Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

胸に刺さった言葉:小沢健二さんによる企画“黒人記者の視点をそのまま訳してみよう。NYブルックリン生まれのMcNeil記者の文を、大人数でライブ和訳する90分”  The Words Hit Close to Home: A Project by Ozawa Kenji “Let’s translate the viewpoint of a black columnist; "90 min live translation of the article by McNeil born in Brooklyn



 I was intrigued by Ozawa Kenji’s tweet the other day. It called for participation in a live translation of the viewpoint of a black columnist. I wanted to give it a try so I applied for it, but unluckily I wasn’t chosen.

 その翌日にツイッターライブがありました。小沢健二さん、スチャダラパーBoseさん、そして記事を書かれた本人であるBaye McNeilさんが出演されていました。お話を聴きながら、ミネソタ州での事件について、実は無関心だった自分が恥ずかしくなりました。

 There was the live stream on Twitter the next day. Ozawa Kenji, Bose from Scha Dara Parr, and Baye McNeil, the columnist who wrote the article, appeared on it. While listening to their talk I somehow became embarrassed because I realized how indifferent I had been to the case happened in Minnesota.


 There were many words which came home to me. For example, ‘racism’, which tends to be translated as‘Jinshu Sabetsu (racial discrimination)’ , should be translated as ‘Jinshu Shugi’, we should take it as ‘white issue’ instead of ‘black issue’, it is too sad to explain something which is too obvious to explain, and so on.


 The paragraph struck me most in McNeil’s article is as follows.

‘You can hear our story in gospel, in Jazz, in blues, in rock, in Hiphop…but can you distinguish our joy from our cries, and our anguish, which is also embedded in our sound? No? Well, here’s what it says. Are you listening?’


 「ソウルミュージックが好き」と気軽に言っていた、自分自身に向けられた言葉だと思いました。小沢健二さんが紹介されていた、Tim Wiseさんの本も読むつもりです。

 These words hit me close to home because I’ve always said casually, ‘I love soul music’. Ozawa Kenji mentioned a book written by Tim Wise, and I’m going to read it.  
