Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

Good cocktails in my favorite bar: 美味しいカクテル 「バカルディ」



 Some of the customers of France Ya, one of the bars in Nagasaki city, are kind of distinguished people from various fields. Saki Ryuzo, a famous nonfiction writer was one of them. There was a cocktail which he always had every time he came there. The name of the cocktail was “Bacardi”.



 Bacardi is a short drink made of 3parts white rum, 1part lemon juice, and a teaspoon of grenadine syrup. I was surprised when the bartender said “This cocktail was made for sales promotion”. Actually, this cocktail was produced by a Cuban rum company Bacardi Limited for sales promotion of their rum so if the cocktail is made of other rum you should call it “Pink Daiquiri”. The appearance in a cocktail glass tinged with pink by grenadine syrup fascinates drinkers. I think I could use this cocktail as the first one to drink in the bar.

復讐するは我にあり (文春文庫)

復讐するは我にあり (文春文庫)



Works that never fade: 色あせない面白さ 「カモン!恐怖」しりあがり寿著



 A four-frame comic titled “Chikyuu Boueike no Hitobito” is serialized in Asahi News Paper. This work which has somewhat warm atmosphere but being filled with satire and wit is illustrated by Shiriagari Kotobuki.

 In the 90th, there must have been many people who were always looking forward to reading his gag comics because of the sharp-edged wit it had. I remember some of his works, for example, “Shonen marketer Goro”, “Hige no OL Yabuuchi Sasako” and so on, and it is difficult for me to say which one is the best. However, “Come on Kyofu” is very eccentric one for me of all his works.   




 It’s strange, but for some reason or other such bizarre phenomena which make people shiver as premonition dreams,poltergeists, being paralyzed during sleep, spirit photographs turn into something palatably humorous when Shiriagri Kotobuki depicts them. A commentary located at the back of the book was written by Kyogoku Natsuhiko.  A passage in the commentary which says “Shiriagari’s manga is always affectionate” somehow sounds convincing to me. Something mysterious like ghosts, evil spirits or devils can be turned into something fishy when you look at them from a different viewpoint. If you look at them affectionately, they could be something humorous, but if you look down on them, they are something contemptible or ignorable.

 I wanted to read it again after a long time so I bought it on Amazon. I was surprised at the price, it only cost 1 yen. I felt that we are living in a great era where we can get something infinitely valuable with one yen soon enough. 

カモン!恐怖 (ちくま文庫)

カモン!恐怖 (ちくま文庫)



My favorite band will appear in a TV program!: 好きなバンドがテレビに! sumika, Mステ出演決定


 “sumika” the band I mentioned twice in this blog before is going to show up in “M station”, a TV program, on September 7th. This band sings the theme song “Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu” and the opening  “Fanfare” of a movie titled “Kimi no Suizo wo Tabetai” which was released on September 1st. Both songs are as really good as I expected, especially the theme song “Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu” made me think that it would be a great one as soon as I listened to it. it is unusual for me to be attracted by lyrics first, but this time I was.




 Usually, I don’t care what the lyrics are like and I just enjoy the performance or the sound itself. Actually, I was fascinated by the varied sound of sumika at first. However, I have gradually paid attention to their words to feel they are really talented in that part as I have listened to their songs repeatedly. Though I can’t understand some part of their lyrics, in some part they are meaningful and in some other part they make me feel somewhat wistful pang.

 Basically, I watch M station only when my favorite musicians appear, now I’m really looking forward to the TV program.    


sumika / ファンファーレ【MUSIC VIDEO】

Another voice actor’s songs I was into: ハマって聴いた他の声優さんの曲 林原めぐみ


 Sheena Ringo has written the words and the music for other singers or actors from long ago. In the last few years, those who come up in my mind right now are, for example, SMAP, a few years before they split up, Matsu Takako and some other actors in the drama “Quartet” and so on.  Whenever I hear those songs, I feel this way, the better those songs are, the more I feel like wanting Ringo to sing them by herself. However, I was amazed when I hear “Usura Gori Shinjyuu” which Ringo wrote for a voice actor called Hayashibara Megumi. Because her whispering voice really went well with the song.




  “Imawa no Shinigami” which was produced after “Usura Gori Shinjyuu” was also so good. Checking out the internet, I was excited all the more because I found that Hayashibara Megumi was the one who played Ayanami Rei in “Evangelion” Now I’m realizing again that sticking to some genres doesn’t make any sense,

 By the way, Ringo’s version of “Usura Gori Shinjyuu” is also great to listen to, and you can find it in her self-cover album titled “Gyakuyunyuu, Koukuukyoku”.

林原めぐみ「今際の死神」Music Video 









逆輸入 〜航空局〜

逆輸入 〜航空局〜



Sticking to some genres doesn’t make sense now: ジャンルが無意味な時代 花澤香奈

 毎月ではないけれど,雑誌「MUSIC MAGAZINE」を買って読んでいます。この雑誌の好きなところは,ジャンルや,アーチストの有名,無名に偏りなく,よい音楽を紹介しているところです。

 数年前,ある歌手の記事に心惹かれました。読むうちにその女性歌手がどうやらアニメの声優さんであることが分かってきました。花澤香奈さんです。アニソンには興味がなかったのですが,アマゾンのデジタルミュージックで彼女のアルバム「Blue Avenue」を試聴して衝撃を受けました。

 I often buy a magazine called “MUSIC MAGAZINE”, not every month but sometimes. One thing I like about this magazine is that it introduces us to good music no matter what genre they belong to or whether the musician is famous or not..

 Several years ago, I was interested in an article about a singer. While I was reading it, I found the female singer a voice actor for anime. Her name was Hanazawa Kana. I hadn’t been interested in anime songs before but I was amazed when I listened to the sample songs of her album titled “Blue Avenue” on Amazon Digital Music.   



  • 花澤 香菜
  • アニメ
  • ¥250
  • provided courtesy of iTunes

  勝手に抱いていたアニソンのイメージと大きくかけ離れた曲ばかりでした。ジャズやソウルのテイストにあふれていて,クリアーだけど,奥行きのあるサウンドです。それに乗せて花澤香奈さんのキュートな歌声が心地よく響いてきます。アルバムの制作には,やくしまるえつこさんや,なぜかスウィング・アウト・シスターブレイクアウト懐かしい!)が関わっています。さっそく「Nobody Knows」,「ブルーベリーナイト」など数曲を購入して堪能しました。これからの季節にピッタリな曲です。

 The songs in the album were quite different from my own image of anime songs. It was full of jazzy and soulful taste with clear but deep sounds. Hanazawa Kana’s cute voice resounded on that sounds making me feels good. I found that Yakushimaru Etsuko and, for some reason, Swing Out Sisters, their song “Break Out” reminds me old good days, joined in producing the album. Soon I bought to enjoy some songs such as “Nobody Knows”, “Blueberry Night” and so on.  I feel they go well with the season coming. 

Blue Avenue

Blue Avenue



A mystery attractive due to a gap: ギャップ萌えのミステリー 「神様の裏の顔」藤崎 翔著

 普通,ミステリーには探偵がつきものです。探偵でなくとも,中心になって謎を追求していく人物がいるというのが定石です。しかし,全く違う手法で描かれながらも秀逸で,しかも笑えるミステリーに出会いました。藤崎 翔さん著,「神様の裏の顔」です。

 Usually, a detective is supposed to appear in a mystery. If not so, at least there is someone who takes the lead in pursuing the case.  However, I met a mystery book which was written in a totally different way, besides it was excellent and also funny. 

神様の裏の顔 (角川文庫)

神様の裏の顔 (角川文庫)



 This story is set in a wake for a guy. The deceased Tsuboi Seizo was a former junior-high principal who was trusted by his students, by ex-colleagues, by neighbors, and by his own children, so he was a really good person deserving to be called a God. In people’s mind, Tsuboi was not only an ideal educator or an ideal human being but someone they owe something to because each of them was saved by him when they were in a difficult position in reality. However, while they go through a sutra-chanting, incense burning, and a sermon by a monk, they see each other, and speak to each other they begin to have tiny questions about what tsuboi said or did besides good memories. Soon that tiny suspicion consequently develops to such as suspicion of bugging rooms of his own apartment house, suspicion of stalking his ex-student, and, on top of that, suspicion of murdering his ex-colleague’s son or his neighbor’s husband revealing the terrible  other side of his face, of someone who was called a God…….


 The critical point of this story is the authors skills to depict what Tsuboi is like as a God through so many specific episodes vividly and punctiliously. What looks like Tsuboi’s another face, which is revealed after many episodes of Tsuboi as God, is so mean, tenacious and brutal that it is laughable. Actually I giggled so many times because it was hilarious. I bet readers badly wants to know what the God’s true face is like and they can’t keep their curiosity under control.


 The ending is unexpectedly simple, but the sense of excitement you would feel while you read is, I bet, something incomparable.  

A movie harshly criticized, but for me not so bad: 酷評されてるけどわりと好きな映画「メン・イン・キャット‘Nine Lives’」


 I found a movie titled “Nine Lives” on Amazon Prime. The main actor was Kevin Spacey, who has been in a big trouble. First, I took a defensive stance because it looked like trash, however, I gave it a try while being on the alert like a cat. 



 One night, Tom, who is a dictatorial company president ignoring his family, happens to fall from the roof of the company’s building during an argument with a subordinate who aims to make their company go public. He grabs hold of a cage in which a cat is kept while falling. This is a birthday gift for his daughter and he bought it at a mysterious pet shop. He finds himself switched places with the cat when he comes to himself. Through eyes of the cat, he notices how his family is precious for him and, at the same time, tries to prevent the company from taken by his subordinate, doing his best as a cat…….


 It’s not that it is a movie to be made much of, I guess, but I enjoyed the cuteness of cats heartily so I was satisfied enough when I came to the credit roll. Then I wanted to know what other people’s impressions are like so I checked some movie review sites on the internet. The assessment with number of stars are not so low, but I was surprised at some reviews which criticized the movie harshly. For some audience, the deeper their love to cats, the more unforgivable the way of treating cats in this movie is. Wiki says that the critics have blasted this movie worst, childish, and not worth a damn.


 I’m embarrassed at my own halfhearted love to cats and being lack of appreciation for good movies, even so, I’d like to appreciate this movie, even feebly.

