Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

ライブレポ:「クレナズム九州全県ツアー 九州を繋ぐっちゃん!」 Live Report: ‘Culenasm Concert Tour visiting All the Prefectures in Kyushu’



 Although a week has already passed, the excitement I felt is still lingering. A live concert was held in a small venue in Nagasaki. However, I found that their potential was too big for such a small venue. The vocalist sang well. Their performance made me feel so good. The lyrics were excellent. Moreover, I was impressed by their quality songs. The band called Culenasm was so great.


 今回のライブは、「クレナズム九州全県ツアー 九州を繋ぐっちゃん!」と題したツアーの長崎公演でした。クレナズムは、福岡市を拠点として活動しているバンドですが、その実力はすでに全国レベルであることは間違いありません。このバンドの特徴は、シューゲイザーの要素を取り入れた音作りにあります。多様なエフェクトをかけたギターの轟音が生み出す浮遊感は、確かにそれだけでもう途方もなく魅力的です。それでも、彼らの楽曲は間違いなくJ-popです。なぜなら彼らの魅力の核にあるのは、あくまでメロディーだからです。その証拠に、クレナズムの楽曲を聴いていると、気持ちよく体を動かすだけでは物足りなくなってきます。時に過剰なほど甘く、キャッチーなメロディーは、我知らず口ずさんでしまうこと必至です。ボーカルの萌映さんは小柄で、とても可愛らしい方です。でも、広い音域を自在に行き来するその落ち着いた歌声は、ノイジーな演奏を上回る力強さにあふれているから不思議です。

 A concert held in Nagasaki was part of the tour called ‘Culenasm Concert Tour visiting All the Prefectures in Kyushu’. Culenasm is a band based in Fukuoka but I’m sure that they have the potential to become popular nationwide. The characteristic of this band is their sound based on shoegazing. The ethereal, floating sensation which is caused by the loud guitar sound effected in various ways is so fantastic. Even so their tunes could be called J-pop for sure. That’s because the main part of their attractiveness is their melody definitely. The fact that I couldn’t be satisfied with just moving to their tunes shows the evidence of that. The melodies that are sometimes extremely sweet and catchy make you feel like humming them in spite of yourself. Moe, the vocalist, looks small and quite cute. Her voice with a wide range is so calm but also powerful enough to exceed the noisy sounds somehow.



 Their tunes have the potential to appeal to a wide range of generations from older people who tend to be exhilarated with the word shoegazing to youngsters who don’t care for genres. However, their sound has distinct identity. You will learn that when you listen to their tunes. I hope you give them a try. 

eyes on you

eyes on you





