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音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

エビ中がアツい夏:新曲再生回数1329万回(LINEMUSIC)、記念アルバム発売、28時間YouTube配信など   Ebichu Has Achieved Some Feats This Summer: Their new song being played 13.29M times on LINEMUSIC, Releasing an anniversary album, Streaming videos for 28 hours on YouTube, etc.

 この夏、エビ中の勢いが大変なことになっています。ことの発端は、安本彩花さん復帰に合わせて7月16日に行われた、YouTubeのTHE FIRST TAKEでのパフォーマンスだったと思います。「なないろ」という曲を歌ったこの動画は公開から2日間で100万回再生を達成しました。その後、7月28日にはもう一度THE FIRST TAKEに出演し、「ジャンプ」を楽曲提供者の石崎ヒューイさんのギター伴奏で披露しました。

 Ebichu has been energetically active this summer. In the first place, they appeared in THE FIRST TAKE, a YouTube channel, on July 16th and it was something commemorative for them because Ayaka Yasumoto came back to join it after her long absence. The song they performed there was ‘Nanairo’ and the video achieved over one million only two days after its release. Then, they showed up in THE FIRST TAKE again to perform ‘Jump’ accompanied by the guitar played by Huwie Ishizaki, who wrote the song.



 8月11日に配信開始した新曲「イヤフォン・ライオット」は、LINE MUSICのデイリーランキングで立て続けに1位を取りました。一週間後の18日には、ビルボードの週間ストリーミングチャートで3位という快挙を成し遂げます。そして、今夜(8月22日)の時点で1329万回再生という途方もない数字を叩き出しています。この間、8月18日には、毎年行われる夏の公演「ファミリー遠足」のこれまでのテーマソングを、新メンバーを含めた9人体制で新たに録音したアルバム「FAMIEN’21L.P.」がCDでリリースされましたが、こちらも、オリコンデイリー3位を獲得しています。

 Their new song ‘Earphone Riot’ was released on August 11th and it won first place for several days in a row. One week later, 18th , it remarkably got third place on Billboard’s Weekly Streaming Chart. Plus, in the end, it achieved an incredible number, 13.29 million plays, tonight (August 22nd). In the meantime, they released an album called ‘FAMIEN’21L.P’, which contains all the theme songs of their regular summer events called ‘Family Ensoku’, and they newly recorded all the tracks with 9 members including three new members. This album also got third place in Oricon Daily Album Ranking.



 There are some factors of these feats and the first one must be the staff's skillfully planned strategies. As for Earphone Riot, they aimed 9.99 million plays from the start and they also encouraged fans with some kinds of benefits. At the same time, they come up with the plan to stream some videos and live streaming on the days, on which they originally scheduled the FAMIEN concerts but had to cancel due to COVID 19, to boost their campaign. Second, I was impressed by the powerful support by their fans, who are usually called Family, because they have steadily lived up to the staff’s expectations. I’m also one of the Family but I don’t know how many members we have in it. When I come to think of the figure, 13.29 million plays, I cannot imagine how much effort every single Family member has made. 


 Third, it goes without saying that the ones who have played the most important roles are the members of Ebichu. Come to think of the shortness of the period for the preparation since they decided the new three members, I have a feeling that they must have had extremely hard time to get ready for recording the new song and the album, concert, and so on. The 28 hours YouTube streaming wound up with their live performance of Earphone Riot. They successfully started their new career with nine members so I’m looking forward to watching them achieving more feats in the future.   

