Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

草彅剛さん主演「先生知らないの?」の感想②:共演者の魅力 My impressions of a drama called ‘Sensei Shiranaino? (Don’t You Know, Teacher? )’ ②: The Attractiveness of co-stars


 When it comes to watching old dramas, it is so interesting to know what the actors were like at the time. This drama was aired 25 years ago, but some of the actor who appeared on it are still active even now. The co-stars are Yuriko Ishida, Katsuhisa Namase, Tomoe Shinohara, Ryou Fukawa, Takehiko Ono, and Bunta Sugawara.


 A character called Haruna Nakamura, played by Yuriko Ishida, is a colleague of Yusaku Kinoshita, the main character played by Tsuyoshi Kusanagi. In contrast to the enthusiasm of Yusaku as a teacher, Haruna does her job in a businesslike manner, and working as a teacher is just a makeshift job before marriage. Haruna is judgmental to Yusaku showing the cold shoulder to him at first, but she begins to think over her own attitude as a teacher while watching how sincerely Yusaku takes care of his students.  


 Maybe it’s just me but I have a feeling that Yuriko Ishida is now more beautiful than before, she surely was enough at the time though. On top of that, she plays rather cute characters than mature and sexy ones lately like the one in a drama called ‘Nigehaji’. In Nagasaki, people remember that she used to appear on a TV commercial for Eighteen Bank, a local bank in Nagasaki, before she became famous as an actor.


 Katsuhisa Namase played an eccentric science teacher who always wore an aloha shirt. His eccentric behavior was really funny. His bulged eyes were really hilarious.


 Takehiko Ono played a vice principal who assumes a don’t-rock-the-boat attitude, and says dad jokes all the time. He is really good at playing a character who is always careless and irresponsible, but sometimes unexpectedly considerate. I remember he played a head waiter in a drama called ‘King’s Restaurant’ and the character was so lovable.  


 Bunta Sugawara’s roll in this drama was a principal, and the character was an exactly ideal boss. The principal is taciturn and always watch over the growth of children trying to understand them, and he trusts his teachers taking all the responsibilities for them. I could tell only from his expressions and behaviors what the character is like, and I was impressed by his great skills as an actor.


 Now that I went through the characters in this drama, I realize this drama is a good old, typical teacher drama. This might be the last one among that kind of dramas, particularly the ones set in elementary school. Somehow I feel like watching another drama called ‘Nettyu Jidai’ starring Yutaka Mizutani pretty badly.

 ちなみにこのドラマのオープニングは、なぜかSMAP ではなく山下達郎さんです。

 By the way, the opening theme song is by Tatsuro Yamashita, not by SMAP for some reason.

Words and expressions

・活躍する → be active

・共演者 → co-stars

・批判的 → judgmental

・冷たい態度をとる → show the cold shoulder to

・自分だけかもしれないけれど → Maybe it’s just me but

・おやじギャグ → dad jokes

・意外に → unexpectedly

・理想の → ideal



