Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

車買い換え放浪記①: 現在の愛車スイフトスポーツzc32s 6MT   A Record of My Test-driving Demos①: My own car, Swift Sports zc32s 6MT

 コンパクトで速い車が大好きです。そのくせコスパを気にします。現在の所有車、先代スイフトスポーツzc32s はまさに最適な解でした。新車で購入してもう10年ですが、いまだに毎日の通勤が楽しみです。乗り出しで200万円を切っていたことを思うと破格と言っていいコスパではないでしょうか。田舎住まいの数少ないよさで、峠とワインディングには事欠かきません。仕事帰りにはつい遠回りして、よく回るNAエンジンの吹け上がりと、小気味良い足回りを堪能してしまいます。

 I love fast, compact cars. However, I value cost performance most. My own car, Swift Sport zc32s (the previous model of the series), was the best choice when I bought it. It was brand-new when I bought it ten years ago and I still enjoy driving it on my way to and from work. The all-inclusive price was less than two million yen at that time so I think it was extraordinary value for money. One of the few good points of living in the countryside is you can enjoy a lot of hilly and windy roads while driving. I often take a detour on my way home from work to enjoy revving up the engine and feeling the steering.



 ここにきて迷っています。このままずっと乗り続けるのか、それとも乗り換えるのか。乗り換えるならば、今よりも満足度の高いものを、とやはり思ってしまいます。スイフトスポーツzc32s の仕様は次の通りです。

 There is one thing I’m wondering about. Should I buy a new one or not? If I buy a new one, it should be a car that makes me more satisfied than the Swift Sport did. The specification of Swift Sport is as follows.


 全長×全幅×全高(overall length*width*height):3890×1695×1510㎜


 トレッド前/後(tread f/r):1470/1475㎜

 車両重量(kerb weight without options):1040㎏


 最高出力(maximum output):136ps(100kw)/6900rpm

 最大トルク(maximum torque) : 160N/m/4400rpm

 サスペンション形式(前)(suspension front): MacPherson strut with coil spring

 サスペンション形式(後)(suspension rear)  : torsion beam with coil spring

 タイヤサイズ(tyres) : 195/45R17 81W


 I cannot say it is powerful enough for a sports car. Even so I am perfectly satisfied with this car. However, there are several cars I want to try out. The next car inspection for my car is next February. I heard that it may take several months before deliveries of new cars due to a semi-conductor shortage. I cannot sit still now.



 Actually, I test-drove the car I was interested in most. The car was the latest BRZ by SUBARU. I will write my impressions of it next time.

