Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

Books I read at a stretch: 一気に読んだ本 「アーティフィシャル・フラワーズ」高岡ヨシ著







 I felt my heart was warmed by reading this book.

 Takaoka Yoshi’s another book titled “Arukeba Ii”, which I mentioned before, was a work that depicts two young guys who are very awkward and being in a difficult, unescapable situation, but even so, you can feel a faint but certain ray of hope when you read it through.



 The book I read this time contains two short stories. The title piece “Artificial Flowers” is an adorable love story that makes you feel like cheering the main character in spite of yourself.

 Shinji who designs houses at a small construction firm has a crush on a flower shop clerk named Tanabe. The flowers which are sold at the shop are all artificial ones. Shinji has little experience in love so he doesn’t know how to tell her his feeling toward her and he goes to the shop so often only to see her smiling at him, and now his room is full of artificial flowers. Char and Wataru who are Shinji’s coworkers plan a strategy and try to egg Shinji on it.


 Both Shinji and Tanabe have some memories and backgrounds that make them hesitate to go out with someone, so it seems not easy that their love comes to fruition. That’s why readers feel an urge more and more to back up Shinji who is very shy. I may add that they mention KIRINJI’s songs in their conversation. I was somehow glad when I read that part because I like them, too.

キリンジ スウィートソウル PV


 The other story is “6172 Hon no Monogatari”.  The main character is a junior high school boy. He is not good at sports, but he sneaks into gymnasium every night to achieve something. It is a really short story and good enough to makes you feel like cheering him. 


I saw a good movie: いい映画を観ました「Chef(シェフ)三ツ星フードトラック始めました」

 アマゾン・プライムでよい映画に出会いました。「シェフ 三ツ星フードトラック始めました」(2014年)というアメリカ映画です。正直,タイトルには惹かれなかったのですが,288件のレビューがある中で,星の数4.6という高評価を得ているのを信じて視聴してみました。

 I saw a good movie on Amazon Prime Video and it was an American movie titled “Chef” released in 2014. Frankly, I wasn’t attracted by the title at all but I found it got 4.6 stars and 288 reviews, so I believed it.

映画『シェフ 三ツ星フードトラック始めました』特別映像



 It was a really exciting movie. it was fast-paced, sometimes made me laugh and sometimes made me cry, and kept me excited.

  Carl Casper, the main character is the head chef of a restaurant in California. One day, Ramsey Michela, a prestigious food critic who has many followers on twitter and also on his own blog, visits his restaurant. Carl is pleased to have a chance to show his skills to Ramsey, but the conservative restaurant owner Riva doesn’t let him make original dishes, so eventually Ramsey ends up harshly criticized. To give vent to his anger, carl abuses Ramsey on twitter so he gets naturally flamed and finally quits the restaurant. His ex-wife Inez gives him a suggestion when she finds him being not able to find a new job and very disappointed. She asks him to go to Miami where she is from because she has some business there so she is going to take their son Percy and she wants Carl to take care of him. Carl goes to Miami and is impressed by the deliciousness of hot Cuban sandwiches when he has it so he comes up with an idea of selling it on a van. He gets a rattletrap used food van and he starts to sell Cuban sandwiches on it with Martin, his ex-colleague, and Percy deciding Los Angeles as a goal.  


 The rapid development in the plot is something special. That rapidness seems to make everything exciting even if it is actually something dull. The main actor John Favreau was also the director, writer, and producer of this movie. His agility as a chef, and his wit in conversation, and the tenderness, showing a bit awkwardly to his son, as a father were all attractive. The best part of the movie is, in my opinion, the adorableness of Percy and this could be the main reason to see this movie.


  At the ending, you can see another delightful episode. It was a good movie that keeps making you smile until the last minute. I guess this movie is a suitable one to see during the New Year holidays. 


The movie deserves its popularity: 人気があって当たり前「ボヘミアン・ラプソディ」


 I know it’s something after all this time but I went to a theater to see the movie “Bohemian Rhapsody”. As to the band Queen, I had no strong feelings about them one way or the other. Even I who felt like that could enjoy this movie very much so I’m sure that it must be a really good movie.It is quite difficult for me to imagine how someone who is really a fan of them would be delighted to see this movie which even I who is not a fan can enjoy so much.   



  If I put the story of this movie plainly, it is a success story depicting the glory and grief of a musician who is not a Caucasian and is a homosexual. My image of the movies which try to depict someone’s life is that they tend to be able to show just the outline of the life. I can say this movie succeeded in that point because I was really satisfied when I finished to see it. Actually, I cried when I saw Freddie Mercury standing on the stage of “Live Aid” at the ending of this movie. The script is so good that the audience can deeply be attached to the main character through the twists and turns he experiences. The disputes and discord between Freddie and his family members or the band members, and the bond firmly fixed after those problems are described so well in a way that affects the emotion of the audience.



  This movie is not a movie which only depicts the life of Freddie Mercury, it can be said that this is a series of videos about the making of the songs released by the great rock band, Queen. You can enjoy each song with the episodes which could be interesting even for someone who is not a big fan of Queen, thinking like this song was produced through such things or that thing had happened behind that songs and so on. The most songs which are used in this movies are quite familiar even for me who didn’t listened to their songs properly, and it was unbelievably so good to listened to them with the excellent acoustic equipment in the movie theater.

 Now, I can understand why this movie is so popular. It surely is a good movie which is worth watching. 

Bohemian Rhapsody (The Original Soundtrack)

Bohemian Rhapsody (The Original Soundtrack)







TV dramas I loved: 星野源さん出演「11人もいる」


 It was a TV drama titled “11 Nin mo Iru”, broadcast by TV ASAHI in 2011, that I recognized Hoshino Gen as an actor for the first time. This drama was written by Kudo Kankuro on the theme of the bonds of family and it was full of hilarity and tenderness.



 The eldest son of the Sanada family, a family of ten, spend all his time doing part-time jobs to support the family budget. His father Minoru, played by Tanabe Seiichi, is an unsuccessful photographer and his mother Megumi, played by Mitsuura Yasuko, runs a coffee shop named “Hi Damari” but there are few customers. Megumi, the second wife of Seiichi, is the mother of the fifth son Saigo, played by Kato Seishiro, and the former wife of Seiichi Megumi, the same name by chance, who is the mother of all others has died. One day, a ghost of a young woman wearing a negligee appears in front of Saigo, the youngest son. The ghost of Megumi, who somehow only Saigo can see it, can’t rest in peace because she is so worried about her sons and daughters.  


 As to Hoshino Gen, he played Kazuo’s uncle named Hiroyuki who was always made fun of for being a goof but also liked by everyone with the lovable character. In every episode, there was a scene in which he somehow played the guitar to sing a song and I really looked forward to listening to it because the words which he sang emotionally were very hilarious. I guess he had already released his first album by then, and I feel deeply moved when I realize he is one of the top artists now.

星野源 家族なんです 

11人もいる! DVD-BOX

11人もいる! DVD-BOX






Albums I’m into now: 今ハマっているアルバム 星野源「POP VIRUS」

 何でこんなに気持ちいいんでしょう。12月19日にリリースされた,星野源さんの5作目となるアルバム,「POP VIRUS」にハマっています。

 I’m wondering why it sounds so good. I’m into Hoshino Gen’s 5th album titled “POP VIRUS” which was just released on December 19th.

星野源 - Pop Virus【MV】/ Gen Hoshino - Pop Virus

 俳優,コメディアン,歌手,楽器奏者と様々な顔を持つ星野源さんですが,自分がこれまで一番惹かれていたのは,コミカルな味わいを出す瞬間でした。ミュージシャンとしての星野源さんについては,セカンドアルバムの「エピソード」から全て聴いていましたが,「化け物」,「夢の外へ」,そして「Crazy Crazy」など,いくつか大好きな曲はあるのに、アルバム丸ごと気に入っていたわけではありませんでした。

  He has various aspects such as an actor, comedian, singer, or instruments player, and the one I liked most was Hoshino Gen who shows his comical character. As a musician, there are some numbers of his I like very much, for example, “Bakemono”, “Yume no soto-e”, “Crazy Crazy” and so on, but I couldn’t say I liked one whole album of his so far.

 今回の「POP VIRUS」はなぜか,自分にとって別格に思えます。全体にソウルフルなテイストがあるからでしょうか。非常に洗練されている上に,様々な,実験的な音にあふれていて,ワクワクしてしまうのです。

  This “POP VIRUS” feels something special for me. I guess I can feel soulful taste all over it. It sounds sophisticated, and on top of that, it is full of many sort of experimental sounds so I get really excited.   

 上手くは言えませんが,これまでは星野源という個性の強さを,楽曲から勝手に,過剰に感じていたように思います。今作では,それがいい形で編曲にくるまっているように思えて,心地よく聴くことができています。すぐに好きになったのは3曲目「Get a feel」で,なぜか初期のコーネリアスを思い出しました。山下達郎さんがコーラスで入っている7曲目「Dead Leaf」もよいです。聴けば聴くほど,全部よくなってくるので大喜びしています。

  I don’t know how to express it, but I might have felt Hoshino Gen’s strong character too much from his songs so far. In this album, his character is successfully subdued by the arrangement so I can enjoy it comfortably. The song I came to like first was “Get a feel”, the third number, and it somehow reminded me of some early works of Cornelius, a band I liked. I also like “Dead Leaf”, the third one in this album, which Yamashita Tatsuro joined as chorus part. The more I listen to it, the more I come to like all the songs, so I’m exhilarated now. 

星野源 - 恋【MV & Trailer】/ Gen Hoshino - Koi

星野源 - 夢の外へ【MV & Trailer】/ Gen Hoshino - Yume no Sotohe


It’s really worth reading: ほんとに面白い本「クリスマス・キャロル」


 I could be absorbed in an unusual atmosphere that is quite different from daily life whenever I opened each volume of the “World Literature Series” which somehow there were in my house when I was a boy. I was moved by “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, excited with joy by “The Red=Headed League” by Conan Doyle, and thrilled with the gloomy atmosphere of “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe. The one I loved most among them was this story, “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens.   


   “Marley was dead: to begin with”, this is the first sentence of this story which is a novella with 133 pages, in an old paperback at my hand. The first edition of this book was published in 1843, so I wonder how many people’s hearts have been warmed by it during these 175 years.


  Ebenezer Scrooge, he has been a loan shark and his late joint manager was Marley, was a kind of old guy who was a “squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching covetous old sinner”.  Far from donating at Christmas, he replied to his nephew’s invitation to a small dinner party with the words like “Bah!, Humbug!”, when the young man appeared saying “A merry Christmas, uncle! God save you!”, then Scrooge turned him away using abusive language. After that, he also turned away a couple of gentlemen who asked him some donation for poor people, and then he let his office clerk, who was trembling due to bad heating, go home with some bad-mouth venting his anger before he went back to his place which is cold and gloomy.  It was when he was at the front door with a huge knocker and at the very time he tried to open it, he saw something that he shouldn’t see. The thing he saw at the part on the door where the huge knocker should be was the face of Marley who surely died before. The face was covered with an unearthly, dim light and the hair was standing on end as if being blown by the hell heat, and it disappeared soon, however, it was just the beginning of the series of terrible things that happened afterward.    





 The style of Dickens is something copious, very humorous and describing things really vividly so I was thrilled with a childlike heart. The description of what happened just after Scrooge changed into his comfy cloth to have gruel sitting down before the fire was really something that made me scared to go to the bathroom late at night. All the bells in his house suddenly started to ring and the door of the basement banged open, then the sounds of chains being dragged crept up the stone steps in the pitch-darkness. What finally appeared through the closed door was definitely the ghost of Marley. Marley, who untied a cloth which had wrapped his face to let his lower jaw hang limp at his chest, announced a terrible thing to Scrooge, already fully scared, that three more ghosts would visit him that night.

  As Marley said, the three ghosts, the first one from the past, the second one from the present, and the third one from the future, came to see Scrooge. He saw himself when he was young in the past, then knew what was happening to his office clerk’s poor son, and finally saw what happened to himself when he was died, so he ended up experiencing something changing in his mind, and you could also experience the same feeling as Scrooge did to be moved, and you would reluctantly turn the last page to close the book.

  I think it is a story that will continue to be read by humans as long as they are humans.



クリスマス・キャロル (新潮文庫)

クリスマス・キャロル (新潮文庫)

クリスマス・キャロル―A Christmas carol 【講談社英語文庫】

クリスマス・キャロル―A Christmas carol 【講談社英語文庫】



Xmas songs from Japan: 日本のクリスマス・ソング


 I guess there must be someone who  thinks of Japanese christmas songs first, if they are asked about their favorite Christmas songs. I know it is really difficult to choose, but there is a song that comes to my mind soon, and the song is “Shiroi Koibitotachi” by Kuwata Keisuke.  I usually don’t care about lyrics so much, but I somehow attentively listen to this song savoring the words.

桑田佳祐 - 白い恋人達 





“Once Snow piles up on the ground towards evening

My heart swells with the sweet sorrow

Putting out the light in my heart with tears 

I just look at the season passing by…… ” 


  Actually, I don’t like Christmas songs with the words about lovers so much, but only this song somehow sinks into my mind.


 もう一つ,日本のクリスマス・ソングで衝撃を受けた曲があります。SMAPの「Song of X’smap」です。

 There is another Japanese Christmas song I was amazed by, and the song is “Song of X’map” by SMAP.

Song of X'smap

 この曲は,どのアルバムにも入っていません。2004年のクリスマスにテレビで放送された特別番組のために作られた曲です。もともとCD化の予定はなかったようですが,2005年発売のシングル「友だちへ〜Say What You Will〜」にカップリング曲として収められています。思わずヘビロテしてしまうくらい良い曲です。

  This song is not contained in any album of them. It was a song that was originally made for a special TV program which was broadcast at Christmas in 2004. So it was not supposed to be released in the form of CD but eventually ended up being released in a single CD with the song “Tomodachi e ‘Say What You Will’”. This is so good that I can’t stop myself repeating it many times.