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音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

エビ中「playlist」の魅力⑥オシャレなシティ・ポップ:「シングルTONEでお願い」 The Charm of the Album “playlist” by Ebichu⑥: “Single TONE de Onegai”, A Song That sounds like Stylish City Pop


 This song could have been contained in Mariya Takeuchi’s album in the 80s. it is a sort of song called city-pop that reminds me of the view of big cities at night. 



  • provided courtesy of iTunes

 (安本)夜のクラブビジョン 潜めた レインボウ

(Yasumoto) The vision of a club at night  A hidden rainbow

(柏木)遠ざかるデジャブと 近づく 夏の鼓動 もう

(Kashiwagi) The déjà vu is fading away and the pulse of summer is coming

(安本)切ないほど 燃えだそうとしてるの

(Yasumoto) I’m now acutely aware of my passion.

(ALL)いつからか 時めいて

(ALL) My heart is already beating


(Kashiwagi) Even in my daily life


(ALL) Please make it in a single tone


(Hoshina) I want to relish the sound of the word “love”


(Nakayama) Even noises begin to harmonize


(ALL) I have a hunch


(ALL) Please make it in a single tone


(Mayama) the past and the future begin to beat a steady rhythm

(ALL)雨音に まどろんで

(ALL) Dozing off hearing the rhythm of the rain


(Kobayashi) The future of the two of us starts moving


 歌詞も曲調も、落ち着いた大人の雰囲気にあふれていて、近年のシティ・ポップとはやや趣を異にしています。この曲の作詞・作曲はポセイドン・石川さんです。CITY POP芸人として「あの方」(山下達郎)風にアレンジする楽曲のクオリティが高すぎて話題になっている方です。近年のヒット曲から童謡まで、どんな曲も容赦なくシティ・ポップに仕立て上げる実力は本物です。アダルト・オリエンテッドな「あんたがたどこさ」の可笑しさに涙目になりながらも、その完成度に唸らされます。


 The lyrics and melodies are full of relaxed, adultlike atmosphere, so it has a quite different quality from the recent city-pops. This song was written by Poseidon Ishikawa. He has become a topic of conversation as a city-pop entertainer because the songs arranged by him are so high quality that they exactly sound like the ones written by “his reverence” (He always calls Tatsuro Yamashita this way with respect).  He is expert in arranging any sort of songs, from the latest hit songs down to children’s songs, into city-pops. The adult-oriented “Antagata Dokosa”, a children song arranged by Ishikawa, is so funny that I laughed until I cry, but I’m, at the same time,  really impressed by the quality.


 This is not a sort of song that an entertainer can produce in his spare time. It is an authentic city-pop. You can enjoy Ebichu putting on an air of adulthood by this song. 


