Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

楽しい曲:ザ・なつやすみバンド feat. 嫁入りランド「GRAND MASTER MEMORIES」 A song that makes me happy: ‘GRAND MASTER MEMORIES’ by The Natsuyasumi Band feat. Yomeiriland


 I’m exhilarated with this song because it has the same happy atmosphere as Ebichu’s. It was released about four years ago but I came to know it recently. It is so good and catchy. 



  • ザ・なつやすみバンド feat.嫁入りランド
  • J-Pop
  • ¥255
  • provided courtesy of iTunes

  にんじん きゅうり なす トマト レタス はくさい さつまいも

 パクチー ルッコラ なんだそりゃ! 大人になったらわかるかな

 みんなが嫌いなほうれん草 ほんとは結構好きなんだ

  Carrot, cucumber, eggplant, tomato, lettuce, Chinese cabbage, and sweet potato

  Coriander, arugula, what’s that? I’ll be able to understand when I’ve grown up, right?

  Everybody doesn’t like spinach but I somehow love it



 ケールにゴーヤにモロヘイヤ とてもじゃないけど飲めねーや

 きれいなお姉さんのヒ・ミ・ツ 子供にゃまだまだ早いかな~

  I can’t find the answer even if I browse in a supermarket

  Kale, bitter melon, and mulukhiya, no way, I can’t drink the juice of them

  The secret of the beautiful lady is not understandable for a child like me


 騒ぐ胸から吹く風が 夏の扉で大きくなって

 そうだ いかなくちゃ 君と指切りしよう

  The wind blown from my heart excited becomes strong at the door to summer

  Yes, I have to go now. I’ll promise you 

 夏がくれば思い出す わかるかな? 声 遠くなっちゃったね

 そうさ、さびしいよ ラララ ちょっとだけウソ

  Whenever summer comes, I remember it, see? You voice is fading away

  Well, I miss you, la la la, I’m telling a little lie



 アイドルの曲でもないのに、エビ中ぽいと思うのは、歌い方と歌詞のふざけ具合のせいでしょうか。嫁入りランドというのはおそらくラップグループのようですが、ネットで調べてもさっぱりわかりません。作詞が、ゆか/めいちゃん/みゆとと/MC sirafuとなっていますが、ザ・なつやすみバンドのメンバーであるMC sirafuさんを除いた他の3人のことかもしれません。

 Although this is not an idol song, it somehow reminds me of Ebichu and the possible reason for it may be their way of singing plus the playful lyrics. Yomeiri Land seems to be a rap group but I can’t get any information about them on the internet. The lyrics were written by Yuka, May, Miyutoto, and MC sirahu, considering that MC sirahu is a member of the Natsuyasumi Band, the other three might be the member of Yomeiri Land.


 As for the Natsuyasumi Band, I was amazed by how good their album called ‘Terminal’, which was released in last August, was. I’ve listening to it these days. I’d like to mention this album next time. 
