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音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

持ってるだけで嬉しい本:AKIRA(作・画 大友克洋)の魅力④ この物語の革新性 Books That Makes Me Feel Happy Just By Owning Them: The Attractiveness of AKIRA (written and illustrated by Otomo Katsuhiro)④ A work full of innovative ideas


 In the first place, there was something new to me about this work as manga. There were some elements, which I’d never known, like the realistic illustrating, the bold way in panel layout, and so on. However, the innovativeness of this work is not confined to the method of illustration. You can also see it in the world created in this story.

 AKIRAの連載が始まったのは1982年, 映画「ブレードランナー」が公開された年です。どちらの作品にも共通するのは、遠い未来ではなく、近未来を描いていることです。1982年といえば、まだパソコンなど存在しない時代です。カセットテープを記憶媒体として使用したマイコンというものはありました。単純なシューティングゲームをするのにも、起動に数十分を要するような代物だったように思います。ファミコン発売はこの翌年になります。でも、何かが始まりそうな予感に満ちた時期でした。そんな時代に、このAKIRAが描き出す近未来の世界は、当時の少年らにとって、絶妙なリアリティがありました。

 The serial publication of AKIRA started in 1982, the year when the movie called ‘Blade Runner’ was released. What they have in common with each other is that both works depicts the worlds in the near future, not in the distant future. In 1982, there wasn’t personal computer. I remember some people used what is called “microcomputer” which has a cassette tape deck as a storage medium.  However, it was so inconvenient that it took almost thirty minutes to start to play a simple shooting game. Family Computer went on sale in the next year. Everyone had a feeling that a new era was about to begin at that time. That's because I somehow felt a reality about this story which described the near future. 



 Although what you can see here are vehicles and military technology that you haven’t known, the daily lives of the characters seem not the ones that of making use of technologies. I have a feeling that the lives of us, who actually live in 2020 now, are tremendously convenient due to the information technology such as smartphone, internet and so on. I also have an impression that, before AKIRA, the conventional stories, which is set in the future, tended to depict people enjoying dreamlike technologies. AKIRA was different from those old stories, so it made us feel something new and reality at that time.   


 It was not nostalgia that I felt when I reread AKIRA for the first time in over 30 years. What I felt was the joy of reading an interesting story. I’m happy now because I could have the same emotion as I had when I read this manga at my friend’s place in 1984.  

AKIRA(4) (KCデラックス)

AKIRA(4) (KCデラックス)

  • 作者:大友 克洋
  • 発売日: 1987/07/01
  • メディア: コミック


