Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

ドライブで浴びたいJ-POP:ユメオチ「ピクニック」   A Piece of J-POP Music to Listen to While Driving: ‘Picnic’ by Yumeochi


 It is the season full of fragrant young leaves and this song is just right to listen to now. Although it was released ten years ago, a good song never fades, I believe.


暑い夏が来る前に 二人で行こうよピクニック

お揃いのシャツとマグカップ 準備はバッチリさ

 Before the hot summer comes, why don’t we go on a picnic

 With our matching shirts and mugs, we are as ready as we’ll ever be


キミが朝早く起きて 作ってくれたサンドウィッチはバスケットケース



 The sandwiches you made early in the morning are in the picnic basket

 I pretend ignorance

 Then I’ll feign surprise


行くぜ!おんぼろワーゲンバス エンストもたまにするけど

地図はキミがちゃんと見てね 期待はしないから

 Let’s go! In our rattletrap Volkswagen Bus which sometimes stalls

 You should consult the map, I don’t expect too much of you though





 Even though I play a tape full of songs I compiled especially for today

 You are so busy chatting that you don’t notice it at all

 Very well then, I’ll play it on our way home again for sure


ボクらは手をつないで歩く どんな時にでも

小さな子供が見てたら 少し照れくさいけど

 We’ll walk hand in hand anytime

 Feel a bit embarrassed when a little child looks directly at us though


もうすぐで暑い夏が来る 何回目のかな?

来年も行けるといいよね 二人だけのピクニック

 Another hot summer is coming, and I wonder how many summers we’ve had together

 I’m sure we’ll go on a picnic again next year, just the two of us


 出だしの軽快なイントロとちょっとおどけた歌い方にいきなり惹き込まれます。それから、たわいもない歌詞の可愛さに思わず笑顔になってしまいます。「おんぼろワーゲンバス」というのが、素敵です。サビで入る男声コーラスがまた、いい変化をつけていて飽きさせません。そして、歌詞の終わり、「いつか二人が年を取り 夢が終わるころ もう一度あの場所へ行こう 二人だけのピクニック」という一節になんだか切なくなります。

 With just the first few bars and the playful singing voice, you’ll be into it. Then you’ll end up smiling when you hear the silly but lovely lyrics. I love the part which says, ‘our rattletrap Volkswagen Bus’. The male voices which come in at the chorus give a pleasant variety so you won’t get enough of it. Plus the phrase at the end of the lyrics which says, ‘one day after we get old and at about the end of our dream, let’s go on a picnic to the same place again, just the two of us’, makes me feel a wistful pang somehow.


  The band called Yumeochi already broke up nine years ago. Their songs, that may remind you of ones in the 70s, attracted famous artists’ attention like Yasuharu Konishi, a member of a band called Pizzicato Five. They released only one album called ‘Korekara no koto’, which has eight tracks including this song ‘Picnic’. All the tracks are so good and I feel sorry for them breaking up so early. Their songs basically sound like country music but sometimes like city-pop music so they are full of variety and very enjoyable. Someone who likes songs in the 70s, especially ones by Yumi Arai, must like their songs, I suppose.



  • ユメオチ
  • J-Pop
  • ¥204
  • provided courtesy of iTunes




