Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

“Palaver”って何? 「ダイヤモンドは永遠に」より



 I realize that my vocabulary is not enough yet whenever I read the original work in English. I mostly come across at least a word which I have to look up a dictionary per page. I can usually guess the meaning of them from the context but sometimes I can’t.

  今日読んだ中で出会った単語で「palaver」という言葉がありました。物語も終わりの方で,舞台はイギリスに向かうクイーンエリザベス号の中です。元は密輸組織の一員でこの時点ではジェームズ・ボンドの味方であり,また,ボンドの恋人でもあるティファニー・ケイスが敵方の手先に誘拐され,彼の真下の船室にいることがわかります。どうするか打つべき手を考えるボンドの胸中の言葉の中にこの単語が出てきました。“…Or take some staff with him, if he could persuade them of the danger to Tiffany? During the palaver and ‘Excuse me, Sirs’ they would get her out of the porthole and…”このpalaverを辞書で調べてみると,「長時間の討論,無駄話」という意味だとわかりました。類語辞典では「fuss, bother」がはじめに出ていました。


 There was a word like that I met today was “palaver “. I’m at about the end of the story and the setting is on the Queen Elizabeth, the luxury cruise ship, Tiffany case, who was a member of the smuggling ring but now is on James Bond’s side and also his girlfriend, ends up kidnapped by a couple of minions of the enemy, then Bond finds them being in the cabin right under his. The word was seen in sentences that occurred in Bond’s mind while he thinking of how to handle the situation as in “…Or take some staff with him, if he could persuade them of the danger to Tiffany? During the palaver and ‘Excuse me, Sir`

s, they would get her out of the porthole and…”. I looked up this word in my dictionary and I find that the meaning is 「長時間の討論,無駄話」In Japanese, and I also checked a synonym dictionary to find that it said “fuss, bother” at first.

  I hope I can read original works without dictionary sometime in the future.