Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

SMAPファンの皆さんへ:エビ中のMVを観てみませんか?  A Suggestion to the Fans of SMAP: Why Don’t You Give Ebichu’s MVs a Try

 自分は男ですが、SMAPが大好きです。コンサートに行ったことはないので、大ファンとまでは言い切れません。ただ、SMAPの楽曲が大好きで、ほとんどの曲は聴いています。ふだんの会話でもし、好きなドラマは、と聞かれたときの答えには、草彅さん主演の「僕の生きる道」が必ず入ります。DVD化してほしいドラマは、中居正広さん主演「味いちもんめ」です。復活してほしいテレビ番組は、迷わず「ナカイの窓」です。ABEMATVの「#ななにー 新しい別の窓」も毎月楽しみにしています。今年の上半期のベストアルバムには、香取慎吾さんの「20200101」を選びます。そして、復活してほしいグループはもちろんSMAPです。

 Although I’m a guy, I love SMAP, a Japanese male idol band. I can’t say I’m a big fan of them because I’ve never been to their concert. Even so, I love their songs and I’ve listened to nearly all of them. If someone asked me about my favorite dramas, and one of my answers would be ‘Boku no Ikiru Michi’ starring Kusanagi Tsuyoshi. There is a drama that I want it to be released in the form of DVD and it is ‘Aji Ichimonme’ starring Nakai Masahiro. There is a TV program which has already wound up but I want it to restart and the name of it is ‘Nakai no Mado’. I enjoy the online TV program called ‘Nananii Atarashii Betsu no Mado’ by AMEMATV every month. I will choose ‘20200101’ by Katori Shingo as the best album in the first half of this year. And the band that I want them to resume their activity is, of course, SMAP






 What is the particular appeal of SMAP? In short, they are the sort of band that they are worth cheering. Each member doesn’t have, in my opinion, a n aura as a big star. I somehow feel clumsiness in their characters so I feel like supporting them. I guess some people who has watched them since they appeared in a TV program called ‘Yume ga Mori Mori’ feel that way all the more. However, once they start to sing together, they are so cool. Even so, the feeling they make you have is a bit different from the sense of unity. What you can see there is the exquisite harmony of the charms that each of them turns on to the most. I believe we are overwhelmed by the dazzling brightness of their colors.

私立恵比寿中学 『ジャンプ』MV



 The appeal of SMAP is the same as that of Ebichu. I know it is controversial to compare a young idol group to a national star. However, you may find Ebichu have the same quality as SMAP had when they appeared in Yume ga Mori Mori. This much I can say with confidence. Ebichu’s performance brings the same feeling of satisfaction as SMAP does. I know, of course, the size of the concert venue and the stage production are incomparable. Even so the enthusiasm for singing and dancing of each member of Ebichu is second to none. The point is that the feeling of satisfaction I feel as a result of supporting them enthusiastically is the same as the one I feel toward SMAP.

 They have other similarities. I’ll talk about that next time.

紅の詩 私立恵比寿中学 ちゅうおん2018

私立恵比寿中学 「MUSiCフェス ~私立恵比寿中学開校10周年記念 in 赤レンガ倉庫~」LIVE映像
