Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

Funny but good songs : 可笑しいけどなんかいい曲 水曜日のカンパネラ:「ドラキュラ」






 I know many people love a music unit named Wednesday Campanella. I read some articles about them on Music Magazine several years ago, then I checked their songs on You Tube urgently to get amazed by a song titled “Tchaikovsky”. The song starts with sounds which reminds me of house music in 90’s, after that a female vocalist with unique voice sings obviously waggish lyrics. I giggled but also was impressed by the quality of the tune so I bought an album titled “Take me to Onigashima”. Every song in it was fantastic and the song I was thrilled most was “Dracula”.


「血ぃ 吸うたろか お前の  血ぃ 吸うたろか~」



“Shall I suck your blood? I shall.”

 Dracula, sung by Kom_I who is the vocalist of the unit, is so sloppy in this song that it makes you wonder if it really means to suck someone’s blood or not, however, that way the song makes you feel good at the same time.

 I often see Kom_I in various kind of TV programs recently, and I saw her in AbemaTV’s program named “7.2 New Another Window” the other day. I anticipate to see her becoming more active in the field.

My impressions of TV dramas : 長澤まさみさん主演「コンフィデンスマンJP」



 I somehow haven’t seen a TV drama titled “Confidence Man JP”, currently broadcast by Fuji TV Station on the airtime so called Getsu9, but I tried one episode recorded today. I found it actually interesting so I’m really regretting not to have seen it from the first episode. The fact that the playwright is Kosawa Ryota makes the drama promising. I was actually excited as soon as I began to watch it due to the thrilling plot which is typical of Kosawa’s script. The characterizing or the funny conversation which can be seen in this drama reminds me of a TV drama named “Legal High” starring Aragaki Yui, but I feel this new one has more lovable atmosphere than the other old one.  



  I knew Kosawa’s name for the first time through watching a TV drama “Aibou” featuring Mizutani Yutaka. Several playwrights wrote the script of the drama in turn, and I happened to find that some episodes particularly interesting was written by Kosawa. Episodes by him was not only interesting but having something lingering and suggestive after the ending. There was a new year's special episode which was somewhat so decisive one for me that I was amazed by the magnificent scale and the breath taking plot which is unlike a TV drama. Since then I often see his name even in the movie such as “Alwas 3tyoume no Yuuhi” with a feeling of delight.

 Something in common to most of quality TV dramas is that, I guess, the attractiveness of actors is displayed to the maximum. Actually, I didn’t feel Nagasawa Masami’s charm so much before but now that I watched the drama I do and even like her very much. I’m really looking forward to watching the episodes left.

Where is the world I loved before? : 大好きだったあの世界は今? 岩館真理子の世界④「遠い星をかぞえて」



 In a TV drama “Hanbun Aoi” which is currently broadcast by NHK, some manga illustrated by Kuramochi Fusako has an important role in the plot. She is one of the great manga authors who were very popular in 80’s, and I know many people loved her works. Her name reminds me of other ones like Ogura Huyumi, Ikuemi Ryo, Yoshida Mayumi and so on. However the best manga author who has continuously made me want to read her works is, I don’t know the exact reason, Iwadate Mariko. The first reason why, I guess, is her every work is full of fascinating beauty and subtle humor.     




 You can often see middle aged dandies in Iwadate’s works. The main character in “Tooi Hoshi wo Kazoete (Counting distant stars)”is a junior high school girl named Hutami, and she has an fashionable uncle wearing a mustache, his name is Shousuke, who always makes a great fuss of her. Shousuke who is already a successful playwright somehow visits Hutami’s house to see her so often, maybe because he lost his wife when he was still young and has no children, that her parents and her two sisters try to shun him. His deceased wife was the sister of Hutami’s mom named Tsuruko. The one who particularly hates Shousuke’s visits most is Tsuruko and she always gives the cold shoulder to Shousuke, who is not related to Hutami by blood, somehow unnaturally for Hutami. One day, Hutami finds a photo in her parents’ room. People on the photo are Shousuke and his wife who were still young and a baby who was maybe their own, and Hutami begins to harbor a doubt about…….

 It is comical but heartbreaking, or even moving you to tears that Shousuke tries to approach Hutami unable to control his feelings hidden in his heart, even using a stopgap measure.

 I’d like to encounter such an attractive character in a new work of Iwadate Mariko.

Good tunes I can’t get enough of : 何度聴いても飽きない曲 ジューシィ・フルーツ「雨あがり秘密ふたつの並木道」






  When you hear the name of a band, Juicy Fruits, I guess a song that comes in to your mind first is “Jenny wa Gokigen Naname”. I know this song has been covered by many artists such as Perfume, Yakushimaru Etsuko, and so on, but this song is something most unlike them for me. It doesn’t make sense for me that this song which is so monotonous, and sung with the weird falsetto voice of the vocalist, Ilia, who doesn’t sing that way in any other songs, has been so popular or covered by so many artists. I am sorry that this song may have ever fixed somewhat B-grade image of them in people’s mind. I think the band’s good points can be seen, for example, in a sense of unity shown in each album, and also in the unique humor shown in all albums. The combination of rather spirited female vocalist and the always weak male choir is seen so consistently in each album, from first one to third, that they make the listeners smile with great fascination.     



 「雨あがりのにおい 次の角曲がれば 近道なの 夕暮れの秘密」

 「水たまりに映る それはいつの日にも なつかしくて こわれちゃいそうな 恋のかけら」


 「ちらほら街灯り 冷えたカクテルを 口づけのかわりに」


 「そうよ 急がないで ほしい」



 The most excellent album for me is the third one. I can’t find any poor piece and the last song titled “A tree-lined street with two secret after raining” sounds so fresh and nostalgic even now after almost forty years have passed. The fantastic lyrics which are as attractive as the fairy-tale-like, cute title and the refreshing mellow melody, the distinguish bass line, all these things are the elements lovable. It is suitable for this season when the rainy season has just started to listen to this song.  

 At the beginning Ilia sings,

 “The fragrance I smell after raining, I know it’s a short cut if I turn left at the next corner, but it’s a secret.”

“The reflections on rain puddles, I know they are pieces of love which are always nostalgic and fragile.”

Then the male choir follows,

 “The twinkling lights of the city, why don’t we have a cocktail instead of a kiss?”

 Ilia replies,

 “I guess so. I want you not to hurry.”

 In other songs, you often see a situation where a boy tries to persistently make love to a girl who turns him down gently, but in this song, either of a boy and a girl shows an attitude like a cool grown-up.

 It seems that Juicy Fruits has been reformed since 2013. If I can go to their concert, I hope I can listen to this song there sometime in the future.

A movie that looks B-grade but is actually good : B級ぽいのによい映画 「宇宙人ポール」


宇宙人ポール [DVD]

宇宙人ポール [DVD]



 I guess some people tend to be skeptical about movies featuring creatures from outer space. I know there are some masterpieces such as “Alien”, “E.T.” and so on, but I have an image that this kind of movies could be mostly poor ones. It generally takes about two hours to see a movie so the damage is so huge if you realize the movie you saw was a poor one after seeing it. I always make a point of trying to quit watching a movie anytime but actually I can’t do that every time to end up in tears depressed at credit rolls. However, sometimes I encounter some wonderful pieces that looks B-grade but actually so good that I can finish watching it with a great satisfaction.



 When I happened to see a title of a movie, “Paul”, on the list of Amazon Prime Video, I gave it a try timidly wondering whether it was a typical B-grade one or not. Two geeks who are on their way to a big event called “Comic Con” in San Diego get into trouble with rednecks in a roadside diner, then they run away to end up witnessing a car crash. They run up to the car to save someone in it to find, much to their surprise, an extraterrestrial in front of them. They come to know that the extraterrestrial who gave his name as Paul wants to go back to his own planet so they try to support him then……. I had a wild impression that the movie might be better than “E.T.” when I came to a credit roll. The feeling of B-grade lasts till the ending but the description of what geeks the two men are like and the characterizing of Paul are so likable and humorous that I giggled many times. On top of that, you will see a big surprise at the very ending.

 I’d be happy if I could encounter some movies that looked B-grade but actually enjoyable.


Songs I was amazed by : 衝撃を受けた曲 打首獄門同好会「猫の惑星」






 I’m sure there are many people who like cats. You must be fascinated by, of course, their cute mannerism, or even their contemptuous attitude that they show when they are sure that there is no danger after showing too much unnecessary caution. The way they exude their pride as relatives of lions makes me feel them so admirable or exhilarating that I almost forgive some cats from neighbors using my small flower bed as a toilet (of course, I won’t).

  I encountered a song which teaches me there are so deep feelings of love to cats that those who are superficial cat- lovers turn pale. It was “Neko no Wakusei” by Uchikubi Gokumon Doukoukai. At first I was just overwhelmed by the band’s name then I was amazed by the title of the song, “Neko no Wakusei”.    



「たとえ私がさむくても たとえ私が困っても 猫がよければ問題なし 尽くし続ける愛の形」

「僕らはこの世に 猫を愛でる運命(さだめ)のもとに生まれてきた者なんだろう」

「僕らのこの星は 猫が生まれくる運命を背負って回っているんだろう」



 The impression which people have in their mind when they hear the movie’s title “Saru no Wakusei (Planet of the Apes)”is just serious, on the other hand, the impression you have when you see the appearance of words of the title “Neko no Wakusei” is how fishy and funny it looks. Feeling thrilled, I listened to the song in Amazon digital music store before buying it and I was sure that it was extremely a good song as I had expected. Impatiently, I downloaded it to play it again and again, I can’t stop smiling slightly because of the way of descriptions of the deep feeling of love to cats. The lyrics go as follow.

“Even if I felt cold, or I were in trouble, it’s OK as long as cats are happy.”

I believe we were born destined to love cats.”

I believe our planet rotates destined to be a place where cats are born.”

“We live in this planet where cats live.”

 I’m almost overwhelmed by these lyrics wondering they are really all right.


 Uchikubi Gokumon Doukoukai is so called a three-piece band. They aim “loud rock in daily life ”, and their every tune is funny and humorous. I was also amazed by a music video titled “I don’t want to get out of Huton”.




My impressions of books:「はみだしインディアンのホントにホントの物語」シャーマン・アレクシー著

はみだしインディアンのホントにホントの物語 (SUPER!YA)

はみだしインディアンのホントにホントの物語 (SUPER!YA)

  • 作者: シャーマンアレクシー,エレンフォーニー,Sherman Alexie,Ellen Forney,さくまゆみこ
  • 出版社/メーカー: 小学館
  • 発売日: 2010/01/27
  • メディア: ハードカバー
  • 購入: 1人 クリック: 4回
  • この商品を含むブログ (2件) を見る


 If someone asks me like “What do you know about the Native Americans, in other words, Indians?”, actually, I only have a few things to answer to it like they have facial features and skin-colors similar to Asians, they have leaders called chiefs, and so on. To be honest, I can only come up with those Indians who live in the Neverland in Peter Pan movie at the most. I met a book that definitely made me interested in the present state of Native Americans who had been a kind of people I had very little to do with. It is a book named “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” written by Sherman Alexie.



 “I was born with water on the brain.”, this shocking sentence is the first one of the book which is an autobiography of the author Sherman Alexie. He was born with too much cerebral spinal fluid inside his skull, and this fact caused him many kind of physical problems, for example, he had 42 teeth whereas ordinary people had 32, his one eye was nearsighted and the other was farsighted, and he had seizures at least two times a week, so he spent his childhood with those troubles, plus he was bullied terribly. Written that way, the plot sounds just miserable, but actually, I somehow feel a momentum and humor about the author’s narrative way so no matter how an episode is terrible, I believe, it makes you smile and thrilled.                               




 There were many things I knew for the first time by reading this book as follows, most native Americans live in some quarters called reservations where you can see so many alcoholics and the death rate is extremely high.

 The author who was full of adventurous spirit left his reservation when he was about to  become a high school student ending up going to a white people high school. Through things he experienced there such as discriminations, loves, and friendships, he makes you think of universality of human beyond the difference between races. I was really happy encountering a good book.


The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (English Edition)

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (English Edition)