Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

ライブ配信のよさ②:「私立恵比寿中学オンライン学芸会~all of our playlist~」の感想(ネタバレなし) The Merits of Live Streaming②: My Impression of The Online concert by Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku~all of our playlist~ (No Spoiler)


 The summary of this online concert has been released on YouTube.

私立恵比寿中学オンライン学芸会〜all of our playlist〜ダイジェスト映像


 Another merit of online concert is about its cost. It is good news to the audience that the tickets are cheeper than usual. It's also good news to the organizer because they don't need to reserve a big venue, plus they don't need to care about limitation of the number of audience so they can sell tickets as many as possible. Besides the reasonable price of the tickets may attract people with the possibility of becoming fans of Ebichu. 


 The biggest merit of online concert to someone like me who lives in countryside is that there's no inconvenience in joining it. It can't be helped that people who live in countryside have less opportunities to go to concerts than others who live in big cities. However, In regard to online concerts, you can apply for it easily wherever you live in. Ebichu is going to have a concert with audience in September. I really want to go to the concert but the venue is far away from Nagasaki, so I have to give up such an idea due to the expensive fare. 

 このように、オンラインコンサートにはそれなりのメリットがあるのは間違いありません。でも、やはりリアルなライブで味わえる熱気、一体感という点で、決定的に物足りないのは事実です。MC でメンバーが何度も呟いていたのは、オーディエンスの反応がないのが淋しいというものでした。声援を送りたい、コールの掛け合いをしたいと思っているのは実際、オーディエンスの方です。自分も声を出したいのはやまやまでしたが、ご近所との関係をぶち壊す勇気もなく、悶々としていました。

 Consequently, online concert surely has some merits. However, it’s also true that you can find it definitely lacking in such as excitement characteristic of real live concert, sense of solidarity and so on. What each member said during the MC was they miss the reactions of audience. Actually, the ones who really want to cheer them or respond to their MC are the audience. I badly wanted to cheer out loud but I didn’t have the courage to break off the relationship with neighbors so I was frustrated.



 There wasn't any corner-cutting in their performance at all even though they did it without audience. I realized that it is worth doing to cheer them as artists.

私立恵比寿中学 『23回目のサマーナイト』MV 
