Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

長崎発ロックバンドによる衝撃の名曲:「夜を延ばして」 Sundae May Club   An Amazing Masterpiece by A Band from Nagasaki: ‘Yoru wo Nobashite’ by Sundae May Club


 I never imagined that they were a band from Nagasaki. This song was one of the recommendations by the music app I use, and I added it to my playlist just after one listen. I personally thought that this song would be among the 2022 top 10, so I was really amazed when I learnt they were from Nagasaki.




 She said sayonara instead of bye bye and then really went away

 She turned around and smiled with the prettiest face in the world at the crossroads in the station

今日いくつの恋が終わったんだろう 美化しちゃいがち ありがちな毎日で


 I wonder how many loves ended today. I know we tend to beautify it to become a one-hit wonder in our daily lives

電車間違えて眠りこけて 不安になって泣いたりした

浮かんだリズムは眠気と共に消え去って 盗んでしまいたいほど

 Taking a wrong train, weeping because of the uneasiness

 I came up with a rhythm but it’s gone with my sleepiness, and I really want to steal it back.


君は歌だ 君は歌だ 君は歌だ

 You are a song, you are a song, you are a song


 A stupid season that’s gone with the wind


 It just leaves us behind



 I was carried away with just the guitar riff in the introduction. Even so I just thought there were a lot of songs which had impressive introductions, but with dull choruses. However, I overcame the uneasiness while listening to the verse and the bridge, and then ended up being overwhelmed by the excitingly catchy chorus. The cheeky way of singing by the female singer goes so well with this song.

 Sundae May Clubは長崎、佐賀、福岡を中心にライブ活動をしているスリーピースバンドの模様。彼らのファーストミニアルバム「少女漫画」は今年の3月9日にリリースされています。サブスクでももちろん聴けますが、全国流通盤も1234枚限定で出されています。いろんな世代に響くサウンドを奏でる彼らの今後の活躍が楽しみでなりません。

 Sundae May Club is a three-piece band who has concerts mainly in Nagasaki, Saga, and Fukuoka. Their first mini album called ‘Shojyo Manga’ was released on March 9 this year. You can listen to it on a music app, of course, and they also released the CD version sold nationally, although only 1,234 discs were sold. I believe their songs are timeless so I’m looking forward to seeing how they do in the future.



  • Sundae May Club
  • ロック
  • ¥255
  • provided courtesy of iTunes


  • Sundae May Club
  • ロック
  • ¥255
  • provided courtesy of iTunes




