Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

A movie that made me smile but also cry 笑って泣ける映画:「50 First Dates (50回目のファースト・キス)」


  現在公開中の邦画,「50回目のファースト・キス」は現在のところ興行成績がよいようです。山田孝之さんも長澤まさみさんも興味のある俳優さんなので,いつか見てみたいと思っています。アマゾンプライムビデオで,このオリジナル版である米映画,「50 First Dates」を観てみました。無料ではなく,百円でしたが,ちっとも惜しいと思わないくらい素晴らしい作品でした。

 A Japanese movie now on release titled “50 Kaime no First Kiss” seems to be a box-office success. The main actors, Yamada Takayuki and Nagasawa Masami, are the ones I’m pretty interested in, so I want to see the movie sometime in the future. I watched the original version of this movie, an American movie titled “50 First Dates”, on Amazon Prime Video. It was not free but costs one hundred yen, even so I felt the movie was worth more than that and I’was sure it was really a fabulous one.   


 I have an impression that there are quite a few movies in which some characters lose their short-term memory in recent years. I tend to feel that those kind of movies are too difficult to understand or be fed up with too many repeated scenes. However, I was absorbed in watching this movie sometimes smiling and sometimes crying without any concern.



 When you find a movie good, you naturally want to know about actors in the movie. I was surprised to know that Drew Barrymore who played the main character Lucy had played the sister of the main character in “E.T.”. Plus, I soon recognized an actor to have appeared in the TV drama “24”. He was Sean Astin who played the temporary Director of CTU in the fifth seoson, Lynn McGill (his last moment was pathetic……)

 主人公ルーシーが口ずさみ,エンドロールでも流れる曲は,ビーチボーイズの「Wouldn't It Be Nice」でした。60年代の名盤と称えられる「ペットサウンズ」の冒頭に入っている曲です。このアルバムが後世に与えている影響の大きさはよく言われることですが,思い付くだけでも,フリッパーズギターの「ヘッド博士の世界塔」やクリスマス映画「ラブ・アクチュアリー」などいたるところで見られます。

 A song Lucy sang in the movie and played at the credit roll was “Wouldn’t it be nice” by Beach Boys. This song was the first one in an album titled “Pet Sounds” which is so famous as an excellent recording in 60’s. It is often said that the impact the album made on future generations was really tremendous. The songs in the album could be seen in many situations,  I can come up with even now a few things like “DOCTOR HEAD'S WORLD TOWER” by The Flipper's Guitar, “Love Actually” a Christmas movie and so on. 

Pet Sounds

Pet Sounds







