Every single track is so good. The first album of fishbowl, a local idol group in Shizuoka, is far better than I expected it would be. It has only eight tracks, which are as follows, but I have listened to it repeatedly without getting tired of them for the last few weeks.
01.深海 Shinkai
02.夜桜 Yozakura
03.踊子 Odoriko
04.朱夏 Shuka
05.距離 Kyori
06.観察 Kansatsu
07.猛獣 Moju
08.雪景 Sekkei
I’ve already been familiar enough with the three songs, ‘Shinkai’, ‘Shuka’, and ‘Kansatsu’, so I had been wondering whether I could enjoy this album. Actually, it was just a groundless fear. Listening through this album, I found myself freshly enjoying those three songs which I thought I had gotten enough of. Other songs which are new to me are also catchy and addictive. I’d like to mention them in the near future.
fishbowlは、デビューからちょうど一年を迎える模様。グループの出発点は、去年の1月16日にテレビ静岡で放送を開始した番組「アイドル観察バラエティfishbowlのデビューしちゃってもいいですか?」とのこと。メンバーはもちろん地元出身で、大白桃子さん、福田安優子さん、澤口 葵さん、新間いずみさん、久松由依さん、木村日音さんの6名となっています。プロデューサーのヤマモトショウさんもやはり静岡出身だそうです。このアルバムを聴いて、クリエイターとしてのヤマモトショウさんの凄みを思い知らされています。ローカルで済ますには本当にもったいない音楽がここにあります。
I learnt that it has been a year now since fishbowl debuted. They started their activity in a TV show called ‘Idol Kansatsu Varitey “We are fishbowl. Can we debut?”’ on TV Shizuoka broadcast on July 16th last year. All the six members are from Shizuoka and their names are Momoko Oshiro, Ayuko Fukuda, Aoi Sawaguchi, Izumi Niima, Yui Hisamatsu, and Harune Kimura. The producer called YamamotoSho is also from Shizuka. Now that I listened to this album, I realized how great Yamamoto is as a creator. There you can see something beyond local event.