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音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

ライブ・レポート:GLIM SPANKY ONE-MAN LIVE “Walking On Fire” 2021 A Live Report: GLIM SPANKY ONE-MAN LIVE “Walking On Fire” 2021


 オンラインでの視聴です。会場は東京都江東区新木場にあるUSEN STUDIO COASTでした。オーディエンスを入れてのライブでしたが、コールも歓声も一切ない中でのパフォーマンスでした。オンラインでは、23日までアーカイブが残っているので、セトリは書きませんが、数曲だけは言及したいと思います。

 I enjoyed it online. The venue is USEN STUDIO COAST located in Shinkiba, Koto, Tokyo. It was a concert with audience but calls or cheers were not allowed. The video is available until 23rd so I won’t write about the setlist but please allow me to mention some songs they played.

 まずは、直近のアルバムから2曲、それからは以前のアルバムからの曲も入れつつ、1時間50分にわたり15曲以上を披露してくれました。その半数が、Walking On Fireの収録曲でした。

 The first two songs were from the latest album, and then songs from the former ones came in. They performed for one and a half hours long playing over 15 songs. The half of the songs were from the album called Waling On Fire.


 There was a song that I realized how good it is hearing again in this concert.  



  • ロック
  • ¥255
  • provided courtesy of iTunes


開け放つ窓から覗く 真っ白い飛行機雲

丘の上 稲は揺れている

ああ いつの間に五月でした。

 A calm afternoon which is like my mother who used to gently hold my hand while we were walking

 A pure white contrail that I see through the open window

 The rice is undulating on a hill

 Ah, it is already May before I’m aware of it. 




さあ あの店で花を買って

 I put my fingers in the water of the river and am wide awake in early summer

 I’ll go downtown to talk to someone

 Well, I’ll buy flowers at the shop


みんなは言うよ 知りもしないで




 Although some people don’t know anything, they always say that

 things were better back in those days for sure

 I wonder why they don’t look what’s happening now

 The sun light is so brilliant as it has been



時間は常に生まれ変わる 私たちも


 Don’t depend on the past

 Time is always brand new, and so are we

 We live in the time of young leaves forever



 The lyrics hit home. It moves someone like me who are not so interested in lyrics. Matsuo Remi held a book open in her hand instead of the guitar while singing. She sang it as if she read out loud a story so I was impressed very much.


 Come to think of it, how good combination this duo shows. Kamemoto, the guitarist, looks so cool while playing his guitar but is unexpectedly talkative when he MCs. In contrast to him, Matsuo Remi doesn’t talk so much with the calm of a grown-up. The gap between them makes me exhilarated.


 I was so frustrated because I badly wanted to go to the concert instead of watching online. The concert was so good. 

Walking On Fire(初回限定盤)(2CD+DVD)

Walking On Fire(初回限定盤)(2CD+DVD)

  • アーティスト:GLIM SPANKY
  • 発売日: 2020/10/07
  • メディア: CD

