Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

My encounter with the new generation JAZZ : 新世代JAZZとの出会い  KAMASI WASHINGTON(カマシ・ワシントン) “HEAVEN AND EARTH” 

 親友が送ってくれたアルバムに衝撃を受けました。カマシ・ワシントンの「HEAVEN AND EARTH」というアルバムです。帯には「新世代ジャズ黄金期の象徴」と書いてあります。

 I was amazed by an album my best friend sent to me. The album is “HEAVEN AND EARTH” by KAMASI WASHINGTON. The strip of paper around the cd jacket says “A symbol of new generation jazz”. 

Heaven and Earth

Heaven and Earth


  1曲目の「FISTS OF FURY」という曲をかけてすぐに,なぜか懐かしく感じました。確かに知っている曲だったからです。タイトルからわかるとおり,ブルース・リーカンフー映画「ドラゴン怒りの鉄拳」のテーマ曲です。生まれて初めて買ったレコードが「ドラゴンへの道」のサントラだったというほどの大ファンなだけに,この曲だけでひきこまれました。

 The first tune “FISTS OF FURY” somehow made me nostalgic as soon as I played it. I was sure I knew it. As you can guess from the title, it is the theme song of Bruce Lee’s kung fu movie “Fist of Fury”. I was a big fun of Bruce Lee and the album I bought for the first time in my life was a sound track album “The Way of the Dragon”, so I was immediately absorbed in the album just by this first tune.

Kamasi Washington - Fists of Fury

 新世代ジャズについての知識は皆無だったので,ネットで調べてみると,ヒップホップやR&Bと融合した現代のジャズらしいことがわかりました。サックス・プレーヤーであるカマシ・ワシントンは,このジャンルで特に注目されているようです。どの国でもこのジャンルで活躍するアーチストはたくさんいて,自分が知らないだけで,すでに大きな潮流ができていたのだと思い知らされました。日本のアーチストとしてSOIL&“PIMP”SESSIONS が挙げられていたのが興味深かったです。いつも新鮮な刺激を与えてくれる親友に感謝しています。

 I knew nothing about new generation jazz so I checked it out on the internet to know that it is a modern jazz as the result of the fusion of some kind of music like hip hop, R&B and so on. KAMASI WASHINGTON who is a saxophone player is the center of attention in this genre now. I found there are already many artists who belong to this genre in many country, so I realized there had already been the tide of the music before I knew it. I felt it interesting when I saw “SOIL&“PIMP”SESSIONS” was categorized as a Japanese artist of this genre. I’m really grateful to the friend who always gives me fresh stimulation.

SOIL&"PIMP"SESSIONS - Connected feat. Nagaoka Ryosuke YouTube Ver.

A band I’m into now : 今ハマっているバンド sumika


 When I happened to hear some songs of a band called sumika which has four members, I just had an impression that they sounded like Hoshino Gen’s songs. Recently, I listened to their 1st full album titled “Familia” properly ending up being amazed by its stunning brilliance. My first impression was totally beside the point, actually, the album was full of playful mood and originality, with good songs surging like waves

sumika / Lovers【Music Video】


 The first song titled “Answer” is a short one of only 1miutes and 24 seconds, but it makes me carried away in an instant. I’m impressed with extraordinarily catchy songs like “Lovers”, “MAGIC” and such like. In the meantime, I’m all the more exhilarated with some songs like “Someday” which has a calm, touching atmosphere.  

sumika / MAGIC【Music Video】


 It seems like they are going to release a new single with two songs “Fanfare / Syunkasyutou” which are both “side A” on August 29.  Both songs are produced for a movie titled “Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai” which will be opened in theaters all over the country on September 1. “Fanfare” is the opening theme and “Syunkasyutou” is the main theme for the movie.

劇場アニメ『君の膵臓をたべたい 』待望の本予告が公開!








A way of drinking spirits I haven’t known : 初めて知ったウイスキーの飲み方 「トワイスアップ」



 I always enjoy Islay whisky on the rocks, but the other day, the bartender of France Ya told me a new way of drinking whisky. It’s called “twice up”. You pour some whisky into a glass first, then you add the same amount of natural water to it. The so-called "whisky and water" is something using some ice and more than two parts of water, comparing with this way, twice up enable you to enjoy the original flavor of the whisky to the last drop.  Murakami Haruki wrote that people in island Islay drink whisky adding some water without exception in the book “What if our words are whiskey” which I mentioned in this blog before. I guess this way of drinking is more natural than drinking “neat”.  



 On the day I learned this way of drinking, a guy who is from Saitama and now living and working alone in Mexico sat next to me. He just ordered Ardbeg, a kind of Islay whisky, when I sat at the counter.  We had a lively conversation about Mexico like medical conditions, security, temperament of Mexicans and so on. I savored Laphroaig twice up very much. I hope I can see this guy again sometime in the future.

Despite an old song, it’s still good to me : ロジャー・ニコルズ & ザ・スモール・サークル・オブ・フレンズ 「Love so fine」

 ソフトロックというジャンルについて語る知識は全くありませんが,その言葉を聞いてすぐに浮かぶアーチストやバンドがいくつかあります。その一つがロジャー・ニコルズ & ザ・スモール・サークル・オブ・フレンズです。「Love so fine」という曲を初めて聞いたときは,その爽やかさに衝撃を受けました。

 I don’t have any knowledge about the genre called soft rock. However, some artists or bands come into my mind at once when I hear the word. Roger Nichols and the Small Circle of Friends was a band which belonged to the genre. I was amazed by the refreshing sound of a song called “Love so fine” when I heard it. 

Love So Fine - Roger Nichols & The Small Circle of Friends


 The generation who was thrilled with the word “sampling” was interested in the original source of some songs by The Flipper's Guitar or Pizzicato Five very much. This band was often seen in some articles about the source and it was introduced as a band categorized in a genre mysteriously called soft rock. Thankfully, I could reinterpret my favorite things with this concept of soft rock. I remember I was really pleased to aware the fact that many things I’d loved were actually related to each other, for example, some songs that I regarded merely oldies, The Carpenters, The Beach Boys and so on. It was not until after I began to aware this word that I realized again the greatness of Yamashita Tatsuro who has profound knowledge of soft rock.The band called Tradewinds which I mentioned in this blog before is also categorized as a soft rock quite often.  








My impression of TV dramas : 波瑠さん主演「サバイバルウェディング」



 Dramas for this season are coming out fully. I try not to judge hastily whether they are good or not until I watch them at least a few times even if they don’t look my sort of ones, for fear that they should be interesting. However, as far as I watched several dramas, I felt disappointed even if my favorite actors appear in them. Still, I could finally find a drama exhilarating from the first episode, even though I didn’t expect it to be interesting. The drama is titled “Survival Wedding”.



 Kuroki Sayaka who is the main Character played by Haru is just before her thirty, and she leaves the company because of her marriage but she finds the evidence of her fiance’s affair in his bed ending up being blamed by him and, pathetically, broken the engagement. Even though she loses her job and engagement at the same time, she is employed by an editor of a popular magazine in the same publisher to get a job. However, the condition he requires her is that she has to get married to someone in six month, otherwise she should be fired.




  Actually, Haru is not my favorite actor but somehow I love any drama she appears. On top of that, her attitude as an actor that she is not fussy about the roles offered is quite impressive for me. She looked like a straightforward and genuine character in the morning serial drama titled “Asa ga Kita” but she is never afraid of breaking that image by taking roles that may not be like her.  It was exhilarating for me to see her playing someone who has an extraordinary, controversial love affair in a drama called “Anata no Koto wa Sorehodo”. Another drama titled “Momikeshite  Huyu ~ Wagaya no Mondai Nakatta Koto ni~”was something hilarious one itself and the role she played in it was cool and indifferent but somewhat attractive.

  I’m looking forward to seeing how the drama is going from now on.

Good spirits in my favorite bar : 美味しいお酒 「ボウモア」



  The bartender of France Ya, where is my regular bar, sometimes lends me books. There was a book titled “What if our words are whiskey” among them. the author is Murakami Haruki. It is not a novel, but a travelogue about people or spirits he met during the travel from island Islay in Scotland where he visited some whiskey breweries, to Ireland where he visited many pubs. The book is written in quite simple but attractive style which is his characteristic way of writing. I bet you will badly feel like having some whiskey while reading the book.



  The type of whiskey made in Islay is called single malt which is made of only barley, and it has characteristically a particular fragrance due to peat which is used as fuel in the manufacturing process. The fragrance is called iodine smell, so when I have the whiskey for the first time, I just thought it tasted like a mouthwash. It is a wonder that the very smell which is really particular one makes the whiskey fantastic and really tasty when it is combined with the clear taste.


  There are some brands of Islay whiskey, and the first one I had was “Bow more”. Even though I can’t drink so much, I always order Bow more every time I go to the bar. For your information, you can enjoy other brands there such as “Ardbeg”, “Laphroaig” and so on. 





Books I read at a stretch : 一気に読んだ本 「カラスの親指」道尾秀介著


 I've liked mystery novels since I was a boy. First, I was into a series of books called a detective boys circle stories by Edogawa Ranpo published by Poplar book company, then I read a series of Sherlock Holmes and another series of Arsène Lupin by the same company, after that I tried to read the paperback version of the Sherlock Holmes series. From then on I’ve followed a predictable route, like Agatha Christie, Raymond Chandler, Yokomizo Seishi, Akagawa Jiro, and so on, but I hadn’t been interested in contemporary mystery writers very much so I began to read different genres of books such as historical novels or world literature. I’m realizing now how I’ve been conservative and simpleminded while writing this article.    


 Even so, I ended up wanting the delight of solving riddles or unpredictable endings so I began to read some contemporary writers’ works. First, I found Higashino Keigo’s works enjoyable, then come to like books so to speak “the mysteries with bitter after-taste, now I’m always looking forward to the new release of mysteries. In the meantime, I was amazed by some works which try to trick readers, for example, “Initiation Love” by Inui Kurumi or “I think of you in the season after cherry blossoms”. These are some kinds of books which totally change all the scenery that you’ve seen in the book at the last moment before you finish it to make you feel exhilarated.   




 In my opinion, “The crow’s thumb”, the work I read this time, is something which belongs to the same group.

 The main character called Takezawa is a con artist who once stood guarantee for his former colleague to wander from the right path in life. He somehow tried to escape from the vicious circle of debt to end up driving a woman into committing suicide, then eventually he lost his wife and daughter. One day, he begins to live with a man called Tetsu who approached him trying to deceive him, besides, he somehow allows a girl, who seems to have some problems to deal with, to live with them after he happened to get her off the hook.  

 I was impressed by his skill which makes us read the book at a stretch, then I felt exhilarated and, at the same time, somehow touched by the ending. It was first time for me to read Michio Syusuke’s work. Now I feel like reading his other works.