but now in Nagasaki it is transmitted on a terrestrial network from six thirty a.m. every Sunday. I tend to get up early in the morning even on Sunday, then I usually read books lying on the floor, leaving TV on, but once the TV program begins I always sit up straight before I know to watch it.  

【予告】新・鉄道ひとり旅#58〜長崎電気軌道 編


 In the program, Yoshikawa Masahiro who is one of a pair of stand-up comedians named Darling Honey appears to travel around by trains all over the country without any plans. He decides on the spur of the moment whether he gets on or off so It is quite usual that he fails to have an interview with someone. The other day, I was glad to see he happened to be in Shimabara to cover Shimabara Railway. I like to watch scenes of having a meal when he visits a small restaurant without appointment, and I feel hungry because his manner of eating is as good as Goro’s in “Kodoku no Gourmet”. Recently, I was surprised to hear the news that Kataoka Kenta, the vocalist of sumika, is Yoshikawa’s brother in law. I was a bit excited when I found an unexpected connection between some things I like.

【予告】新・鉄道ひとり旅#33~島原鉄道 編〜

【予告】新・鉄道ひとり旅#57~松浦鉄道 編



The TV dramas I can’t take my eyes off : 最後まで目が離せないドラマ 4回目のレヴュー 綾瀬はるかさん主演「義母と娘のブルース」


  Each drama of this season is coming to the climax now. “Stepmother and daughter's blues” has never been in a slump, on the contrary, I can’t take my eyes off it all the more. I’m wondering whether the bakery run by Mugita, Satoh Takeru plays, can succeed or not, and also wondering how this story will come to an end, I’m really looking forward to seeing it.

『義母と娘のブルース』9/11(火) #9 夫に見守られた9年間と新たな愛の予感…義母が下す決断とは??【TBS】


 This drama somehow reminds me of my favorite drama. That was “My way” featuring Kusanagi Tsuyoshi. I somehow feel that they are quite alike in some ways like warm atmosphere or music being used in them. Both are the same in a point that they make me feel attached to everyone who appears in them. By the way, it was “My way” in which I knew Ayase Haruka as an actor for the first time. She played a high school girl in it and her performance was quite impressive.



 I badly wanted to read the original comics so I ordered them on Amazon. They were soon delivered but I’m restraining the urge to read them until the drama ends. 



