Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

ロマンチックな曲:私立恵比寿中学「星の数え方」 Songs that make me feel romantic: “Hoshi no Kazoekata” by Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku


 Ebishu’s 5th album “MUSiC” is full of good tunes. Many of them are a kind of songs that make you laugh or cheer you up, but some of them are a kind of songs that you attentively listen to. The 9th track called “Hoshin no Kazoekata” is somewhat romantic and somehow come home.    




  • provided courtesy of iTunes

 いつまで黙っているの? 何にもなくしてないよ

 もう恋じゃないから 言葉がいらないだけ

 Until when will you remain silent?  I know you’ve never lost anything.

 It is already something more than love so words are not necessary. 

 いつまでも待っているわ この空の星をぜんぶ

 数えてしまうくらい だいじな気持ちだから

 I’ll be waiting for you even for such a long time that I can count all the stars in the sky. Because what I’m feeling now is so precious.  


 Wow yeah yeah la la la la la

 Wow wow wow two are in love


 嘘がつけなくなって 時に傷つけあって

 真夜中過ぎに 後悔ばかり Yeah

 We can’t lie any more to each other. Sometimes hurting each other.

 All I do after midnight is regret, yeah.


 夜が明けたらきっと ふたつの影になって

 ポケットの手と手 ほどけてしまうよ

 After daybreak we will be just the two silhouettes.

 We let go of each other’s hand in the pocket.


 なんて呼ぶの? この想い 伝えきれない

 「愛」と呼ぶのは簡単だけど 叶わないかな? 

 What should I call it? I cannot fully convey my feeling to you.

 It is easy to call it “love”. Doesn’t it work?


 There are many parts where they harmonize and those parts sound difficult so I have an impression that this song is a kind of song sung by Little Glee Monster, a chorus group. I think Ebichu is not just an idol group because they are brave enough that they are giving a song like this a try. I actually don’t know how good their skills are in singing. However, I’m sure they are great because they make audience listen to so attentively even when they sing a song like this that requires more than being cheerful.   

 作詞・作曲はinvisible manners(インビジブル・マナーズ)となっています。Wikiで見たところ、メンバーは平山大介さん、福山整さんのお二人で、主にアイドルグループのために歌を作られているそうです。ぜひ、それらの曲も聴いてみたいです。

 This song was written by Invisible Manners. I looked up them in Wiki to find that the members are Daisuke Hirayama and Sei Fukuyama. They’ve already written many songs for mainly idol group. I’d love to listen to them, too.


 There will be an event called “Fami En” at Yamanaka Lake on August 17. This event seems to be held every year so I made up my mind to join it sometime in the future.




多部未華子さん主演「これは経費で落ちません!」:登場人物の魅力 “Kore wa Keihi de Ochimasen” starring Mikako Tabe: The attractiveness of the characters.


 I loved the drama called “Yamada Taro Monogatari” (2007, TBS). That drama starred Kazuya Ninomiya and Sho Sakurai, both are members of the idol group called ARASHI, was a heartwarming domestic drama, which sometimes made me smile or sometimes made me cry. What comes to mind first as a reason that I like this drama is the heroine was quite fascinating. Mikako Tabe played this role. It seems like this drama was the first serial drama for her to play a role.





 One of the attractiveness of Mikako Tabe is her powerful eyes. The eyes which seem to penetrate others heart, won’t lose their power even when she smiles. That was what I felt funny when I watched“Yamada Taro Monogatari”. You can see her showing the same impression in the current drama, “Kore wa Keihi de Ochimasen”, too. Sanako Moriwaka, the role Tame plays, is a very serious person so she is not good at wearing an artificial smile. Her forced smile is somehow humorous because her eyes remained serious. I find this drama make me smile and sometimes cry because she is originally awkward but try to work hard and also to understand the feelings or situations of people who visit her with their receipts.




 There is another actress who I’m interested in now in this drama. Her name is Sairi Ito, who plays Sanako’s colleague called Mayu Sasaki in the accounting department. She is a happy-go-lucky and carefree person. I’ve seen her appearing on some popular dramas like “Kemono ni Narenai Watashitachi” and so on these last few years. The conversations between Sanako, rather serious person, and Mayu, rather easy going, are the part enjoyable.

 Let me say in passing that this drama has the same atmosphere as the ones by commercial broadcasting, in a good way. On top of that, you can enjoy it without commercials.      


NHKがんばってる!:多部未華子さん主演「これは経費で落ちません!」 NHK is doing a good job! : “Kore wa Keihi de Ochimasen” starring Mikako Tabe



 It’s really enjoyable. I’m willing to pay the viewing fee for it. I found another good drama to watch in this season. The drama is “Kore wa Keihi de Ochimasen” broadcast by NHK at 10 p.m. every Friday.


 Moriwaka Sanako (Mikako Tabe), who is a single woman about 30 years old, is working for a soap company called “Ten ten corporation”. She works in the accounting department. Her motto is “Let’s make everything even” and she checks bills and receipts calmly and quickly trying not to get private ones mixed up. Various people from various departments come to her, who works with a matter-of-fact attitude, with various intention. She has another motto, “Don’t chase the rabbit”, because she doesn’t want to get involved in unnecessary trouble. However, some of the bills and receipts brought to her could be the ones unable to be put down to expenses. In that case, she unwillingly has to scrutinize them.




Sanako, the main character, is not obstinate at all. It is not that she turns down requests by people carelessly, saying, “This won’t be put down to expenses”, like the title of this drama. She never gives up until she is convinced whether it could be put on expenses or not, even if it looks like a grey area. The sense of value which can be seen there is something I can feel empathy with, and this is the very reason that I can enjoy this drama heartily. You can see clearly how important the accounting department is, even though they seem to be inconspicuous compared to others. You can also see accountants’ pride that they support the people at the front line and keep the profit brought by them.  

 There is no action nor poetic justice in this drama, I somehow feel the same exhilaration as I felt by Mito Komon, very popular historical drama series. I really hope you give it a try.

フェスにぴったりな曲:私立恵比寿中学「Family Complex」 Songs that is suitable to music festivals: “Family Complex” by Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku

 8月4日、ツイッターにはROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVALについてのつぶやきがあふれていました。また、この日は、フェスに出演した私立恵比寿中学にとって、結成10周年の節目だったそうです。会場でのつぶやきから、フェスの熱気が伝わってきて、羨ましさで悶々としていました。そして、ここで歌われた8曲の中に、自分がライブで聴きたいと思っていた曲が入っているのを知って、ますます羨ましくなりました。

 On the 4th of August, many tweets about ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL were seen on Twitter. This day was also the 10th anniversary for Ebichu, who appeared on this festival. I could tell the enthusiastic atmosphere of the venue through the tweets from the people who were there so I became a bit jealous. I found a tweet which said they sang 8 songs in total and I envied the audience even more when I knew Ebichu sang the song that I’ve wanted to listen to in their live concert.   

 自分がライブで聴きたいと思っていた曲というのは、5thアルバム「MUSiC」の1曲目、「Family Complex」です。岡崎体育さん作詞・作曲のこの曲には、出だしから連れていかれます。

 That song was “Family Complex”, the first track of their 5th album called “MUSiC”. I’m always carried away when I hear just the beginning of this song which is written by Taiiku Okazaki.

ファミコン Family Complex 

 狂い咲く光の花 この身体に流れる血が語りかける

 時を止めたのは誰だ 永遠の持久走

 The light flowers which is blooming tremendously, the blood which run in my vein speaks to me.

 Who has stopped the time? The never-ending long-distance run.  


 The melodies and the lyrics are so dramatic that they make me want to call it the beginning of a pop opera.


 Everybody just come on Let’s go

 始まるぞ学芸会 M.U.S.i.Cで Let a party out

 Say yeah yeah (yeah yeah)  Say yeah yeah (yeah yeah)


 Everybody, just come on Let’s go.

 The school performance is about to start. Let a party out with music.

 Say yeah yeah (yeah yeah)  Say yeah yeah (yeah yeah)

 Here Ebichu comes from Ebisu in Shibuya Ward.


 This part of the lyrics is suitable to the beginning of a show to liven it up.


 最高 はいもう優勝 向かうところ敵ナシ

 うん 団体行動極めるべし そのなかで個性も磨くべし

 ウチらはいわば 竜頭竜尾だ ハナからケツまで超COOL

 わーっ! りこちゃん りこちゃん みてこれ みたことない虫

 We are second to none. Yes, we win. Unstoppable.

 Well, Let’s master the collective action perfectly. Then let each of us cultivate the personality.

We are entirely great so we can say we are cool from top to toe.

 Hey! Riko, Riko, look at this, a bug I’ve never seen.


 The humorous words show the genius of Taiiku Okazaki.


 (several parts are omitted)

 ヘイシスター ヘイブラザー 聞こえているか

 心配はいらないよ 任しといてよ

 ここにいるときの私は いつもよりちょっぴり強いんだよ

 ヘイシスター ヘイブラザー 届いているか

 後悔はしないよ させないよ

 今日の私の目を覚えていて 静かに燃える瞳の奥の美しき命

 Hey, sisters, hey brothers, can you hear me?

 Don’t worry. Just leave it to me.

 Once I’m on the stage, stronger than usual.

 Hey, sisters, hey brothers, Does my voice reach you?

 You won’t feel regret. I won’t make you.

 Remember what my eyes are like today. You see the beautiful soul which quietly burns in the back of my eyes.



 Familyという言葉がタイトルに入った曲と言えば、スライ&ザ・ファミリー・ストーンの「Family Affair」も好きでしたが、自分にとってはそれ以上の名曲です。

 These lyrics sound like they declare something for their fans.

 The word “Family” reminds me of the song called “Family Affair” by Sly & the Family Stone which I loved before. However, this Ebichu’s song is even better than it for me now.



 I think Ebichu is offered really good songs. That means it is worth doing for musicians to write songs for Ebichu because this group is so attractive and capable performer. I realy love this group who is provided good songs by many musicians, who I’ve loved, like Taiiku Okazaki, Kayoko Yoshizawa, Rekishi and so on. I’m really looking forward to going to their live concert sometime in the future.

 Congratulations on the 10th anniversay!





B級ぽいのによい映画:「トランスワールド」 A movie that looks B-grade but is actually good: “Trans World”


 I’m always happy when I find a movie like this. I watched this movie without any information beforehand and it looked like a low-budget movie, plus it futures several actors who I don’t know at all. I thought I would decide to continue or not after watching the beginning part for about twenty minutes, but I was somehow into it because of its strange plot.



 I’d like to talk about the settings that won’t spoil your fun. In the first half of the movie, three young people, two women and a guy who a perfectly stranger to each other, come to a cabin in the forest. In the second half, a soldier comes and this happens to reveal an amazing fact. The three young people go into action together.




 You could tell nothing from these settings and that’s exactly what I wanted. You can enjoy this movie even more with the least information about it. I’m sure you will be thrilled with the unpredictable plot. I guess the high evaluations you can see at such movie review sites as Amazon Prime Video or Yahoo Movie are probaqbly right.

 I was somehow moved when I finished watching this movie. By the way, Scott Eastwood, one of the actors who appeared in it, is a son of Clint Eastwood. 





キャラがそそり立つ!:深田恭子さん主演のドラマ「ルパンの娘」 The Characters Are Outstanding in This Drama: The TV drama “Lupin no Musume” featuring Kyoko Fukada


 The extreme settings are not the only reason why I am intrigued by this drama. Each character, not to mention Hana Mikumo (Kyoko Fukada), is outstandingly well-fleshed and, on top of that, you can see a typical characteristic of human beings in each character, who is impossibly extreme.



 Atsuro Watabe plays Takeru, the father in the Mikumo family. He is arrogant but somehow nonchalant so you can find him full of dignity as the leader of “L’s kin”.


 Takeru’s wife Etsuko is played by Majyu Ozawa. She is full of vanity and acquisitive but careless and somehow cute for a Madam.


 Donguri、who is famous for appearing in the movie called “Camera wo Tomeruna”, plays Hana’s grandma well. She has a strong, distinct personality but it works fully here. What she does is overwhelmingly unpredictable for audience.


 What I’m especially thrilled about is Marcia, an actress, playing the mother of Kazuma Sakuraba, Hana’s boyfriend. I’m wondering why I feel something funny about her. I can’t help smiling only with her name.



 In addition to these characters, Wataru Mikumo, Hana’s brother who goes into seclusion played by Rui Kurihara, Teru Enjyoji, Hana’s childhood friend who thieves all over the world played by Isamu Onuki, and Eiichi Maki, Kazuma’s senior in office played by Ryo Kato, you can see a bunch of distinct other characters in this drama, too.  


 With these characters struggling with each other but also enhancing each other, the story is developing.   



ここまでやると面白い!:深田恭子さん主演のドラマ「ルパンの娘」 This Drama Is So Funny Because It Goes to Such Extremes: The TV drama “Lupin no Musume” featuring Kyoko Fukada



 I love Fukakyon dramas. Fukakyon is the nickname of Kyoko Fukada, and I just personally call the dramas featuring her “Fukakyon dramas”. There is a few things characteristic about Fukakyon dramas. First, the settings are impossibly ridiculous. Next, her distinctive quality, innocent but somehow coquettish, tend to be emphasized to such an extent that it makes me smile. Both “Fugo Keiji”(TV Asahi) and “Sengyo Shufu Tantei – Watashi wa Shadow”(TBS) had the same atmosphere even though they were produced by different broadcast companies. In that point, the current drama called “Lupin no Musume” belongs to the same group.  



 This time the settings are extremely ridiculous, too. Kyoko Fukada plays Hana Mikumo, who is outwardly an ordinary woman working as a librarian. However, she was born in the family called “L’s kin”, whose members have been thieves for generations. Kazuma Sakuraba, her dear boyfriend, is a detective of all things, and the family members of his house have been police officers for generations. “L’s kin” always aims at art works that are possessed by greedy rich people who illegally obtained them, but never thieves from weak, poor people and that's why they are called “L’s kin”, L stands for Arsène Lupin. Their method is something extremely high-tech and daring.      



 The settings, which are even impossible, could be exhilarating when it goes to such extremes. I giggle all the time while watching this drama because I somehow find everything in it look funny. I’m now really looking forward 10 p.m. on every Thursday night.