Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

Songs that cheer you up 元気の出る歌:しんつよ「Kiss is my life」

KISS is my life.

KISS is my life.



 草なぎ剛さんと香取信吾さんのユニット,SingTuyo(しんつよ)の新曲「KISS is my life.」がリリースされました。聴いてみての第一印象は,まるでSMAP時代のシングル曲のようだ,というものでした。

 The split-up of SMAP, actually, amazed me. There is no way for ordinary people to know what happens behind the show-biz world. Even so, when I try to see how the former members are doing, I have a feeling that the way how they are treated is not fair. I tend to be suspicious that there could be some consideration or hesitation of some people for the big agency the members belonged to. In such a situation, the former members’ challenging move, which is something never seen before, in approaching the fans could be a revolutionary action that could happen to break down the old system.

  The musical unit of two, Kusanagi Tsuyoshi and Katori Shingo, has released their new song “KISS is my life.” the other day. My first impression was that it sounds like a single of SMAP.

 もともと,SMAPの楽曲には数えきれないほどの大物が関わっています。自分が興味のある範囲で見るだけでも,元ピッチカート・ファイブの小西康陽さんや,オリジナル・ラブ田島貴男さん,さらには椎名林檎さん,はてはエリック・プラクトンなど,その人選は驚きの連続でした。アルバムによっては,その当時の新進気鋭のアーティストを取り上げていることも多く,シングル曲の「Joy!!」ですら,作詞・作曲は津野米咲(つの まいさ)さんで,当時まだ21歳,メジャーデビューして1年足らずのガールズバンド,「赤い公園」のギタリストでした。今回の作詞作曲は,まだ20歳の「ぼくのりりっくのぼうよみ」さんということで,この方自身が,動画サイトへの投稿を通じて音楽活動を始めたという,今の時代を象徴するような経歴の持ち主のようです。

  So many big names had something to do with the tunes of SMAP. Seeing just within the range of my interest, there had been such as Konishi Yasuharu , a former member of Pizzicato Five, Tajima Takao from Original Love, besides Shiina Ringo, and even, really unbelievable, Eric Clapton. The selection of creators in each album were really amazing for me. In some albums, they employed up-and-coming artists at that time, even the single “Joy” was made by Tsuno Maisa, the guitarist of a girl’s band called “Akai Kouen”, she was only 21 years old and it had only been one year since the band made their major-label debut. This time, the creator in both words and music is a 20 years old artist “Boku no ririkku no bou yomi” who is a kind of symbols of some people typical in this era, because he started his career by submitting his works to a video sharing site.   

SingTuyo - KISS is my life.



 I was still more impressed when I saw a video on their own site called “Atarashii Chizu”. At the beginning, a man who has a weird looking head in the shape of huge lips is turned down by a lady, he then wanders around the town aimlessly, during that, however, the lips head man tries to encourage a little girl who looks depressed or a student in low spirits repeating failure, but in the end, he successfully attracts people’s attention and finally becomes someone who can give them courage. At the ending, the man takes off the head covering and the face under it is……. The video made me chuckle many times and it was also heartwarming.

 Listening to the very positive lyrics, I can’t help feeling that this song is a cheering song, which has an immediate effect, to themselves and, at the same time, to their fans. 


My favorite bar in Nagasaki : エルヴィン・ジョーンズが愛したバー 銅座「仏蘭西屋」



 There is a bar named “France Ya” in a corner of an area called Douza in Nagasaki. It’s a small bar with just a counter but you can enjoy more than three hundred cocktails there, so I can say it’s a place like heaven for drinkers. You can also enjoy nice music chosen by the bartender who loves jazz very much.

 There used to be a customer who always sat at the end of the counter of this bar at that time, and he was an American. He was a jazz drummer, Elvin Jones. Even a person like me who doesn’t know about jazz so well, it’s understandable how Elvin Jones is famous because among some tunes chosen by one of my best friends who loves jazz very much I can see his name with some big names like Coltrane, Miles Davis and so on. His wife was from Nagasaki, so he had lived here in Nagasaki for a while.   





  I mentioned a cocktail named Americano in this blog before, it’s a cocktail which James Bond likes to drink when he goes to Paris. I tried this cocktail in the bar the other day. It wasn’t on the menu but the bartender, we call him “Master”, accepted my order casually and soon served it to me. It was a cocktail using Campari, exactly the same as the one written in the book, and it tasted very refreshing. I've been a regular customer of the bar for more than fifteen years, and I love this bar where I can try various drinks, meet many interesting people, and experience various episodes.

 By the way, what Elvine always drank was sake. 


My impressions of books:「ラプラスの魔女」東野圭吾著


ラプラスの魔女 (角川文庫)

ラプラスの魔女 (角川文庫)



 I read “Laplace's Witch” by Higashino Keigo. Speaking of Higashino’s works, I always anticipate the scientific taste from them, and in that point, I believe this book can surely satisfy you. The scientific keywords you can see in this book are such as hydrogen sulfide, geochemistry, neuro-regeneration, and a kind of determinism called “Laplace's demon” and so on. The story goes intriguing reader’s interest about how these scientific terms would be related to each other, and the sense of excitement lasts until the ending so you may finish reading with great satisfaction.   


  I guess I’ve read more than twenty Higashino’s works, and what amazed me most among pieces that has clearly scientific taste was “Mugen Bana”. “Yellow morning glory” which plays a significant role in the story is associated so well with Japanese history and a secret of a character’s family that you’ll be smoothly taken to the ending which you feel really makes sense. However, the momentum that the plot of “Laplace's Witch” has is second to none, and now I want to see the movie version of this story, too.    


夢幻花 (PHP文芸文庫)

夢幻花 (PHP文芸文庫)



Where is the world I loved before? 大好きだったあの世界は今? 岩館真理子の世界③:「わたしが人魚になった日」




 Iwadate Mariko’s comic titled “Watashi ga Ningyo ni Natta Hi” is a short story collection which consists of four short stories. The title story’s main character is ‘I’, a very shy high-school girl who can’t even speak to a guy she has a crush on one-sidedly. In “Machi mo Hoshi mo Kimimo”, the second one’s main character is Kamu who has been regarded as a trouble maker in her high school and try to escape from the city with a boy who tells her he has run away from an orphanage. The main character of the third piece, “Iku Sen Ya”, and fourth one, “Sentimental Ring”, is Rika who is working as a singer in a night club and she doesn’t remember her home town at all. One thing that is common among those protagonists is the fact that each one has a sense of loneliness in their own ways.



 Every title sounds like as if it were a title of poem, and each one also has such a fully fantastic atmosphere that you feel a wistful pang and bottled-up, stifled feeling. Even so, you can enjoy her humor that is something unique and always seen anywhere in her works, so you end up smiling. The piece I particularly love is the second one, “Machi mo Hoshi mo Kimimo”. I feel this is a story I want to cherish in the deeper part of my mind.

  I really want to relish Iwadate’s fantastic world in a new piece.   

My impressions of books:「暗黒女子」秋吉理香子著,「イヤミス短編集」真梨幸子著


暗黒女子 (双葉文庫)

暗黒女子 (双葉文庫)




 I was amazed by the title of a book which one of my best friends who love mysteries lent me a while ago. The book was “Ankoku Joshi” written by Akiyoshi Rikako. I wonder why the combination of these words “Ankoku”and “Joshi” makes me so excited. That may be due to the gap between the images of the two words, or the unrest air and unforeseeable, profound darkness as a result of the combination of the two words. I happened to know a word “iyamisu” through the experience of reading this book. I heard Iyamisu means mysteries that you would finish reading being disgusted.


 The setting of the story is on a prestigious girls’ high school. One day, the head of the literature circle in the school, Shiraishi Itsumi, dies a mysterious death. After that, a regular meeting of the circle takes place and the theme of it is “the cause of the death of the late head, Shiraishi Itsumi ”. Having “Yaminabe” which is a kind of hodge podge stew prepared with ingredients contributed by each member of a party, which for fun is eaten with the lights off, every member tells her own story about the death of the late head……. The book didn’t betray my expectation so I could finish reading it with a deep feeling of displeasure.


 It is often said that Minato Kanae is a leading writer of iyamisu. I’ve read her some works, for example “Kokuhaku”, and I’m now convinced that her works definitely deserves to be called iyamisu. The friend lent me another book the other day and it was “a short story collection of Iyamisu” written by Mari Yukiko. Maybe because of the title, I expected so much of the result that I wasn’t impressed with the endings very much, but I thought the author had succeeded in setting the situations and the backgrounds, and also in giving life to the characters.  


イヤミス短篇集 (講談社文庫)

イヤミス短篇集 (講談社文庫)



Funny but good songs 可笑しいけどなんかいい曲:ギエドレ「みんなウンチする」


 When it comes to western music, I think of British or American rock or pop music, but no matter when it is there has been a standard French pops. There have been many songs I’m familiar with like “Love Is Blue” or “Tout Tout Pour Ma Cherie” and so on. In the 1990s I was thrilled with some Clementine’s ennui songs. Although I ‘ve felt there haven’t been good French songs for these several years, I was excited with a title of a tune sung by a female singer named Giedre about who I saw an article in “Music Magazine”a couple of years ago. The title was “Minna Unchi Suru”. I tried to listen to it on YouTube ASAP and I ended up laughing while being amazed. If I was a primary school boy I couldn’t helped writhing with this hilarious title, but I thought this song is great. In YouTube it’s impressive that Giedre stands leaning her back against a tree. (Has she done it in the forest?)



 The wind chimes ringing and the song starts with rather a serious introduction and then crisp French lyrics are sung on a first melody (which is maybe called A melo in Japanese pops), after that you hear her singing “Anata to Watashi” in Japanese at a part maybe called B melo in Japanese pops. When the song reached the catchy part of it in quite serious tone, she sings resonantly “Minna Unchi Suru”. At first it was sung in rather subdued way but in the second half all you can hear is almost only “Unchi” so that you can’t count how many times she says it, and then the song ends. Explaining that way, I’m afraid that it sounds like the song is just a ridiculous one, but in reality, it is tremendously good and whenever I hear it that still makes me smile and thrilled. I believe it could be a kind of standards in French pops history. By the way, a song titled “Tachi Shon” is contained in the same album. 





Where is the world I loved before? 大好きだったあの世界は今? 岩館真理子の世界②:「夜汽車にのって」



 I mentioned a comic book named “Shinko Monogatari” illustrated by Iwadate Mariko. Shinko who has only been thinking of ‘that world’ begins to look ‘this world’ in a different way, and the story then finishes. There is a short story that is spun off from “Shinko Monogatari” in the second volume of it and the main character is Shinko’s sister who is a precocious girl.




 Hanako, the sister of Shinko, is an elementary school girl (maybe in the fourth grade) who is a fashion-crazy and a little bit spirited girl. She ends up getting a sister-in-law who is someone she has looked upon as her rival due to her mother’s remarriage, and she looks dissatisfied even now that she comes to a highlands cottage in the summer vacation because the sister-in-law always says disagreeable things and tries to hurt her feelings every day. Complaining about her sister-in- law, she goes out into a forest to pick some flowers and happens to meet a somewhat lonely looking girl who is older than her. When Hanako tries to go further away into the forest the girl seized her arm and says “Once you go into the forest, you can’t come back!” in a forceful tone. According to her account, there was a boy who was her friend and he has gone deep into the forest trying to find out the source of strange sounds that they heard from the depth of the forest  and never came back. Since then Hanako has been so obsessed with the boy disappeared that she finally makes up her mind to go deep in the forest…….

  It may sound like a horror story if you hear only this plot, but this story is really adorable and also somehow makes you feel wistful pang with an ending that you may end up smiling despite being moved to tears. I can’t come up with other author who can make me feel that way with such a short story.

 I really want to read Iwadate’s new story.