I set out for the Sasebo Keirin Stadium on a crisp autumn Saturday. My favorite Girls Keirin racer called Takaki Yuma, who debuted last summer, finally came to the stadium. It took less than one and a half hours to drive to the stadium from my place. I knew the start of the race would be at about 12:30 so I left home early enough before 10:30 to give myself plenty of time. I love to enjoy the view of calm Omura bay driving on Route 206 especially at this time of year. It was an awesome drive because I enjoyed my playlist the whole way.
I got to the stadium before noon. I filled in the bike-race-ticket leisurely and then paid for it. The race table I voted was as follows.
I chose quinella betting Takaki and Ideguchi who is from Nagasaki. I took a seat in the upper tier in the stands where I could look down on the starting line. The gun went off and Takaki soon took the lead. After two and a half laps, the pacesetter left the track and they made a last spurt. Takaki kept the top position and Ideguchi came forward to second. They managed to hold on and win, Takaki the first, Ideguchi the second. It was a splendid race. I went to a payout machine in a good mood. I had bet 1,000 yen and I got 9,500 yen as a payout.
お昼ご飯は佐世保バーガーと決めていました。以前から行きたかったKayaというお店で、評判通りの旨いバーガーを食べました。帰り道の楽しみは、やはり音楽です。この日は、24時間YouTubeチャンネル「♯Radio Ebi 24~エビは地球で遊ぶ~」が12時からあると知っていました。エビ中の楽曲を堪能しながら、またドライブを楽しみました。最高の秋の一日でした。
I had decided to have Sasebo burger for lunch. I went to a hamburger shop called Kaya where I had wanted to go for a long time and their hamburger was as good as I had heard. I enjoyed music again on my way home. I knew there would be a 24 hour YouTube channel called ‘#Radio Ebi 24 ~Ebi wa Chikyu de Asobu’ on that day. I savored their songs to the fulluest. It was a great autumn day.