Turkeyriceの勝手に英訳ブログ Turkeyrice's Blog Written in both Japanese and English

音楽,映画,本,テレビ,長崎のことを好き勝手に日本語プラス英語で書いています。2017年に英検1級取得。Talking about Music, Films, Books, TV Programs, and Some Things in Nagasaki

香取慎吾さん「20200101」の魅力⑤:MVが待ち遠しい曲「Now & Forever(feat. SONPUB & 向井太一)」 The charm of the album “20200101” by Shingo Katori⑤: A song that I can’t wait to watch its MV “NOW & Forever(feat. SONPUB & 向井太一)”


 It sounds like an adult-oriented R&B. This song is so addictive as the others in this album. 





  I’m happy as usual

   Wearing a pair of shoes and dressed to kill

   As in your dream

   I’m so shining

 Anytime I need 照らされる



  Anytime I need a light that shines down on me

  and I’ll go with it

  to somewhere beyond your ideal further than anybody else can

 Follow me now

 Follow me now


 CD付属のブックレットには、“Written by SONPUB, Taich Mukai, CELSIOR COUPE, Shingo”と記載されています。SONPUBさんは国際的に活躍しているアーティストであり、音楽プロデューサーでもある方です。向井太一さんはシンガーソングライターとして近年話題になっている方で、SONPUBさんとのコラボレーション曲がいくつかあるようです。「週刊文春WOMAN」のインタビュー記事では、向井太一さんと共演することになった経緯も書いてありますが、SMAP時代に培った人とのつながりが、現在につながっているようです。

Monster Rion / Message feat. 向井太一【Official Music Video】

 The booklet attached to the CD says, “Written by SONPUB, Takai Mukai, CELSIOR COUPE, Shingo”. SONPUB is active internationally as a musician, and also a music producer. Mukai Taichi is a singer-songwriter who many people are talking about these years, and he has several collaboration songs with SONPUB. The interview by Weekly Shukan Bunshun Woman says about how Shingo began to work with Taichi Mukai and the relationships Shing had built during the time that he was a member of SMAP really work now.


 In “Nana Ni”, an internet distribution program by Abema TV, on Feb.2, they invited Rola as a guest and had a project to take a one-shot MV to this song. Shingo gave advice not only to Rola but also to Kusanagi and Inagaki, who was shooting with their smartphones, while dancing. I realized how awesome he is as a creator through watching it. I was also surprised by Rola because she performed amazingly reacting to what Katori wanted her to do. Each of them was really cool and attractive. They are going to edit the MV. then upload it onto YouTube. I can’t wait to watch it. 



香取慎吾さん「20200101」の魅力④:めちゃくちゃキャッチーな曲「10%」 The charm of the album “20200101” by Shingo Katori④: A song that is so catchy, “10%”


 How cheerful this song is! This is a tune which is as energetic as Katsuken samba, a song Shingo sang hilariously mimicking a famous singer before. This song was released on Oct. 1, the day when the consumption tax rate was raised to 10%, I’m sure they chose the day intentionally.   



  • provided courtesy of iTunes

  HEY!HEY! ギブアップ!YOU!

 EVERYBODY 皆 YOUに ギブアップ!

 WOW! YABBEE女 来ちまった!

 EVERYBODY噂 3,2シーッ! HAっ!

  HEY! HEY! Give up! You!

  EVERYBODY, anybody can’t help it, about YOU!

  WOW! A girl totally awesome has come!

  EVERYBODY is talkin’ about you 3, 2, hush! HA!

 10%って1割。脳に優しいso cute! AHA

 10%って偽り?J_O々にボディーブローsexy! AHA

  10% equals one tenth. It’s good to our brains. So cute! AHA!

    10% is something false? Effective body blows, sexy! AHA


 英訳するのをあきらめてしまうくらい、痛快にふざけ切った歌詞です。消費税とどう絡めているかも全く見えませんが、この曲調では、むしろメッセージ性などない方がいいに決まっています。作詞は、CMプランナーの権八成裕(ごんぱなるひろ)さんです。SMAPの「buzzer beater」や「Love loser」などの作詞も行っていた権八さんは、当時から香取慎吾さんと親交があったようです。Yahoo news のインタビュー記事では、慎吾さんと権八さんの2人が歌詞を仕上げるのに夜中の3時過ぎまでかかったエピソードが書かれています。作曲のHIROさんは安室奈美恵さん、倖田來未さん、西野カナさんを始め多数のアーティストに楽曲を提供されている模様。

 These lyrics are so exhilaratingly playful that I actually give up the idea of translating them. I can’t guess whether the lyrics have something to do with the consumption tax or not at all, but I’m sure they don’t need to be some messages about the tax on such a playful tune. This song was written by Naruhiro Gonpa, a CM planner. He has been on friendly terms with Shingo Katori since when he wrote some songs like “buzzer beater”, “Love loser” and so on, for SMAP. The interview by Yahoo news says that Shingo and Gonpa stayed up till past three in the morning to complete the lyrics. The composer HIRO has offered a lot of songs to Namie Amuro, Kumi Koda, Kana Nishino and so on.   


 This song was sung in “Nana Ni”, the internet distribution program by Abema TV, in November for the first time, and I heard that the dance to the song was fabulous. Unfortunately, I missed it so I’m very sorry about it.  

20200101 (通常BANG!)(特典なし)

20200101 (通常BANG!)(特典なし)




香取慎吾さん「20200101」の魅力③:意外なコラボ曲「FUTURE WORLD(feat.BiSH)」 The charm of the album “20200101” by Shingo Katori③: A song that is a collaboration unpredictable, “FUTURE WORLD(feat.BiSH)”


 This song starts with the English lyrics on the rich full sound of the strings, and it seems that the lyrics are telling something serious. 



  • provided courtesy of iTunes

  Time has passed, I was bullied.

 I didn’t like that I didn’t know why

 I tried to change really tried.

 I was disturbed by various thing

 時は過ぎたけれど 私は虐げられていた


 なんとかしようともがき あがいた

 でも 乗り越えるものが多すぎた 

 Tell me why?

 Tell me why? Tell me

 I’ve heard so many times

 But it wasn’t possible for me


 ねえ どうしてかな?


 でも どうしようもなかった

 Sad things happen everyday

 Everything is dead

 Please go straight on








 So just believe in myself 

 Keep on feeling every pain inside me

 How do I picture my future?

 Feel the liberated emotion








 Enduring all the anguish inside me

 What will happen in the future?

 I live my life showing my egoism

 I can relax from now on




  • BiSH
  • ロック
  • ¥255
  • provided courtesy of iTunes



 I’m somehow exhilarated with just the fact that this is the collaboration with BiSH, a punk idol band. You may be a bit bewildered at first because it’s quite far from punk music, but I bet you’ll be into this song due to the catchy melody and the attractive lyrics. Kenta Matsukuma, who composed this song, has produced most of the songs by BiSH. There are many catchy and slow songs among the tunes by BiSH, too.



  The interview by “Weekly Bunshun WOMAN” says that Shingo Katori asked them in person for this collaboration at the filming of “NaNaNi”, an internet distribution program.

 It is fun just to see the line-up of the artists featured in this album. it contains a wide range of artists from veteran rappers to an up-and-coming idol group, so this album is something stimulative because it can widen the range of listeners’ interest.   




香取慎吾さん「20200101」の魅力②:思わず笑顔になる曲「ビジネスはパーフェクト(feat.スチャダラパー)」 The charm of the album “20200101” by Shingo Katori②: A song that somehow makes you smile


 How fun this music video is! I somehow feel like insisting, “That’s what I call a real entertainment!”.

香取慎吾_ビジネスはパーフェクト(feat.スチャダラパー) MUSIC VIDEO


 Bo as in “Bose” is also Bo as in “Boken (adventure)”

 そこいらを闊歩 行きつけに参上

 Swagger around then show up at our regular haunt


 Order new items on the menu from the top


 Say “Hell, no!” to the chef who is too capricious


 Take a walk for health


 Can’t keep on doing sit-ups and back exercise


 Wander around during the day on weekdays


 A strange resident in the neighborhood


 Tune up and break in


 Go forward taking a rest sometimes


 There is “I.N.G” between SH and O


 The show continues forever  


 Experience points piled up during the Heisei era


 A quarter-century has already passed


 We are still on the stage


 We never waver at all in our image



 ヘイヨー ストレンジャー

 Hey you, stranger


 Meek customers


 Obedient users


 It’s the entertainer who wanna surprise them


 スチャダラパーらしい、思わず笑顔になるような親しみやすいヒップホップです。何かしら可笑しみのあるイントロでまず引き込まれますが、ユニークな歌詞がさらに拍車をかけてきます。作詞には香取慎吾さんも関わっているとのこと。音楽情報サイト「REAL SOUND」のインタビューでは、レコーディングが始まるギリギリまで歌詞についてアーティストと話し合った旨が述べられています。その結果として、「今回のアルバムには、僕が好きなものしか詰まってない」という仕上がりになったそうです。

 This is a hip-hop, which somehow makes me smile and is quite easy to listen to, like Scha Dara Parr. You’ll be intrigued by the first few bars which are somewhat humorous, and then you’ll find the lyrics are pretty unique so they give a boost to it. Shingo Katori joined writing the lyrics. The interview by REAL SOUND, a music information website, says he had been discussing the words with the artists until the recording started. Consequently, the album turned out what he called “An album which is full of something I like”.

小沢健二 featuring スチャダラパー - 今夜はブギー・バック(nice vocal)


 It is a song called “Kon’ya wa Boogie-Back” featuring Kenji Ozawa that comes first to my mind when I hear Scha Dara Parr. This song, which is a collaboration of those who were both in their prime in the 90’s and still active in the first line, is so good because it sounds fresh and mellow at the same time. 

【店舗限定特典あり】20200101 (初回限定・GOLD BANG!) (シリコンブレスレット(Red)付)

【店舗限定特典あり】20200101 (初回限定・GOLD BANG!) (シリコンブレスレット(Red)付)

  • アーティスト:香取慎吾
  • 出版社/メーカー: ノーブランド品
  • メディア: CD



香取慎吾さん「20200101」の魅力①:すぐにノレる曲「welp(feat.須田景凪)」 The charm of the album “20200101” by Shingo Katori①: A song that makes you feel groovy soon enough


 Among the twelve tracks in this album, this is the first song I naturally sing to myself. The sounds and the phrases are somehow addictive. 

welp (feat. 須田景凪)

welp (feat. 須田景凪)

  • provided courtesy of iTunes

  いつの間にか がらんどうだ


 My mind is already empty

 I have enough paints but I can’t fill my canvasses with them

 話をして 牙を立てて


 We talked, then buried our fangs in each other

 But we spent the hours trying in vain to be beasts



 I don’t want to admit the fact that

 The bitter, embarrassing memories



 白紙に戻そう 言葉を交わしながら


 are thorns that will be forgotten someday

 Why don’t we start all over again exchanging words with each other

 Let’s start our kindness, and even also our frustration over again


 この曲の作詞・作曲は須田景凪さんです。このアルバムについてのインタビュー記事として、「週刊文春WOMAN」と音楽情報サイト「REAL SOUND」に掲載されているものを読みましたが、どちらにおいても須田景凪さんに関する言及はないようです。もともとボーカロイドの曲を作っていた方で、現在ではシンガーソングライターとして活動されています。

須田景凪 「MOIL」MV

 This song was written by Keina Suda. I read interviews with Shingo Katori about this album in a magazine called “Shukan Bunshun WOMAN”and a music information website called “REAL SOUND”, but I couldn’t find his name mentioned in either interview. He originally wrote songs for vocaloids but now he is a singer-songwriter.


 このアルバムのよさとして、様々なアーティストの関わりにより、ソロシンガーのアルバムに見られがちな単調さや、閉塞感が一切ないことが挙げられます。「週刊文春WOMAN」のインタビューの中で、香取慎吾さんは「今回コラボするアーティストは、すべて、僕が決めました」と述べておられます。「REAL SOUND」でも同様の発言が見られます。その結果として、このアルバムは色彩感にあふれていながら、猥雑さは一切なく、きちんとした統一感でまとまっています。それも、香取慎吾さんが作り手に任せることなく、作曲や編曲に自ら関わった結果としてのことのようです。

 One of the good points about this album is that it is free from monotonousness or a bottle-up feeling which could be seen in albums by solo singers. What Katori said in the interview by “Shukan Bunshun WOMAN” was, “I decided all the artists who I asked to collaborate with for this album”. You can see the same effect in “REAL SOUND”, too. As a result of his decision, this album is full of colorful songs but not miscellaneous at all, plus it has a pleasing unity. That’s because Shingo Katori positively joined composing or arranging of each song instead of leaving them to the composers or arrangers. 



アルバムレビュー:香取慎吾さん「20200101(NIWANIWAWAIWAI)」 Album Review: “20200101(NIWANIWAWAIWAI)”


 How many people could have predicted that this album would be so great? It’s been a month since this album was released and it has begun to come home to me after all this time. Although I’ve mainly listening to Ebichu’s “playlist” while commuting these days (and I still can’t get enough of it), I listened mainly to this album at home. At first, I just felt good but the more I listened to it, the more songs I came to like. The songs contained in this album are as follows.  

 01. Prologue(feat.TeddyLoid&たなか)
 02. Trap
 03. Metropolis(feat.WONK)
 04. welp(feat.須田景凪)
 05. I'm so tired(feat.氣志團
 06. ビジネスはパーフェクト(feat.スチャダラパー
 07. Neo(feat.yahyel)
 08. 嫌気がさすほど愛してる(feat.KREVA
 09. OKAY(feat.SALU
 10. 10%
 11. Now & Forever(feat.SONPUB&向井太一)
 12. FUTURE WORLD(feat.BiSH)

香取慎吾ソロアルバム『20200101』CM (feat.BiSH)FUTURE WORLD / Trap ニワニワワイワイ 


 The idol group called SMAP was attractive enough even for an ordinary guy like me. I’ve listened to their songs, even the earlier ones, and some of them are my favorite. This is an album by a member of that national idol group, but I didn’t have an impression that he was such a good singer. Honestly, such being the case, I didn’t expect too much of this album.


 However, these 12 songs exhilaratingly overturn such a preconception. Most of songs in this album are hip-hop so basically danceable, making me sway in spite of myself. It goes without saying that the artists featured in it did great job, but his strong presence is the core of the attractiveness of this album for sure.


 I strongly recommend this album to people who haven’t listened to it yet. I’m going to write my impressions of some songs particularly I like. 




長崎に来たらぜひ:牡蠣小屋「塩見園」 Something I Want You to Give a Try in Nagasaki: The Oyster Hut called “Shiomi-en”


 Do you know that plenty of turban shells without bumps on their shells are caught in the waters around Nagasaki? Turban shells in shapes that look like other kinds of sea snails called “Mina” by local people are caught in Omura bay.



 Omura bay is totally different from the general image of a “bay”, and it looks like a lake if you see it on a map. It connects with the open sea at only one point, and if that point was closed, it would actually be a lake. With that unique shape, the gap between high tide and low tide in this bay is rather small, and there is a big time lag compared to open seas. Turban shells with bumps are caught in waters where waves are rough, and this is the very reason the turban shells caught in Omura bay don’t have bumps, because Omura bay is quite calm and shallow.



 Omura bay is, in several ways, a familiar sea for local people. Fish and shellfish caught in Nagasaki fishing harbor are shipped all over the country, so it is difficult for local people to realize how they benefit from the sea around them. On the other hand, most of what is caught in Omura bay tends to be consumed, in my opinion, by local people. There are plenty of spots where fishing lovers can enjoy themselves, too.  



 At this time of the year, one of the pleasures that Omura bay gives is oyster huts. The oyster hut I visited the other day was the one called “Shiomi-en” in Togitsu town, one of the towns that face Omura bay.




 You can grill oysters at the table. You take oysters from the bucket and put them on the grill, then you just wait until they are done. You shouldn’t put the oysters with their openings toward you, or they might spray boiled water in your face when they open. Oysters are ready to be eaten when their shells open. You pick up an oyster with your gloved hand, then pop the contents into your mouth and savor the juice, too. It’s really tasty. You can also enjoy other things like, turban shells, scallops, plus even pizza, rice balls and so on.


 I hope you give it a try when you come to Nagasaki.


