I mentioned a unique event in Nagasaki called “Lunch Saruku” in this blog before. An event I took part in this time was titled “Boukyou no Nagasaki ( (Nagasaki where is a place being cherished in some foreigner’s mind as if it were their own home town) Saruku” which was a new version with a new point of view in understanding Nagasaki. In Nagasaki, there are districts called Higashi Yamate and Minami Yamate where foreigners had to live in sometime around from the end of the Edo era till the beginning of the Meiji era, and you can see some historical heritages which are kinds of symbols of Nagasaki such as Oranda Zaka, Ooura cathedral, Glover’s house having concentrated there. The event held this time was not different from the conventional ones in the point where you walked around those historical places, but actually different in the point that it was focused on the feelings toward Nagasaki of the foreigners who lived in Nagasaki. Among the foreigners who visited Nagasaki at that time, some of them died here before achieving his ambition, some others once returned to their home country but missed Nagasaki and then coming back here to die, and others who died in their own country but had his body returned to Nagasaki by will. The Saruku I joined this time focused on those people, so I could see places even where I’ve already visited last time with a refreshed feeling.
今回も,さるくのあとにセトレグラバーズハウス長崎でランチをいただきました。前菜,パスタ,デザートといずれも美味しく,味にも量にも大満足でした。食後には素晴らしいサプライズがありました。以前紹介した,長崎居留地合唱団の指揮,指導をされている原さとみさんがその場で独唱をしてくださったことです。3曲歌ってくださったのですが,その1曲目のタイトルは「望郷の長崎」でした。この曲は7月8日(日)に予定されている「長崎 みなと・ひと・まち音楽祭 2018」という音楽イベントの演目のひとつにもなっていて,今回のさるくのテーマは,この曲にちなんだものでした。
「長崎 みなと・ひと・まち音楽祭 2018」は,読売交響楽団を招いての,居留地合唱団のメンバーを中心とした合唱団により,長崎ブリックホールで行われる音楽祭のようです。こちらのイベントも楽しみにしています。
We had lunch at Setre Glover’s House Nagasaki as we did last time. An appetizer, pasta, and desserts were really delicious so I was satisfied with the taste and quantities of them very much. There was one thing that surprised us after lunch. It was a solo recital given by Hara Satomi who is, as I mentioned before, a conductor and a trainer of Nagasaki Kyoryuuchi Gassyoudan. She sung three songs and the first one was titled “Boukyou no Nagasaki”. This song is going to be sung in a music event called “Nagasaki, Minato, Hito, Machi Ongakusai 2018” that will be held on July eighth, and I heard that the theme of the Saruku this time was relevant to the song.
It seems that “Nagasaki, Minato, Hito, Machi Ongakusai 2018” is an event that will be held at Nagasaki Brick Hall and organized by a choir mainly consists of members of Kyoryuuchi Gassyoudan,inviting Yomiuri Symphonic Orchestra. I’m looking forward to this event.